Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Escape from Houston

This town is getting kind of creepy. Everywhere you turn, people are packing up their things, and some of them are actually leaving right now(it is 11:30 pm central). Honestly, I don't blame them. Considering today that we heard reports that 146, the road I take from my apartment to the interstate, is jammed with cars, the wiser solution would be to leave right now. Unfortunately, I can't do that; I have to go in tomorrow and get a few things done, while also gettin in a few hours(so I can use my vacation days later this semester :) ). No, they aren't forcing me to stay; in fact, NASA has a "liberal leave" policy in effect right now. If you have something to tend to, or something you have to do, DO IT, and don't worry about work. I think that's a good policty. JSC is expected to close tomorrow after work, so Thursday and Friday will be paid leave :)

If I can get to the Interstate-10, I should be golden. From there, I'll drive a ways to Lake Charles, and shortly past that I will get onto Louisiana Highway 175. That will take me all the way through Louisiana, from Alexandria all the way up to Monroe. At Monroe, I'll just get onto Interstate-20 and be on my merry way to Jackson. If you need a visual, click HERE.

There is one thing I am concerned with, though: GAS. Everywhere around here, stations are running out of gas because everyone is filling up in anticipation of what is to come. Hell, even Jackson is running out of gas; we've heard reports that it is taking 5 hours to get gas there. Suffice to say, I'm worried as hell that I will not be able to refuel en route to my home. I can make the trip with less than 1.5 tanks, so if I can make at least a 1/2 fill up at some point, I should be OK. SURELY Alexandria or Monroe will have fuel. They aren't small cities either; each one boasts a population greater than 50,000. If I can't find fuel, it might be bad. I may have to take shelter in a local hotel, and nothing is more depressing that stayin in a hotel by yourself. I'm hoping that it will not come to that. Let's just cross our fingers...

well, tonight is a short post, as you'd expect. Hopefully, next time you hear from me I will be relaxing at home with my dogs, sitting on the back porch drinking a cold one, and listening to the ball game.

This is Henry Horne, in Houston...signing off...

...................*static noise*.................

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