Monday, August 08, 2005


well it's currently 01:37 hours, and I am not asleep. True, I am usually up at this hour anyways, but today is a little different. Space shuttle Discovery is set to begin reentry with a deorbit burn in about 1 hour's time. Mission Control Houston has given the "GO" to begin the reentry procedure, as all possible landing sites are showing favorable weather. I might be able to stay up until then, but if I cannot, I do have my alarms set. I think my dad and/or mom will be waking up as well. It's pretty cool that they are interested and support the things that I am involved in...

today was a fun day. I woke up and went to church with my rents...always a good thing. Then we ate lunch with James Proctor, an old friend from Grenada. Simply put, James is awesome. He and I have had so many misadventures, it's ridiculous. A short list of some of the things he and I created/experienced/thought of...

-the hit single, "Green CD Cases"
-the Fantasy Channel web site
-the Spice Preachers of the Episcopal Church
-the Trudy scale of accidents(ranging from 1.0 to 5.0)

These and other items came up in our conversations this afternoon; it was a good time...

Afterword, I went to James' studio, where his band was putting the finishing touches to the songs on their first album. No word yet on the album title, but the genre is heavy death metal...well there you go.

After the studio, I went to Trevor's. I stayed there until midnight. His mom cooked a roast beef meal followed by chocolate chip cookies; you just HAVE to love Mrs. Joyce. Trevor and I watched the dvd extras to Team America: World Police...HILARIOUS! We then watched the Summer of Seinfeld, as well as several episodes of Family Guy. Some of our friends came over after that; this group include Jordan, Michelle, and Kane. We sat in the living room, talking for about 2 hours. Afterwards, we proceeded to the same thing, but we did it outside in the driveway. Fun fun...

I did find out that Michelle(I technically JUST met her this evening) is from Fairfax. Small world, aint it?

My infectious attitude towards volleyball has caught on. We plan to play today at Liberty Park. I may just video tape the match, and I will take stills from it later. Interesting technique, so we'll see how that turns out.

well, I am going to throw some darts to pass the time until 3:40 am...

Hopefully I will be bringing you all good news about the landing later today...



Anonymous said...

Darts.... dude... you better practice... just got a 461 at bowtie.... only missed 2 categories..... we're playing for cash when I come home next!

Hmmmm... trudy scale... I need to adopt that for carolyn.... one slip up the stairs... 2.5... broken toe in England... 3.5..... cracked ankle wearing Uggs... 4.5....

Cheers, Bro Rich

Henry said...

holy crap...461!?! You aren't kidding. I've been throwing a little, but now, I need to step it up.

I was thinking...I wanna come to D.C.(if you two are still there) for my 21st birthday next summer. I couldn't think of anything more fun that barhopping with you and sis...and of course, darts every other bar, haha...