Friday, December 30, 2005
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Well, this is it...
My last post from Houston.
It's been a wild ride this year. We've had our ups, and we've had our really big ups. My loyal readers from last term continued reading this term, and I appreciate it. I also would like to thank my new readers this term: Andrea and Mary-Margaret(the newly-married Mary Margaret!!).
My final post is tonight only because tomorrow our furniture is being taken away, and I really wont feel like typing a post while sitting on the ground with everything else. Friday we are taking the modem back, so after Friday morning, we will be Internet-less. Plus, Friday is going to be crazy crazy. First, it will be my last day, so I have to say goodbye to everyone and their daughter at work. Second, I have to have my exit interview with the Co-op Coordinator, which will take up a good chunk of time. Finally, Eric and Colin are throwing me, and I quote, a "Get the Hell Outta Here" party on Friday. I do not know what that will entail or involve, as the guys aren't saying anything, but I figure it should be fun. I just hope I get back to the apartment in time to get some sleep before my journey on saturday, haha.
Speaking of journey, check out the weather for Saturday. Basically, if it's shitty weather, then I am going through it. The bad weather loves to find me. Definitely not looking forward to this.
I really am SO excited about being back in the MS/TN/AL area; you have no idea. This Christmas break is going to be awesome, and the upcoming school year will be the best yet, no doubt. If I am here too much longer, I just may scream, haha.
I am not sure yet if I will start a different blog when I'm at school or if I will continue to use this one. Technically, I will still be an employee at JSC even when I'm at school, so I could technically still be a Horne in Houston. Then again, this semester is much longer than my 3.5 weeks of summer school, so I may decide to start a new blog. No fear, though; I will provide a link on here directing you where to go. Oh, and another thing; I probably wont post much during the break. I may do it every now and then when I have some good pictures(like from the Avs game), but other than that, my blog will remain pretty scarce.
And with that, I am gone. You've been great, Houston. It's time I finally return to being a normal college student.
Go Sox. Go Avs. Go Dawgs.
It's been a wild ride this year. We've had our ups, and we've had our really big ups. My loyal readers from last term continued reading this term, and I appreciate it. I also would like to thank my new readers this term: Andrea and Mary-Margaret(the newly-married Mary Margaret!!).
My final post is tonight only because tomorrow our furniture is being taken away, and I really wont feel like typing a post while sitting on the ground with everything else. Friday we are taking the modem back, so after Friday morning, we will be Internet-less. Plus, Friday is going to be crazy crazy. First, it will be my last day, so I have to say goodbye to everyone and their daughter at work. Second, I have to have my exit interview with the Co-op Coordinator, which will take up a good chunk of time. Finally, Eric and Colin are throwing me, and I quote, a "Get the Hell Outta Here" party on Friday. I do not know what that will entail or involve, as the guys aren't saying anything, but I figure it should be fun. I just hope I get back to the apartment in time to get some sleep before my journey on saturday, haha.
Speaking of journey, check out the weather for Saturday. Basically, if it's shitty weather, then I am going through it. The bad weather loves to find me. Definitely not looking forward to this.

I am not sure yet if I will start a different blog when I'm at school or if I will continue to use this one. Technically, I will still be an employee at JSC even when I'm at school, so I could technically still be a Horne in Houston. Then again, this semester is much longer than my 3.5 weeks of summer school, so I may decide to start a new blog. No fear, though; I will provide a link on here directing you where to go. Oh, and another thing; I probably wont post much during the break. I may do it every now and then when I have some good pictures(like from the Avs game), but other than that, my blog will remain pretty scarce.
And with that, I am gone. You've been great, Houston. It's time I finally return to being a normal college student.
Go Sox. Go Avs. Go Dawgs.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Bing Me Up
So Saturday was pretty fun.
I woke up early and headed to Eric's for the Newcastle vs. Arsenal game. I brought the fun, and Colin brought the 2nd greatest food ever: Little Ceasar's pizza and Crazy Bread. It was good times. I could only stay for an hour because I had to be at Metro's pool tournament by noon...
I had high hopes for the pool tournament, but those were quickly diminished. We lost our first game by a large margin, so we were quickly in the loser's bracket. A few hours later we played the first game of the loser's bracket, and despite playing better than the first game, we lost again. We were the first team out of the tournament, but the fun we had was in the next room.... That's right, it was a game for the ages. An ESPN Instant Classic. It was the Men vs. the Ladies. Oh yes, it was Pictionary. Led by the mentor/mentee combo of Tarik and Henry, the Men steamrolled to a victory over the Ladies team. It was seriously getting crazy near the end of the match; almost the entire crowd was in the living room watching or participating. I drew the winning picture: swan dive. I had to be only slightly creative: I first drew a cliff, then some water, followed by a stick figure with an arrow going from the figure to the water. The guys got "dive" from that pretty easily. Next, I had to draw my best swan picture, which was rough to say the least, but Josh came through and was able to recognize it. Swan Dive. It was brilliant.
The whole event was a huge success. About $300 was raised for St. Jude's Children Hospital, and of course, Metro and his wife won the tournament again for the 3rd straight year. When we weren't playing pool or Pictionary, something else was always going on. Basketball was on all day. Food was in every room. Metro's dart board was pretty nice, and I just so happen to bring my darts :) . Again, it was good times.
I had to leave Metro's slightly early so I could come back in time to get ready for dinner. I met the gang at Chubaca's down on NASA Road 1. I had the filet, and I ended with some New York(how appropriate!) cheesecake. It was divine.
After a few hours at Chabuca's, we went down to the Harbour Playhouse. The play was pretty incredible. It was a small venue, but it was very well produced. Since we knew one of the actresses, we got to hang out with the entire cast after the show. We all went to Carlos' Beer Garden to celebrate, where they serve some INCREDIBLE hamburgers. They kicked so much ass.
I tried on Eric's topcoat before we went to the play. It's a London Fog blended wool topcoat, and I absolutely love it. I want one for myself. Unfortunately, the one's on ebay are not in my size(42R), so I will have to keep searching. Eric did snap a picture of me with his coat and hat on, and we realized after I took it that I was doing an impeccable Bing Crosby imitation. Just look at the pic to see for yourself...
I woke up early and headed to Eric's for the Newcastle vs. Arsenal game. I brought the fun, and Colin brought the 2nd greatest food ever: Little Ceasar's pizza and Crazy Bread. It was good times. I could only stay for an hour because I had to be at Metro's pool tournament by noon...
I had high hopes for the pool tournament, but those were quickly diminished. We lost our first game by a large margin, so we were quickly in the loser's bracket. A few hours later we played the first game of the loser's bracket, and despite playing better than the first game, we lost again. We were the first team out of the tournament, but the fun we had was in the next room.... That's right, it was a game for the ages. An ESPN Instant Classic. It was the Men vs. the Ladies. Oh yes, it was Pictionary. Led by the mentor/mentee combo of Tarik and Henry, the Men steamrolled to a victory over the Ladies team. It was seriously getting crazy near the end of the match; almost the entire crowd was in the living room watching or participating. I drew the winning picture: swan dive. I had to be only slightly creative: I first drew a cliff, then some water, followed by a stick figure with an arrow going from the figure to the water. The guys got "dive" from that pretty easily. Next, I had to draw my best swan picture, which was rough to say the least, but Josh came through and was able to recognize it. Swan Dive. It was brilliant.
The whole event was a huge success. About $300 was raised for St. Jude's Children Hospital, and of course, Metro and his wife won the tournament again for the 3rd straight year. When we weren't playing pool or Pictionary, something else was always going on. Basketball was on all day. Food was in every room. Metro's dart board was pretty nice, and I just so happen to bring my darts :) . Again, it was good times.
I had to leave Metro's slightly early so I could come back in time to get ready for dinner. I met the gang at Chubaca's down on NASA Road 1. I had the filet, and I ended with some New York(how appropriate!) cheesecake. It was divine.
After a few hours at Chabuca's, we went down to the Harbour Playhouse. The play was pretty incredible. It was a small venue, but it was very well produced. Since we knew one of the actresses, we got to hang out with the entire cast after the show. We all went to Carlos' Beer Garden to celebrate, where they serve some INCREDIBLE hamburgers. They kicked so much ass.
I tried on Eric's topcoat before we went to the play. It's a London Fog blended wool topcoat, and I absolutely love it. I want one for myself. Unfortunately, the one's on ebay are not in my size(42R), so I will have to keep searching. Eric did snap a picture of me with his coat and hat on, and we realized after I took it that I was doing an impeccable Bing Crosby imitation. Just look at the pic to see for yourself...
See, I told you. The picture also confirms what my mom has always said: I have dimples.
Today was my last Monday of work here for a loooong time. It actually flew by, and I hope the rest of the days this week do the same. My group is taking me out for lunch on Thursday, and I give my exit pitch on Friday. Should be fun.
I'm looking forward to going home so much...
I'm looking forward to going home so much...
Friday, December 09, 2005
I'm Ready
I've been absent for awhile, I know, but I do have good reason. After Saturday, I began to feel quite unwell. I do not know if it was allergies, a 48-hour virus, or something else, but I was completely out of comission. I managed to get to work, but I wasn't much use there. Don't think I was stupid, because I was pretty sure I wasn't contagious; I merely had severe congestion in my upper nose and face area. If I thought I had something that someone else at work could catch, I would have stayed home. Work needed to be done despite my condition, and I was able to finish my exit pitch just in time for Thursday's presentation to all the managers of the Systems Division.
The pitch went well. I love it that Jerry Pfleeger, Bryan's boss's boss's boss, knows me by name. He even comes by the office sometimes just to say hey. I talked to Colin, and he said that Jerry doesn't even know his name, and he(Colin) has been working here for years, haha. I was even asked some really good questions after my pitch, which did not happen last term. I think they actually paid attention this time! The big question was what I think NASA has been doing right and what I think they have done terribly wrong. They feel my youth and relative inexperience in the field gives me a fresh perspective. I honestly could not answer the man(forgot his name, haha) at that point, but he said I could just email him from school after I have thought about it. I have tons of opinions on the manned space program, but I could not manage to put them into words at that point. I fully plan on shooting him an email soon.
I am pretty much done with all of my projects as of now. I am just going to touch up my pitch for the group presentation(on the 16th) and tie up some loose ends on some projects from last term.
This term was great, and I have enjoyed every part of it. My next tour in Summer 2006 will either be in GNC(basically the Shuttle side of what I did this semester) or Propulsion, which is all about the Solid Rocket Boosters on the Shuttle :).
Although either of those will be great, I can say with great certainty that right now I am in NO hurry to get back here. I am "worked" out. I am ready to actually be a kid(a 20 year old kid) again. I'm ready to room with my best friend and jump right back to where we left off in December a year ago. I'm ready to be irresponsible. I'm ready to have college fun again. I'm ready for the inside jokes. I'm ready for college sports(bball, baseball and football). I'm ready to sleep in to 11:00 every other morning. I'm ready to own some volleyball with my new partner Trev. I'm ready to return to the SIHL and defend my records. I'm ready for Dave's. I'm ready for Predators hockey games when I want. I'm ready to be less than 4 hours from Chattanooga. I'm ready for our amazing home theater will we have in our apartment living room. I'm ready to not have to dress nice 4 out 5 weekdays. I'm ready to be less than 2 hours from the Gray Center. I'm ready to play intramural soccer with my boyz. I'm ready to be more relaxed. I'm ready to watch baseball season with Trevor. I'm ready for a college spring break. I'm ready to go to the movies on a more regular basis. I'm ready(really) to see my professors. I'm ready to eat Subway every other day in the Colvard Union. I'm ready for the Reflector. I'm ready for the Starkville Cafe. I'm ready for Sunday Mexican night. I'm ready for the parties. I'm ready to host some parties. I'm ready to see all my friends every single day. I'm ready for Dawg Daze. I'm ready to use my experience from working in the workforce for one year.
So as you can see....I'm ready to return to typical the college life.
Of course, between now and then, I have one week left here and a full month of what is sure to be a GREAT vacation. Tonight we went to BJ's after work for a few hours. Considering Colin bought our group tickets to Narnia ahead of time, I figured we were heading to the cinema after the bar, but that was not the case. Earlier today at work, Colin and Eric had communicated their inability to see the movie tonight, so we had to cancel. No prob, though, as you can refund your tickets when you purchase way in advance. Besides, I think Mal and I are both going to wait and see the movie together in Paris. She's reading the book before viewing, so I think I might now do the same.
Colin had also been very hush hush about what his plans were tonight, so Eric and I were eager to hear what they were at BJ's. A few hours in, he finally disclosed his agenda, and we'll just say that I definitely had to say NO to his plans tonight(for once!), haha. Eric also had to decline, but Jude and Todd seemed eager. Oh well. I'm rather confident I made the right decision.
No matter, though, as we are meeting up tomorrow morning for the Newcastle/Arsenal game on the tele. Remember, Eric is now very into soccer, so we have to support him every step of the way, haha.
Speaking of soccer, the U.S. Mens team got the SHITTIEST draw of the 2006 World Cup today.More on that later. Just know that it SUCKS and we will be hard pressed to make it past the first round of group play.
Anyways, after Erics, I'm heading over to Metro's for the pool tournament. Hopefully I can pick up a few bucks after it's all said and done.
After the tournament, I come back home and shower. Then we're off to dinner and the play. If I have time, I am going to JCPenney's to try on this coat here. I need a good overcoat for the evening, and every man needs one anyway, so I'll try it on for size. I also need to go and pick up a new "power" tie, haha. Bold colors will be the S.O.P. If I find a nice shirt, I will also pick that up. If not, I will use my french blue shirt. I'm pretty excited about the evening; I haven't been to a play in forever, so it should at the very least be refreshing.
That should bring everyone up to date with what's going on with me. I need some rest
The pitch went well. I love it that Jerry Pfleeger, Bryan's boss's boss's boss, knows me by name. He even comes by the office sometimes just to say hey. I talked to Colin, and he said that Jerry doesn't even know his name, and he(Colin) has been working here for years, haha. I was even asked some really good questions after my pitch, which did not happen last term. I think they actually paid attention this time! The big question was what I think NASA has been doing right and what I think they have done terribly wrong. They feel my youth and relative inexperience in the field gives me a fresh perspective. I honestly could not answer the man(forgot his name, haha) at that point, but he said I could just email him from school after I have thought about it. I have tons of opinions on the manned space program, but I could not manage to put them into words at that point. I fully plan on shooting him an email soon.
I am pretty much done with all of my projects as of now. I am just going to touch up my pitch for the group presentation(on the 16th) and tie up some loose ends on some projects from last term.
This term was great, and I have enjoyed every part of it. My next tour in Summer 2006 will either be in GNC(basically the Shuttle side of what I did this semester) or Propulsion, which is all about the Solid Rocket Boosters on the Shuttle :).
Although either of those will be great, I can say with great certainty that right now I am in NO hurry to get back here. I am "worked" out. I am ready to actually be a kid(a 20 year old kid) again. I'm ready to room with my best friend and jump right back to where we left off in December a year ago. I'm ready to be irresponsible. I'm ready to have college fun again. I'm ready for the inside jokes. I'm ready for college sports(bball, baseball and football). I'm ready to sleep in to 11:00 every other morning. I'm ready to own some volleyball with my new partner Trev. I'm ready to return to the SIHL and defend my records. I'm ready for Dave's. I'm ready for Predators hockey games when I want. I'm ready to be less than 4 hours from Chattanooga. I'm ready for our amazing home theater will we have in our apartment living room. I'm ready to not have to dress nice 4 out 5 weekdays. I'm ready to be less than 2 hours from the Gray Center. I'm ready to play intramural soccer with my boyz. I'm ready to be more relaxed. I'm ready to watch baseball season with Trevor. I'm ready for a college spring break. I'm ready to go to the movies on a more regular basis. I'm ready(really) to see my professors. I'm ready to eat Subway every other day in the Colvard Union. I'm ready for the Reflector. I'm ready for the Starkville Cafe. I'm ready for Sunday Mexican night. I'm ready for the parties. I'm ready to host some parties. I'm ready to see all my friends every single day. I'm ready for Dawg Daze. I'm ready to use my experience from working in the workforce for one year.
So as you can see....I'm ready to return to typical the college life.
Of course, between now and then, I have one week left here and a full month of what is sure to be a GREAT vacation. Tonight we went to BJ's after work for a few hours. Considering Colin bought our group tickets to Narnia ahead of time, I figured we were heading to the cinema after the bar, but that was not the case. Earlier today at work, Colin and Eric had communicated their inability to see the movie tonight, so we had to cancel. No prob, though, as you can refund your tickets when you purchase way in advance. Besides, I think Mal and I are both going to wait and see the movie together in Paris. She's reading the book before viewing, so I think I might now do the same.
Colin had also been very hush hush about what his plans were tonight, so Eric and I were eager to hear what they were at BJ's. A few hours in, he finally disclosed his agenda, and we'll just say that I definitely had to say NO to his plans tonight(for once!), haha. Eric also had to decline, but Jude and Todd seemed eager. Oh well. I'm rather confident I made the right decision.
No matter, though, as we are meeting up tomorrow morning for the Newcastle/Arsenal game on the tele. Remember, Eric is now very into soccer, so we have to support him every step of the way, haha.
Speaking of soccer, the U.S. Mens team got the SHITTIEST draw of the 2006 World Cup today.More on that later. Just know that it SUCKS and we will be hard pressed to make it past the first round of group play.
Anyways, after Erics, I'm heading over to Metro's for the pool tournament. Hopefully I can pick up a few bucks after it's all said and done.
After the tournament, I come back home and shower. Then we're off to dinner and the play. If I have time, I am going to JCPenney's to try on this coat here. I need a good overcoat for the evening, and every man needs one anyway, so I'll try it on for size. I also need to go and pick up a new "power" tie, haha. Bold colors will be the S.O.P. If I find a nice shirt, I will also pick that up. If not, I will use my french blue shirt. I'm pretty excited about the evening; I haven't been to a play in forever, so it should at the very least be refreshing.
That should bring everyone up to date with what's going on with me. I need some rest
Sunday, December 04, 2005
The Great Gig In The Sky
Yesterday Colin, Eric, and I kicked the soccer ball around at this field right around da corner from Eric's house. I had almost forgotten how fun it was to play the game of futbol; I now look forward to playing intramurals with the boyz back at State this spring. What I do not miss, however, is the soreness that is prevalent after playing soccer for the first time in months. This is a sign I need to be more active...
Which I plan on doing for my final two weeks here. I beat Shadow of the Colossus today, so now I do not have an excuse for being lazy. Starting tomorrow, my ass is getting in gear. (speaking of SotC, it's a FANTASTIC game. I'd play if if you haven't already).
Last night we(Eric, Jennifer, Rachel, Colin, Jude, and I) went to Don Picos Mexican restaurant, which is about 300 yards from Colin's place. It was 99 cent margarita night, but I had a KILLER headache from soccer earlier that afternoon(no idea why), so I did not partake. I did, however, order the chicken enchilada, and it was divine. Afterwards, we walked back to Colin's...
Eric and Colin told me recently that the album Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd synchronizes with the movie Wizard of Oz. I didn't believe them, so they proved it to me last night. The only trick is to start the cd on the conclusion of the 3rd roar by the MGM Lion at the introduction; after that, just sit back and watch. The number of events that match, as well as the words in the songs that describe the current scene is amazing. The best sync has to be when Dorothy opens the door to the "colored" world for the first time; at the precise moment she does, the song "Money" begins to play, with sounds of coins falling being heard. VERY COOL. We tried setting the cd to repeat to see if anything else syncs up, but no luck with that.
I present my exit pitch for this co-op tour to my upper upper upper management on Thursday. I haven't even created one slide for it, so I best get my act together tomorrow. I also have 3 other tasks that need to be done at work by this Friday, need get my exit paperwork done, and maybe get's some console time in. Two weeks more, and I am free for a month :)
Which I plan on doing for my final two weeks here. I beat Shadow of the Colossus today, so now I do not have an excuse for being lazy. Starting tomorrow, my ass is getting in gear. (speaking of SotC, it's a FANTASTIC game. I'd play if if you haven't already).
Last night we(Eric, Jennifer, Rachel, Colin, Jude, and I) went to Don Picos Mexican restaurant, which is about 300 yards from Colin's place. It was 99 cent margarita night, but I had a KILLER headache from soccer earlier that afternoon(no idea why), so I did not partake. I did, however, order the chicken enchilada, and it was divine. Afterwards, we walked back to Colin's...
Eric and Colin told me recently that the album Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd synchronizes with the movie Wizard of Oz. I didn't believe them, so they proved it to me last night. The only trick is to start the cd on the conclusion of the 3rd roar by the MGM Lion at the introduction; after that, just sit back and watch. The number of events that match, as well as the words in the songs that describe the current scene is amazing. The best sync has to be when Dorothy opens the door to the "colored" world for the first time; at the precise moment she does, the song "Money" begins to play, with sounds of coins falling being heard. VERY COOL. We tried setting the cd to repeat to see if anything else syncs up, but no luck with that.
I present my exit pitch for this co-op tour to my upper upper upper management on Thursday. I haven't even created one slide for it, so I best get my act together tomorrow. I also have 3 other tasks that need to be done at work by this Friday, need get my exit paperwork done, and maybe get's some console time in. Two weeks more, and I am free for a month :)
Friday, December 02, 2005
Good News Friday
I must have been bitten by the good news bug this morning or something. Tons of great things were revealed and/or happened today.
First off, today is my mom's birthday!! That's reason enough to be excited about today.
Second, Metro(the guy's whose house I went to a few weeks ago) sent out the email flyers for his fundraising co-ed pool tournament that will take place on the 10th. I am pumped about it. It's 20$ entry fee, with half of that going to the St. Jude's Research Hospital. The other 10 bucks go to the pot for 1st and 2nd place. I might head to Breakers on Thursday or Friday of next week to get a tune up for the match.
Colin's girlfriend is in the Dickinson Community Theater production of Beauty and the Beast, so we have set the 10th as the nigth when we are all going to see her in the play. She plays a rather important role, but I cannot think of it right now. She also plays a napkin and teacup as well. We are all going to go out to eat before the show. Don't worry, the pool tournament will be over by then, as my partner and I will have owned everyone and taken their money by that point. Colins says the dress is casual, but Eric and I want to go all out, so we may bust our suits and the Who-Wants-to-be-a-Millionaire ties. It should be a fun evening.
I found out today that I actually get a Christmas bonus!! Woo hoo! I was pretty excited when I found out.
Colin and I have been trying to get Eric interested to soccer for months now, and it seems it has finally paid off. He wants to go kick the ball around tomorrow, so of course, Colin and I accepted, haha. This will be great, as this will be the first time I have laced up my soccer cleats since this summer. I am also getting dad to send me the highlight tape of my high school soccer days; I told the guys about the tape, and they want to see it, as do I. It should be quite funny because I haven't seen the tape in years. It will be great to hear my dad's classic soccer comments.
The temperature difference between Houston and other places is ridiculous. At one point today, the temp here was 66 degrees. I checked on Canton, MS: 56 degrees. Then Chattanooga: 46 degrees. Finally, I checked Paris: 36 degrees. It's a THIRTY degree difference between here and Paris! Wow. I better bundle up when we head up there in a few weeks.
Since the holidays are now in full swing, I have been on a Trans-Siberian Orchestra kick. I really like some of their remakes of classic songs. It's cool to just go through their songs on iTunes and see how many you actually remember from your youth. I'm working on a TSO compilation cd as we speak.
Trevor went to our future apartment the other day just to check it out. We have the COOLEST apartment number, but I wont divulge that on here, because you never know what lunatics are reading, haha. Just ask me if you are curious. Also, we are a building away from Adam and Aaron's apartment; not too far to walk, but far enough where we can have some privacy. Also, the apartment has not been occupied this semester, so it will be in perfect condition when we move in. They have also repainted the place this semester, so it will also look nice. We have a balcony(we're on the 2nd floor), and we also have face the street. That means we can holla at people as they drive up, or maybe just try to solicit some Mardi Gras beads. Finally, and probably most importantly, we are RIGHT BESIDE the sand volleyball courts! Trevor and I are SO going to kick some ass come this spring. We'll also be in killer shape.
This Tuesday(Dec. 6th) will be a great day if you are a guy. If you are, then you know what I'm talking about. If you're not, then I'm sure you'll figure it out as the date approaches.
Well, I slept 4 hours after work today, so I am wired. I'm going to go find something interesting to do.
First off, today is my mom's birthday!! That's reason enough to be excited about today.
Second, Metro(the guy's whose house I went to a few weeks ago) sent out the email flyers for his fundraising co-ed pool tournament that will take place on the 10th. I am pumped about it. It's 20$ entry fee, with half of that going to the St. Jude's Research Hospital. The other 10 bucks go to the pot for 1st and 2nd place. I might head to Breakers on Thursday or Friday of next week to get a tune up for the match.
Colin's girlfriend is in the Dickinson Community Theater production of Beauty and the Beast, so we have set the 10th as the nigth when we are all going to see her in the play. She plays a rather important role, but I cannot think of it right now. She also plays a napkin and teacup as well. We are all going to go out to eat before the show. Don't worry, the pool tournament will be over by then, as my partner and I will have owned everyone and taken their money by that point. Colins says the dress is casual, but Eric and I want to go all out, so we may bust our suits and the Who-Wants-to-be-a-Millionaire ties. It should be a fun evening.
I found out today that I actually get a Christmas bonus!! Woo hoo! I was pretty excited when I found out.
Colin and I have been trying to get Eric interested to soccer for months now, and it seems it has finally paid off. He wants to go kick the ball around tomorrow, so of course, Colin and I accepted, haha. This will be great, as this will be the first time I have laced up my soccer cleats since this summer. I am also getting dad to send me the highlight tape of my high school soccer days; I told the guys about the tape, and they want to see it, as do I. It should be quite funny because I haven't seen the tape in years. It will be great to hear my dad's classic soccer comments.
The temperature difference between Houston and other places is ridiculous. At one point today, the temp here was 66 degrees. I checked on Canton, MS: 56 degrees. Then Chattanooga: 46 degrees. Finally, I checked Paris: 36 degrees. It's a THIRTY degree difference between here and Paris! Wow. I better bundle up when we head up there in a few weeks.
Since the holidays are now in full swing, I have been on a Trans-Siberian Orchestra kick. I really like some of their remakes of classic songs. It's cool to just go through their songs on iTunes and see how many you actually remember from your youth. I'm working on a TSO compilation cd as we speak.
Trevor went to our future apartment the other day just to check it out. We have the COOLEST apartment number, but I wont divulge that on here, because you never know what lunatics are reading, haha. Just ask me if you are curious. Also, we are a building away from Adam and Aaron's apartment; not too far to walk, but far enough where we can have some privacy. Also, the apartment has not been occupied this semester, so it will be in perfect condition when we move in. They have also repainted the place this semester, so it will also look nice. We have a balcony(we're on the 2nd floor), and we also have face the street. That means we can holla at people as they drive up, or maybe just try to solicit some Mardi Gras beads. Finally, and probably most importantly, we are RIGHT BESIDE the sand volleyball courts! Trevor and I are SO going to kick some ass come this spring. We'll also be in killer shape.
This Tuesday(Dec. 6th) will be a great day if you are a guy. If you are, then you know what I'm talking about. If you're not, then I'm sure you'll figure it out as the date approaches.
Well, I slept 4 hours after work today, so I am wired. I'm going to go find something interesting to do.
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