Hey everyone...wow I suck. I am SO sorry for not posting the last few days. I haven't been on the computer much. I've been kinda sucked into the latest installment of one of my favorite game franchises of all time: Metal Gear Solid. The latest title, Snake Eater, puts me in the role of international super secret covert operations badass. My job: destroy the new state-of-the-art mobile nuclear tank, Metal Gear, being developed by the Russians during the Cold War. It's an absolutely brilliant game. Great pacing, great voice work, excellent plot, the right plot twists at the right time that make sense, and characters you actually care about. The whole package. Incredible. I don't read much, but games like this are my "stories". Sure, there are TONS of crappy games out there, and 90% of all games just suck. But the chosen few, the really really good ones, with high production values, make gaming all worth the while. There is nothing like a great story with characters you care about. And being able to decide the outcome yourself makes games(the good ones)the ULTIMATE books.
Sorry, I had to get my gaming statement in. After MGS3, I'll start Resident Evil 4, which is getting rave reviews from all gaming literature around the globe. After that, it's Metroid Prime II, another sure fire winner. After THAT, I'll try Prince of Persia 2(prolly wont buy it though. I dunno). Then by that time, good titles such as Starfox Armada, Killer 7, and Jungle Beat will be out, and I can try my hand with those. After that's said and done, E3 will be rolling around, and that's where we'll get to see my baby in action for the first time: the NEW Legend of Zelda for Gamecube. OMFG. I will be in tears, no doubt, when I see her in motion. .......More gaming news in my blog in the future, you can count on it!
I worked out again today. It was picture perfect: 70 degrees, wind blowing around 15 mph, palm trees swaying, the faint sound of the lake in the distant, and boats taking to the wakes. All of that while I was running down NASA Parkway. It was beautiful, and it makes me WANT to work out even more. I felt SO GOOD after the workout today. I cant wait to see results in a few months.
Tomorrow I start Training Academy. Basically, it's classroom material about the space program today( the station and the shuttle) mixed with tours of the facilities. We'll get to go to the SSTF(space shuttle/space station training facility), the NBL(neutral bouyancy lab), and mission control(but I have already been there tons of times, mwuhahaha). But it'll be me surrounded by the nerds(the other co ops). Who knows how that will turn out. But I hate the title, "training academy." No offense, but it sounds GAY. So I have took it upon myself to call it, TOP GUN. Yeh, that's much better. Sweet.
"I'm headed...to TOP GUN".....cool
oh yeh, and i found out i get some BITCHIN vacation hours at work. I have already accrued 6.6 hours. That means by the time Mal gets here, I dont have to leave her here alone. I can take those two workdays off. HELL YEAH!!!
Well that's it for today. I'll return tomororw, hopefully with some cool NASA pics :)