Thursday, January 24, 2008

I officially work for the government...again

On Tuesday I received a call from the head of human resources at ATA(group that runs Arnold Air Force Base), and she was informing me that they were making me an offer of employment. Considering that this was the job I had been greatly anticipating, I of course accepted. So now, after several stints of being a co-op and interning for the government, I once again am a worker for the U.S. of A.

This job is going to be great. It was already neat-o last summer, but the past 6 months have made me even more excited. My two classes(incompressible and compressible aerodynamics) have taught me TONS about what actually goes on in a wind tunnel during testing, how they get the conditions they want, and how this data is translated to the actual vehicle. SO cool. Currently, I'm taking a rocket propulsion class, and we're learning(and will learn more) about the actual operation of rocket nozzles(we touched on nozzles in general last semester), as well as their testing-reality relationship. Again, f'in cool.

All of that is great because I'm going to be working in the Space & Missile division at Arnold. I can't really say more than that, but this info here is all public, so I'll let you dive into that if you wish. It's really exciting to be a part of the workforce at Arnold because I already know I'll be using so much of what I have learned this past year, as well as semesters before then, here at Mississippi State.

They're even going to pay for me to come up one weekend to apartment hunt, and they'll even pay for me to live somewhere temporarily should my apartment not be ready in time for work. AND, they'll pay for my relocation expenses when I finally do move. Seriously, how cool is that?

It really will be load off now that I have landed this job. The past 2 weeks, and especially last week, were kinda stressful. I didn't sleep that well on any one occasion, but after Tuesday I have had no problem getting some rest.

All that's left is for me to graduate, and I think I can handle that. If all goes as planned, I'll be walking out of MSU with 3.90 GPA and a "Summa Cum Laude" under my name on my diploma. Woo hoo! Yes yes, I know it's not as cool looking as 4.00, but I'm doing my best here!

Pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training in a few weeks(on Valentine's Day to be exact!), and I absolutely cannot wait for baseball to get geared up and going. Maybe with some extra cash this year I'll be able to buy Mal and me some tickets to go up to Boston for a weekend to see our Sox.

Working on a new post...

so just hold on!

Friday, January 04, 2008

Blog '08

A new year, a new blog? Eh, prolly not, but I do really want to start posting more. I usually have much to say, or at the very least, I want to say something. I thought about posting on here my New Year's resolution, but anyone that knows me knows what that is. Instead, I thought this would be a good time to just get reacquainted with this whole blogging deal.

Last few weeks have been awesome. Spent about a week with Mal in Nashville. We went to a Preds/Avs game, went to Alicia's wedding in Athens, and we got to see Mal's old friend Christina for a day. It was great. I then came home for a week and spent Christmas with mom and dad. It was the first Christmas ever where more than one Horne child didn't attend, but the Rents and I didn't let that be a downer. The week was full of movies, home cooking, and just plain relaxing. Just let it be known that I hold the all-time record in the Horne family for consecutive Christmases attended(22), haha.

Last week Trevor, Mary and I went back to Nashville to celebrate the New Year at Mal's place with many of our other friends. We also went to the Music City Bowl on Monday and saw the Trans-Siberian Orchestra on Sunday. TSO was AMAZING, to say the least. I cannot wait to see them again next year. I'm going to try to convince my family to go see them if they get a chance...they have to experience what I did. Besides, who DOESN'T like Christmas music? (albeit with more lasers and lights than they're prolly used to).

So I'm home for another week until classes start. I'll get some things done(Jeep has some major issues), but I'll mostly be just relaxing and hopefully start running.