Things have started to look up, weather-wise, here in lovely northwestern Tennessee. The past several days have brought plentiful amounts of sunshine; therefore, I have been out by the pool those days. Slowly but surely...I'm getting a tan. Okay, it isn't Mallory tan, but I'm darker than I was. My face is noticeably darker as well; that means I have two of the three traits when someone says, "tall, dark, and handsome." If I get the third one, I'll be good-to-go, haha...
Tampa plans are still a GO. Weather down there, according to the forecast right now, will be just perfect. Any showers will be far and few between, and the rest of the week will be beautiful.
NASA keeps getting more coincidental all the time. Today they announced the new launch date for Discovery...and what is today?? Why, it's the 36th anniversary of the first manned lunar landing. Gee, I wonder who proposed that idea, haha. So in honor of this, the greatest technological achievement of the past century(okay, okay. The atom splitting could be #1), here's an educational link:
And Google decided to join the celebration as well:

I also suggest going to the link in that picture above, Google Moon. It's pretty cool to look at. What is even cooler? Try zoomin in alllll the way.....
The launch date of July 26 does bum me out a little bit. We will be on the road at that time(the launch is late morning), on our way to Tampa. I guess we could "listen" to it on the radio, but what's the fun in that? There really is no way to make the launch in Titusville. We'd have to get up at or around 3:00 am, after a night of driving and getting to bed at 12:30 am. That aint happenin, haha. At least I'll get to see the replays, right?
My Red Sox jersey comes in tomorrow :D. Saying I am exited would be an understatement. I ordered one of the alternate home jerseys, the RED ones. They are freakin' sweet! Now I can really support my Sox! Dad even shipped me my old high school first baseman's mit, so I will be able to attempt catching a foul ball at the game in Tampa.
well that should bring everyone up to speed. Tomorrow will be another day of chillin' by the sun for me. Nick comes in this Friday, and we will have a do-over this Saturday, as the party last week was ruined due to the rain...
p.s. I have been charged with developing a "slip-n-slide" arrangement for Saturday's party. The slide will run into the pool. Com'on, you KNOW it sounds cool.
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