ahh, nothing like a good ole' update to brighten your morning...
there have been several significant events since we last talked.
First off, I have been recruited to play with the Co-Op Ultimate Frisbee Team against the ASCANs(astronaut candidates). Yeh, and these aren't the old 40-something astronauts. No no, these are the
candidates, mind you; that means they are gonna be young, fast, strong, and arrogant, just like high school soccer. Needless to say, I'm pretty pumped about playing. Hopefully my workout routine and conditioning the past few weeks will give me an edge. I guarantee I can outrun any of the ASCANs in a dead sprint towards the disc, so I can't wait. We are practicing Sunday, and the game is Thursday. Yeh, THURSDAY, the day before Mal gets here...that means I gotta make sure pretty much everything has been taken care of before I play on Thursday. By the time I get home that night, I'm gonna be SO tired.
Speaking of Mal, this week I've begun the "planning" process, if you will. I'm not scheduling our entire day or anything gay like that, I'm just getting the right reservations and certain things taken care of. My god, if you ONLY knew what I have reserved for us...mwa hahaha. I can't wait for Mal to get here. I mean, I was excited last week, and the week before. But she's only SEVEN days away now, so you can only imagine how anxious I am.
I was thinking about doing a dry run tomorrow, driving to the airport and seeing how to get there. I think I might pass on that, though. I need to start cleaning up the apartment, clean my car(inside and out), etc. I'm gonna work a few hours extra the first few days of work next week, so I'm gonna be able to leave for the airport really early on Friday. I guess if I can get there, I can get back, so I think I'll be fine.
Travel-wise, Mal and I have been to quite a few places this year:
August: Boston, MA
December: Washington, D.C.
Now: Houston, TX
Travel savvy, we are.
I brought two dozen Krispy Kreme donuts to the group meeting this morning. They were a hit(shocker there), but there were about 5 donuts left over after the meeting. You know I couldn't let them just sit there......and even though I'm tryin to watch what I eat and get toned for summer, I just had to eat them, all 5 of them. They were soooooooooooo good.
Work is going grrrreat. I'm becoming an ASP God. My script is coming along quickly. I've started adding all kinds of cool buttons and menus. Ted, the resident programming guru, has given me props already, so that has pushed me to do even better. As soon as I get through with this project, I'll start getting into the RAVEN training flow...sweet.
I'm kinda pissed about my present I got Mal for VALENTINE's. Yeh, that thing that was two weeks ago. The guy shipped it(I got it off ebay) on February 11, so you think it would be here by now, but no...not here. I sent him an ebay message, and he hasn't responded. I'm kinda worried, but hopefully it'll get here before Mal arrives. I was gonna send it for a V-day present, but obviously I've had to alter those plans...oh well, I'll get to see her reaction LIVE if it gets here next week....that was my whole point anyway; I wanted to see/hear her reaction when she saw it for the first time.
If my Dawgs win tomorrow, we're pretty much guaranteed a spot in the NCAA tournament...and it'd be nice to beat our state rivals.
well, I think I have brought you all up to speed on how everything is going here. I'll talk to ya latre...and we'll talk Oscars next time :)