Sunday, July 31, 2005
Monday, July 25, 2005
Tampa Tampa Tampa
Well folks, today Mal and I are leaving for Tampa, FL. Okay, we're stopping in Atlanta tonight to stay with her friend, BUT our final destination will be Tampa. Am I excited? Yup. Am I ready to ride some sick coasters? Yuh-huh. Am I ready to see V-Teck and my Sox woop up on some Devil Rays? Definitely.
I will try to update everyday we are there, as Mr. Jerry has hooked us up with some SWEET hotel rooms that have wi-fi access. Expect LOTS of pictures in the coming days :)
Who knows, I might be feeling crazy enough to do an audioblog on our trip....stay tuned!
I will try to update everyday we are there, as Mr. Jerry has hooked us up with some SWEET hotel rooms that have wi-fi access. Expect LOTS of pictures in the coming days :)
Who knows, I might be feeling crazy enough to do an audioblog on our trip....stay tuned!
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
The Eagle Has Landed
well, i know i said "update" tonight, but I mean, what do I really have to update about? I sit around all day(not that I am complaining)...
Things have started to look up, weather-wise, here in lovely northwestern Tennessee. The past several days have brought plentiful amounts of sunshine; therefore, I have been out by the pool those days. Slowly but surely...I'm getting a tan. Okay, it isn't Mallory tan, but I'm darker than I was. My face is noticeably darker as well; that means I have two of the three traits when someone says, "tall, dark, and handsome." If I get the third one, I'll be good-to-go, haha...
Tampa plans are still a GO. Weather down there, according to the forecast right now, will be just perfect. Any showers will be far and few between, and the rest of the week will be beautiful.
NASA keeps getting more coincidental all the time. Today they announced the new launch date for Discovery...and what is today?? Why, it's the 36th anniversary of the first manned lunar landing. Gee, I wonder who proposed that idea, haha. So in honor of this, the greatest technological achievement of the past century(okay, okay. The atom splitting could be #1), here's an educational link:
And Google decided to join the celebration as well:

I also suggest going to the link in that picture above, Google Moon. It's pretty cool to look at. What is even cooler? Try zoomin in alllll the way.....
The launch date of July 26 does bum me out a little bit. We will be on the road at that time(the launch is late morning), on our way to Tampa. I guess we could "listen" to it on the radio, but what's the fun in that? There really is no way to make the launch in Titusville. We'd have to get up at or around 3:00 am, after a night of driving and getting to bed at 12:30 am. That aint happenin, haha. At least I'll get to see the replays, right?
My Red Sox jersey comes in tomorrow :D. Saying I am exited would be an understatement. I ordered one of the alternate home jerseys, the RED ones. They are freakin' sweet! Now I can really support my Sox! Dad even shipped me my old high school first baseman's mit, so I will be able to attempt catching a foul ball at the game in Tampa.
well that should bring everyone up to speed. Tomorrow will be another day of chillin' by the sun for me. Nick comes in this Friday, and we will have a do-over this Saturday, as the party last week was ruined due to the rain...
p.s. I have been charged with developing a "slip-n-slide" arrangement for Saturday's party. The slide will run into the pool. Com'on, you KNOW it sounds cool.
Things have started to look up, weather-wise, here in lovely northwestern Tennessee. The past several days have brought plentiful amounts of sunshine; therefore, I have been out by the pool those days. Slowly but surely...I'm getting a tan. Okay, it isn't Mallory tan, but I'm darker than I was. My face is noticeably darker as well; that means I have two of the three traits when someone says, "tall, dark, and handsome." If I get the third one, I'll be good-to-go, haha...
Tampa plans are still a GO. Weather down there, according to the forecast right now, will be just perfect. Any showers will be far and few between, and the rest of the week will be beautiful.
NASA keeps getting more coincidental all the time. Today they announced the new launch date for Discovery...and what is today?? Why, it's the 36th anniversary of the first manned lunar landing. Gee, I wonder who proposed that idea, haha. So in honor of this, the greatest technological achievement of the past century(okay, okay. The atom splitting could be #1), here's an educational link:
And Google decided to join the celebration as well:

I also suggest going to the link in that picture above, Google Moon. It's pretty cool to look at. What is even cooler? Try zoomin in alllll the way.....
The launch date of July 26 does bum me out a little bit. We will be on the road at that time(the launch is late morning), on our way to Tampa. I guess we could "listen" to it on the radio, but what's the fun in that? There really is no way to make the launch in Titusville. We'd have to get up at or around 3:00 am, after a night of driving and getting to bed at 12:30 am. That aint happenin, haha. At least I'll get to see the replays, right?
My Red Sox jersey comes in tomorrow :D. Saying I am exited would be an understatement. I ordered one of the alternate home jerseys, the RED ones. They are freakin' sweet! Now I can really support my Sox! Dad even shipped me my old high school first baseman's mit, so I will be able to attempt catching a foul ball at the game in Tampa.
well that should bring everyone up to speed. Tomorrow will be another day of chillin' by the sun for me. Nick comes in this Friday, and we will have a do-over this Saturday, as the party last week was ruined due to the rain...
p.s. I have been charged with developing a "slip-n-slide" arrangement for Saturday's party. The slide will run into the pool. Com'on, you KNOW it sounds cool.
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Friday, July 15, 2005
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
The Good, the Bad, and the Funny
Maybe this fall wont be so boring after all...
After almost 302 days of lockout, the NHL owners and the Players' Associaton have finally decided on a new Collective Bargaining Agreement! Yes, this does mean that the 2005-06 season is a GO. Now, I do not necessarily agree with all the terms of the new deal, and I am sure most of the players don't either, but the Commish did warn them that any deal reached at this point would never be as good as the offer that was put on the table in February. Despite some of these aspects, I am THRILLED beyond comprehension that this great game is back on the ice. The Avalanche is in a pretty decent spot up to this point. They have some salary cap room to spare, so a trade and/or farm system callup might be in order. Peter Forsberg could still come back. Goaltender David Aebischer has had a year to perfect his already promising skills as the backstop. Blake and Tanguay are also two big guns that will be back(if they are re-signed to new deals, which most of the experts are saying they will). Then there is the Jedi, Joe Sakic. Could this be the guy I want to see play the most? Uhm, yeh. That's an easy one. Avs are poised to do it again, people.
There will also be some rule changes to make the game more exciting, such as more tie-breaking shoot-outs. Good idea? Hell yeh, it is. I've seen an AHL game with a shoot out. It's definitely more exciting than ending in a tie. There are other possible rule changes, but I'll talk about them later when they are finalized.
Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that the shuttle launch today was scrubbed. There was a faulty low-level fuel sensor, and that's a definite must-have for a launch. I'm not really that upset though, as this is a testament to the diligent work that has been and will be done to Return to Flight. I'm glad someone finally said, "You know what, we can't really go without this. Let's hold off until we get it right," and someone listened to that person. There has definitely been a change of culture in the Administration, and that is a good thing.
The higher-ups say Discovery could launch by Monday. Hopefully they will get this baby off before the July window ends. If not, we'd have to wait until September(that, of course, might not be too bad, cuz I'd be at JSC during that time period).
Remnants of Dennis continue to provide plenty of clouds and rain around NW Tennessee. It sucks so much. I wanted sunshine and breezes, not overcast and precipitation! I mean, it's great to relax, but I wanted to be doing that OUTSIDE. Oh well. Despite the uncooperative weather, Mal, Travis, and I decided to get in the pool today. Yes, it was quite cold, but we were bored. Mal was able to capture some of the moments, though....
After almost 302 days of lockout, the NHL owners and the Players' Associaton have finally decided on a new Collective Bargaining Agreement! Yes, this does mean that the 2005-06 season is a GO. Now, I do not necessarily agree with all the terms of the new deal, and I am sure most of the players don't either, but the Commish did warn them that any deal reached at this point would never be as good as the offer that was put on the table in February. Despite some of these aspects, I am THRILLED beyond comprehension that this great game is back on the ice. The Avalanche is in a pretty decent spot up to this point. They have some salary cap room to spare, so a trade and/or farm system callup might be in order. Peter Forsberg could still come back. Goaltender David Aebischer has had a year to perfect his already promising skills as the backstop. Blake and Tanguay are also two big guns that will be back(if they are re-signed to new deals, which most of the experts are saying they will). Then there is the Jedi, Joe Sakic. Could this be the guy I want to see play the most? Uhm, yeh. That's an easy one. Avs are poised to do it again, people.
There will also be some rule changes to make the game more exciting, such as more tie-breaking shoot-outs. Good idea? Hell yeh, it is. I've seen an AHL game with a shoot out. It's definitely more exciting than ending in a tie. There are other possible rule changes, but I'll talk about them later when they are finalized.
Unless you've been living under a rock, you know that the shuttle launch today was scrubbed. There was a faulty low-level fuel sensor, and that's a definite must-have for a launch. I'm not really that upset though, as this is a testament to the diligent work that has been and will be done to Return to Flight. I'm glad someone finally said, "You know what, we can't really go without this. Let's hold off until we get it right," and someone listened to that person. There has definitely been a change of culture in the Administration, and that is a good thing.
The higher-ups say Discovery could launch by Monday. Hopefully they will get this baby off before the July window ends. If not, we'd have to wait until September(that, of course, might not be too bad, cuz I'd be at JSC during that time period).
Remnants of Dennis continue to provide plenty of clouds and rain around NW Tennessee. It sucks so much. I wanted sunshine and breezes, not overcast and precipitation! I mean, it's great to relax, but I wanted to be doing that OUTSIDE. Oh well. Despite the uncooperative weather, Mal, Travis, and I decided to get in the pool today. Yes, it was quite cold, but we were bored. Mal was able to capture some of the moments, though....
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Monday, July 11, 2005
Now THIS is the Life...
You never realize how much crap you've been doing until you aren't doing it anymore.
I just finished a spring semester of work in Houston, and right as that ended, I had to begin summer school. Of course, in between and after each one of those, I was driving and moving across vast distance of highways.
Now I am in Paris, TN, and things probably couldn't get any more relaxing. Let me illustrate this fact. Until today(when Dennis the Menace decided to pay the entire southeast a visit), here was our typical daily schedule:
11:30 am---Wake up
12:00 pm---Eat Lunch
12:15-5:00pm---Lay out by the pool, soak some sun, swim some, talk some, all the while consuming countless fruity frozen beverages
6:00pm---Dinner here or somehwere
6:45-8:00pm---Chill time
9:30pm - ???am --- Something exciting, usually a "Nicholas Stutzman Old-Fashioned" pool party, a movie, hanging out with the boyz, or something completely different(like tonight, The 2005 Home-Run Derby)
???am-11:30 --- Sleep
And the process repeats.
See? This is exactly what I needed, and it's only going to get better in the coming days, as everyone comes back into town. Nick is returning this coming weekend as well, so we're sure to have an "event" here at his place this weekend.
Yeh, as I said, Dennis has kind of killed the summer vibe, what with the constant rain and overcast skies since 6pm yesterday. Not a huge deal, though. I have just chilled at the house most of the day today. I have cleaned up a bit from this weekend's activities, fixed a few meals, and have even sat down to make time to write this post.
We are mere days from the Return to Flight launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery and her crew. The launch is set for 3:51 EDT this wednesday. That is less than 48 hours away! The Stutzman's don't have NASA Tv, but I'm sure most, if not all, of the networks will be covering the launch, so I shouldn't have a problem watching it. There is a 30% chance of unfavorable conditions for launch on Wednesday, and the next two days will not be much better. Worst case scenario, Discovery will launch on Saturday afternoon. That would be another reason to have a party on Saturday, haha.
We ate at the Olive Pit, Paris' new Italian restaurant, last Friday. I would have to say that this is the best restaurant in Paris, hands-down. It is the FIRST place in Paris that serves grilled salmon, and being the salmon savant that I am, I was very excited and pleased with the results. I will definitely be visiting the Pit again before I am gone.
Josh, Nick, Travis, and I went to see Fantastic Four last night...boy was that a big disappointment. Okay, I understand that this IS based on a comic book, but there were WAY WAY WAY too many one-liners, and there was entirely too much campy dialogue. In addition, hardly any of the exciting scenes were new, because they showed them ALL in the trailers and previews. Other than that, though, the movie started off quickly, and Dr. Doom is by far the BEST villain in any of the comic book movies made so far. He was very well done. Too bad he didn't get to fight much; however, they have left it open for a sequel and/or trilogy with Dr. Doom returning. Hopefully, they will fix the problems in the next movie.
Speaking of trilogies, I think that all movies made from now on should be made into trilogies(except maybe comedies and documentaries). Seriously. Two hours is just not enough time to really flesh out the characters and provide a thorough look into these imaginary worlds. It just makes sense to me. Why not expand the story, while making more money as you do it?
This brings me to my rant of the hem...
Ladies and gentlemen at the theaters, JUST TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONES IN THE THEATER. Thankfully, it's been awhile since someone has answered a call on their phone during a movie that I attended. What could be even more annoying is the people that open their phones, with those bright-as-hell back lights, and type a 2 paragraph long text message during the movie, not only once, but countless times after that! One, is that message REALLY that important? Two, are you so lame that you cannot leave your phone alone for two hours to enjoy a movie? Oh, and the people that look at their phones every 15 minutes to see what time it is, what the crap is your deal? If you are in a hurry to be somewhere, then don't come to the movie at all. Why not enjoy the movie, rather than seeing how close it is coming to ending?
Okay, I'm done. Let's recap quickly:
If you go to see a movie:
1) just turn your phone OFF. Not vibrate, not silent, but OFF. Just get away from your precious mobile mate for just a few hours, while enjoying a movie at the same time. Is it really that much to ask?
2)If you do happen to not follow #1, then don't text during the movie. I'm sure it is rather important that you answer "what r u 2 doing tonight?" AT THAT MOMENT, but just hold off until the end of the movie.
3)If you have somewhere to be or are not enjoying the movie, just leave. If you don't leave, then just quit sighing and constantly looking at your multi-colored clock display on your phone every quarter hour.
I figure it's been awhile since my last good rant, so I thought the timing was right.
I think I will take a shower and get cleaned up. I look like Tom Hanks on the set of Cast Away.
Everyone watch the Century 21 Home Run Derby on ESPN at 7pm CST tonight. LET'S GO DAVID ORTIZ!!
-The H
I just finished a spring semester of work in Houston, and right as that ended, I had to begin summer school. Of course, in between and after each one of those, I was driving and moving across vast distance of highways.
Now I am in Paris, TN, and things probably couldn't get any more relaxing. Let me illustrate this fact. Until today(when Dennis the Menace decided to pay the entire southeast a visit), here was our typical daily schedule:
11:30 am---Wake up
12:00 pm---Eat Lunch
12:15-5:00pm---Lay out by the pool, soak some sun, swim some, talk some, all the while consuming countless fruity frozen beverages
6:00pm---Dinner here or somehwere
6:45-8:00pm---Chill time
9:30pm - ???am --- Something exciting, usually a "Nicholas Stutzman Old-Fashioned" pool party, a movie, hanging out with the boyz, or something completely different(like tonight, The 2005 Home-Run Derby)
???am-11:30 --- Sleep
And the process repeats.
See? This is exactly what I needed, and it's only going to get better in the coming days, as everyone comes back into town. Nick is returning this coming weekend as well, so we're sure to have an "event" here at his place this weekend.
Yeh, as I said, Dennis has kind of killed the summer vibe, what with the constant rain and overcast skies since 6pm yesterday. Not a huge deal, though. I have just chilled at the house most of the day today. I have cleaned up a bit from this weekend's activities, fixed a few meals, and have even sat down to make time to write this post.
We are mere days from the Return to Flight launch of the Space Shuttle Discovery and her crew. The launch is set for 3:51 EDT this wednesday. That is less than 48 hours away! The Stutzman's don't have NASA Tv, but I'm sure most, if not all, of the networks will be covering the launch, so I shouldn't have a problem watching it. There is a 30% chance of unfavorable conditions for launch on Wednesday, and the next two days will not be much better. Worst case scenario, Discovery will launch on Saturday afternoon. That would be another reason to have a party on Saturday, haha.
We ate at the Olive Pit, Paris' new Italian restaurant, last Friday. I would have to say that this is the best restaurant in Paris, hands-down. It is the FIRST place in Paris that serves grilled salmon, and being the salmon savant that I am, I was very excited and pleased with the results. I will definitely be visiting the Pit again before I am gone.
Josh, Nick, Travis, and I went to see Fantastic Four last night...boy was that a big disappointment. Okay, I understand that this IS based on a comic book, but there were WAY WAY WAY too many one-liners, and there was entirely too much campy dialogue. In addition, hardly any of the exciting scenes were new, because they showed them ALL in the trailers and previews. Other than that, though, the movie started off quickly, and Dr. Doom is by far the BEST villain in any of the comic book movies made so far. He was very well done. Too bad he didn't get to fight much; however, they have left it open for a sequel and/or trilogy with Dr. Doom returning. Hopefully, they will fix the problems in the next movie.
Speaking of trilogies, I think that all movies made from now on should be made into trilogies(except maybe comedies and documentaries). Seriously. Two hours is just not enough time to really flesh out the characters and provide a thorough look into these imaginary worlds. It just makes sense to me. Why not expand the story, while making more money as you do it?
This brings me to my rant of the hem...
Ladies and gentlemen at the theaters, JUST TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONES IN THE THEATER. Thankfully, it's been awhile since someone has answered a call on their phone during a movie that I attended. What could be even more annoying is the people that open their phones, with those bright-as-hell back lights, and type a 2 paragraph long text message during the movie, not only once, but countless times after that! One, is that message REALLY that important? Two, are you so lame that you cannot leave your phone alone for two hours to enjoy a movie? Oh, and the people that look at their phones every 15 minutes to see what time it is, what the crap is your deal? If you are in a hurry to be somewhere, then don't come to the movie at all. Why not enjoy the movie, rather than seeing how close it is coming to ending?
Okay, I'm done. Let's recap quickly:
If you go to see a movie:
1) just turn your phone OFF. Not vibrate, not silent, but OFF. Just get away from your precious mobile mate for just a few hours, while enjoying a movie at the same time. Is it really that much to ask?
2)If you do happen to not follow #1, then don't text during the movie. I'm sure it is rather important that you answer "what r u 2 doing tonight?" AT THAT MOMENT, but just hold off until the end of the movie.
3)If you have somewhere to be or are not enjoying the movie, just leave. If you don't leave, then just quit sighing and constantly looking at your multi-colored clock display on your phone every quarter hour.
I figure it's been awhile since my last good rant, so I thought the timing was right.
I think I will take a shower and get cleaned up. I look like Tom Hanks on the set of Cast Away.
Everyone watch the Century 21 Home Run Derby on ESPN at 7pm CST tonight. LET'S GO DAVID ORTIZ!!
-The H
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Monday, July 04, 2005
A new post!?! Surely you jest!
I know, I know. Where the crap have I been?
Easy answer: home. I got here Friday afternoon, and it's been great. Amber had to stay Friday night(see my earlier post), and we all met up with Trevor's fam Saturday night to go see War of the Worlds. It was totally not what I was expecting(aside from the aliens attacking Earth part), but I enjoyed the movie nevertheless. I wonder if H.G. Well's original book is any good...
I am probably going to head up to Paris on Thursday. I'm hoping I can convince some of the guys to go to Nashville on Saturday; I'll suggest we see Fantastic Four and Dark Water that afternoon, then go play some crazy laser tag in downtown. Other than that, I have very simple plans while I am in Paris: play soccer, play Ultimate, and relax by the Stutzman's pool. I am not bringing any of my video games or my tv. I will only take my clothes, my cleats, my soccer ball, my volleyball, and my Ultimate disc. That's it. Very relaxing weeks are ahead for me...
I have to get the truck fixed tomorrow, as that is our vehicle for the Tampa trip. I'll head into town and get the muffler repaired. I also need to find one of those cd-to-tape mechanisms; the truck doesn't have a cd player :(.
Sox are still 2.5 games ahead of Baltimore. The Orioles lost earlier today, which opened the door for us to take a 3.5 game lead; however, the baseball gods had other plans. We were down early in the game against the Rangers, then Manny put us ahead by 2 with a monster of a homer(440 feet!) in the 8th inning. Then Foulke proceeded to throw it all away in the 9th, like he has done so many times this year. Unfortuntately, there will not be much in the form of great closers available come the trade deadline in a few weeks. We also need some speed on the bases, a la Dave Robert's style. Hopefully, Schiller will be back and ready to go in a week or so, as he completed his 2nd Pawtucket start today, striking out 8 and giving up 5 earned runs. That will greatly strengthen our starting rotation. Our hitting is great, so we need not fix what isn't broken. I do have a feeling that some of the Sox I have grown fond of will not be with the team much longer...
I got my hair cut Saturday. I opted to let my mom do it this time because I think paying $10 for someone to run a trimmer over my head is nonsense. Okay, she did cause me some slight pain, but it's all good now. I have my super extra short summer haircut, so I am happy.
It really is great to run and workout outside here at the Gray Center. Plenty of hills and pastures to provide scenery as I run.
well, i think that brings everything up to date. I guess I will go and attempt to advance further in the adventure that is otherwise known as Banjo-Tooie.
Easy answer: home. I got here Friday afternoon, and it's been great. Amber had to stay Friday night(see my earlier post), and we all met up with Trevor's fam Saturday night to go see War of the Worlds. It was totally not what I was expecting(aside from the aliens attacking Earth part), but I enjoyed the movie nevertheless. I wonder if H.G. Well's original book is any good...
I am probably going to head up to Paris on Thursday. I'm hoping I can convince some of the guys to go to Nashville on Saturday; I'll suggest we see Fantastic Four and Dark Water that afternoon, then go play some crazy laser tag in downtown. Other than that, I have very simple plans while I am in Paris: play soccer, play Ultimate, and relax by the Stutzman's pool. I am not bringing any of my video games or my tv. I will only take my clothes, my cleats, my soccer ball, my volleyball, and my Ultimate disc. That's it. Very relaxing weeks are ahead for me...
I have to get the truck fixed tomorrow, as that is our vehicle for the Tampa trip. I'll head into town and get the muffler repaired. I also need to find one of those cd-to-tape mechanisms; the truck doesn't have a cd player :(.
Sox are still 2.5 games ahead of Baltimore. The Orioles lost earlier today, which opened the door for us to take a 3.5 game lead; however, the baseball gods had other plans. We were down early in the game against the Rangers, then Manny put us ahead by 2 with a monster of a homer(440 feet!) in the 8th inning. Then Foulke proceeded to throw it all away in the 9th, like he has done so many times this year. Unfortuntately, there will not be much in the form of great closers available come the trade deadline in a few weeks. We also need some speed on the bases, a la Dave Robert's style. Hopefully, Schiller will be back and ready to go in a week or so, as he completed his 2nd Pawtucket start today, striking out 8 and giving up 5 earned runs. That will greatly strengthen our starting rotation. Our hitting is great, so we need not fix what isn't broken. I do have a feeling that some of the Sox I have grown fond of will not be with the team much longer...
I got my hair cut Saturday. I opted to let my mom do it this time because I think paying $10 for someone to run a trimmer over my head is nonsense. Okay, she did cause me some slight pain, but it's all good now. I have my super extra short summer haircut, so I am happy.
It really is great to run and workout outside here at the Gray Center. Plenty of hills and pastures to provide scenery as I run.
well, i think that brings everything up to date. I guess I will go and attempt to advance further in the adventure that is otherwise known as Banjo-Tooie.
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