Yup. The Sox have won 12 games in row, capping off the final 3 against the best team in the NL. This is the longest win streak for the Beantown Boys since 1995, the last time they won the AL East. We also have tied the record for consecutive games without an error(16). One more and we ARE the record, haha.
Speaking of sports.....my favorite athlete of all time, Patrick Roy, is being inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame this November. This was his first time on the ballot, but it doesn't come as a surprise to anyone that follows hockey. I will not go into all the awards and records he holds, but you can follow the link on the right and see for yourself. The man was a freakin' machine. I can't wait to see his speech! Matt and I both agree he should go to the ceremony wearing full pads and helmet.
Again staying with sports....my girl Sharapova(as well as Wimbledon's new favorite sweetheart) is still in the tournament. What's really funny though is the last opponent she beat. The opponent's name? Anna SMASHNOVA. How cool a tennis name is that? I mean seriously. SMASHnova. With that name you either grow up to play tennis or be a boxer.
We saw the late late late showing(got home around 1:30) of Superman Returns last night. I liked it alot. It was a great homage to the older films, which were the movies I basically grew up on(as well as Indiana Jones and Batman). A little bit of cheeziness, a few inside jokes(Gotham City is mentioned in a news broadcast), and a ton of action really add up to a great Superman movie. As if all that wasn't enough, the opening credits of the movie are done EXACTLY like the old movies, but they combined the old credits with a schnazzy opening showing the explosion of a star on its way towards Earth. It was incredibly nostalgic, especially with the orginal score composed by John Williams played more bombastically than before, and I loved it. I can honestly say that that was the first time I have ever had goosebumps for the first 3 minutes of a movie. Granted, the movie skipped and jumped around some of the older movies, but I don't mind that at all. Much like the latest Batman movie, when the movies are now based on the comic book licenses, I think they can throw out the rule books set by the older flicks.
Tomorrow is Eric's birthday, so I think we're gonna try to throw him a party. It's almost like we are required to because he is set to go on console at Mission Control Sunday night, so he has to begin sleep shifting, which means he needs to stay up to AT LEAST 3:00 am tomorrow. I think we can handle that :)
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Y'all Come Back Now...Ya Hear!
Funny thing happened today. On my way back to work from my lunch break, I stopped at the Post Office in Nassau Bay, which is just across from JSC, to get some stamps. I pulled my Jeep into a parking space, and I noticed the parked van beside me had a Mississippi tag, a Washington Co. tag to be specific. I thought that was kind of funny, but didn't think much beyond that. I then strolled into the building and got in line. I wasn't in line for more than 3 minutes when this bald guy wearing a Hawiian shirt, khaki shorts, and sandals popped his head into the main post office room(where you get service). He talked as if he was calling out the winning BINGO number: "Anyone in here from Mississippi??"
After looking around for a second, I casually raised my hand and said, "I am."
The guy asked me if I was the one driving with the Madison license, and I confirmed his guess. He asked me if I lived here and what I was doing, and I told him. He then went on to tell me where he was originally from(Greenville) and what he's doing in Houston, now that he lives there. Then he left. All of that was in a 30-second span, if that. Then he told me to take care, and he was gone. Poof. Like that.
It just goes on to prove that Mississippi is home to some of the most friendly people on this Earth, and THAT'S why I love my(2nd) home state.
After looking around for a second, I casually raised my hand and said, "I am."
The guy asked me if I was the one driving with the Madison license, and I confirmed his guess. He asked me if I lived here and what I was doing, and I told him. He then went on to tell me where he was originally from(Greenville) and what he's doing in Houston, now that he lives there. Then he left. All of that was in a 30-second span, if that. Then he told me to take care, and he was gone. Poof. Like that.
It just goes on to prove that Mississippi is home to some of the most friendly people on this Earth, and THAT'S why I love my(2nd) home state.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Treasure Hunting
Once again...David Ortiz comes to the rescue in the clutch. ANOTHER walk-off hit today against the Phillies. His second game in a row and 3rd in the last 8 home games at Fenway. To quote Trevor: "Papi(David Ortiz) is the shit!"
Walker and I are addicted to this new show Treasure Hunters on NBC. Granted, we don't have great reception on our tv(that will change on Wednesday), but we can get the basic idea of what's going on. Best of all, we can play along online with these "brainteasers" that lead you on a parallel path with the show. Each episode there is a different online challenge, and with each successful completion of the online challenges you are given another clue as to the whereabouts of the treasure. So far the first two clues make no sense, but we're working on it. We want that $10,000, haha.
Jennifer is bringing me Curse of the Bambino tomorrow. She says I'm not a true Sox fan until I have completely understood the past miseries of the team. She has a point, so I feel obliged to read it. I'm actually looking forward to it. I finished Angels & Demons, which was awesome. I need another bedside book.
Walker and I are addicted to this new show Treasure Hunters on NBC. Granted, we don't have great reception on our tv(that will change on Wednesday), but we can get the basic idea of what's going on. Best of all, we can play along online with these "brainteasers" that lead you on a parallel path with the show. Each episode there is a different online challenge, and with each successful completion of the online challenges you are given another clue as to the whereabouts of the treasure. So far the first two clues make no sense, but we're working on it. We want that $10,000, haha.
Jennifer is bringing me Curse of the Bambino tomorrow. She says I'm not a true Sox fan until I have completely understood the past miseries of the team. She has a point, so I feel obliged to read it. I'm actually looking forward to it. I finished Angels & Demons, which was awesome. I need another bedside book.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Interesting Stat
Oh yeh, I forgot. At Roger Clemens' return to baseball last Thursday, we(my group and the rest of Houston) set the all-time record for attendance at Minute Maid Park: 43,769!! That's more than any of the World Series games last year! Go figure...
Don't Forget to Pack Your Launch
Well if you are(were) a USA Soccer fan, that World Cup sucked, didn't it? Bleh. VERY disappointed in our boys. No explosiveness, apparently no chemistry(which was our problem in '98), no stamina. We were outplayed every which way during our 3 group games, and it was just painful to watch. I expect Arena to be on the chopping block for this affair, but then again, he was probably on his way out after this World Cup anyway. Lots of our guys probably wont be playing anymore(Reyna, McBride, Keller), so we either get younger or we don't get anywhere at all....I guess I'm an England fan now(Richard's team).
Thursday was Roger Clemen's return to baseball, as well as the Astros, and I was there to watch history. He wasn't overly awesome, but it was definitely vintage Roger. Unfortunately, it was also vintage Astros, which means ZERO run support for their ace. Of course it also didn't help that they were batting against the rookie phenom pitcher of Liriano on the Twins. The 'stros lost, but it was a good time hanging out with alot of people from work(we got group seats). I had never seen Minnesota play before, so I got to knock them off my list :)
Speaking of baseball, the Red Sox are freakin' BALLIN. Eight in row, baby. Papi had a walk-off homer today, which is just becoming the norm for him. I swear, all of his RBI's have come in the bottom of the last inning when the score is either tied or they're behind. That man is a machine.
The launch schedule was released earlier this week. (NOTE: the shuttle mission is designated STS-121 and the related ISS Flight is designated ULF 1.1. I'll be using those in my posts from now on...just to let you know). I'm gonna OJT(on-the-job training) with the Orbit 3 shift with Tarik in the Blue MPSR(pronounced "mip-sir"), which is the ISS backroom. Orbit 3 is from 7:30pm-4:30am, and while I know you think that that timeframe sucks, it really doesn't. See, since Orbit 3 is within that timeframe, it is usually the planning shift, where timelines are laid out for the next day, maneuvers are discussed, as well as any other items for the shift. The crew is usually asleep in this shift, but alot happens here on the ground, and it will be a great oppurtunity for me to learn hands-on and ask many questions.
So those are the "work" reasons why it's gonna rock. Here are the "fun" reasons....Orbit 3 in the backroom is pretty much the party shift. Yup, I said it: party. Eric has told me from experience that there will be grilling, footballs, ESPN on the tv's, and more; only after the Station work has been done, of course, haha. It's gonna be awesome. I'll be sitting in with my boy Tarik, and Eric is also on Orbit 3, so it's going to be a blast. Even better is that I get home at 5:00am, which means I sleep until around noon. That leaves me the afternoon to sit by the pool and soak up some rays every day during the mission(2 weeks!). Helllll yeh. I'm actually excited to totally flip my sleep schedule; it should be a fresh experience, especially considering the work I'll get to do. So starting on July 2, be looking for me on NASA TV when I roam into the control room!
Thursday was Roger Clemen's return to baseball, as well as the Astros, and I was there to watch history. He wasn't overly awesome, but it was definitely vintage Roger. Unfortunately, it was also vintage Astros, which means ZERO run support for their ace. Of course it also didn't help that they were batting against the rookie phenom pitcher of Liriano on the Twins. The 'stros lost, but it was a good time hanging out with alot of people from work(we got group seats). I had never seen Minnesota play before, so I got to knock them off my list :)
Speaking of baseball, the Red Sox are freakin' BALLIN. Eight in row, baby. Papi had a walk-off homer today, which is just becoming the norm for him. I swear, all of his RBI's have come in the bottom of the last inning when the score is either tied or they're behind. That man is a machine.
The launch schedule was released earlier this week. (NOTE: the shuttle mission is designated STS-121 and the related ISS Flight is designated ULF 1.1. I'll be using those in my posts from now on...just to let you know). I'm gonna OJT(on-the-job training) with the Orbit 3 shift with Tarik in the Blue MPSR(pronounced "mip-sir"), which is the ISS backroom. Orbit 3 is from 7:30pm-4:30am, and while I know you think that that timeframe sucks, it really doesn't. See, since Orbit 3 is within that timeframe, it is usually the planning shift, where timelines are laid out for the next day, maneuvers are discussed, as well as any other items for the shift. The crew is usually asleep in this shift, but alot happens here on the ground, and it will be a great oppurtunity for me to learn hands-on and ask many questions.
So those are the "work" reasons why it's gonna rock. Here are the "fun" reasons....Orbit 3 in the backroom is pretty much the party shift. Yup, I said it: party. Eric has told me from experience that there will be grilling, footballs, ESPN on the tv's, and more; only after the Station work has been done, of course, haha. It's gonna be awesome. I'll be sitting in with my boy Tarik, and Eric is also on Orbit 3, so it's going to be a blast. Even better is that I get home at 5:00am, which means I sleep until around noon. That leaves me the afternoon to sit by the pool and soak up some rays every day during the mission(2 weeks!). Helllll yeh. I'm actually excited to totally flip my sleep schedule; it should be a fresh experience, especially considering the work I'll get to do. So starting on July 2, be looking for me on NASA TV when I roam into the control room!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Hooray for Presents
So my birthday rocked. You all know that from my last post. My birthday celebrations continued into this last weekend when Mal and I went to see the Sox sweep the Braves. She did a great post about our trip, so just go over to her blog to read the recap. Yeh I know, I'm lazy. But it is a good post with good pics.
My birthday extended even beyond my two trips. I got some awesome gifts from everyone. Shall I review?
Mom and Dad got me a $100 e-gift certificate to Target. Awesome! I'm using that card to buy my new camera, but I forgot that it is an electronic gift certificate, so I can only use it online. That means I have to order my camera online, so it will take a few days. I'm still doing some last minute research, so this may be for the better that I didn't buy it today.
Carolyn and Richard bought me birthday dinner as well as birthday drinks. They also drove us around D.C. all weekend, got us Nats tickets, got us into the Smithsonian museum, fixed us food, provided entertainment, etc. etc. My siblings kick soooooo much ass. Thank you C and R!!
Will got me a blue Red Sox tee with Papelbon and #58 on the back, but you already knew that. Nevertheless, it's still awesome.
Mallory also got me a Papelbon Red Sox shirt. She also got me this uber-uber comfy Red Sox throw. It's my new favorite blanket. And yes, it's on my bed. Mallory also carted me ALL around Atlanta this past weekend, including a trip to the always-crazy Atlanta Hartsfield Int'l Airport and 3 forays into post-Braves traffic. It's safe to say that she sacrificed the most for my birthday, haha.
The Red Sox gave me a sweep of the Braves, which is exactly what I asked for!!!
so as you can see, my 21st birtday = awesome. That's pretty much it.
Ran across a great article on my boy Papelbon today at work......CLICK HERE TO READ IT.
Tomorrow's the big game, folks. The return of Roger. This city is going absolutely bonkers over it.
Oh, and one more thing. Today I saw the first of what is sure to be an onslaught of television reporters broadcasting from Johnson Space Center. They were standing in front of the big NASA/JSC sign right off NASA Rd. 1. There's gonna be a bajillion of these reporters on and off-site, especially beginning next week. It's gonna be pandamonium. I can't wait!!!
My birthday extended even beyond my two trips. I got some awesome gifts from everyone. Shall I review?
Mom and Dad got me a $100 e-gift certificate to Target. Awesome! I'm using that card to buy my new camera, but I forgot that it is an electronic gift certificate, so I can only use it online. That means I have to order my camera online, so it will take a few days. I'm still doing some last minute research, so this may be for the better that I didn't buy it today.
Carolyn and Richard bought me birthday dinner as well as birthday drinks. They also drove us around D.C. all weekend, got us Nats tickets, got us into the Smithsonian museum, fixed us food, provided entertainment, etc. etc. My siblings kick soooooo much ass. Thank you C and R!!
Will got me a blue Red Sox tee with Papelbon and #58 on the back, but you already knew that. Nevertheless, it's still awesome.
Mallory also got me a Papelbon Red Sox shirt. She also got me this uber-uber comfy Red Sox throw. It's my new favorite blanket. And yes, it's on my bed. Mallory also carted me ALL around Atlanta this past weekend, including a trip to the always-crazy Atlanta Hartsfield Int'l Airport and 3 forays into post-Braves traffic. It's safe to say that she sacrificed the most for my birthday, haha.
The Red Sox gave me a sweep of the Braves, which is exactly what I asked for!!!
so as you can see, my 21st birtday = awesome. That's pretty much it.
Ran across a great article on my boy Papelbon today at work......CLICK HERE TO READ IT.
Tomorrow's the big game, folks. The return of Roger. This city is going absolutely bonkers over it.
Oh, and one more thing. Today I saw the first of what is sure to be an onslaught of television reporters broadcasting from Johnson Space Center. They were standing in front of the big NASA/JSC sign right off NASA Rd. 1. There's gonna be a bajillion of these reporters on and off-site, especially beginning next week. It's gonna be pandamonium. I can't wait!!!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
We Are GO For Launch
The head managers have given the go-ahead. All supporting facilities are cleared. The viewing areas have been designated. Houston is ready to be in control at liftoff.
No, I'm not talking about those 2 solid rocket boosters, orbiter, and external tank sitting on Pad 39B at Cape Canaveral. I'm talking about a totally different Rocket. The 43 year old, 6' 4" Rocket. The one that can bring the heat in the mid-to-upper 90's. I am, of course, talking about Roger Clemens.
Roger is set to return to the Astros on June 22 here in Houston against the Twins in an interleague matchup. When this date was announced about 2 weeks ago, I suggested to everyone here that we get group tickets, as this game was sure to sell out. We bought 20 group seats a few weeks ago, and sure enough, I went to the Astros website today, attempted to order tickets to the game, and what seats were available? Just Standing Room Only, folks. That's all. That would indicate a sellout. Hell freakin' yeh. On top of that, ESPN(again, as I predicted they would) has picked up this game, airing at 7:00pm CT Thursday evening. So I'm going to be there, along with a horde of other baseball-lovin' fans, watching history. What's more, I'm gonna have my new super shiny digital camera with me to capture the moment. My new camera, which I am buying tomorrow, is totally badass. For example, it has this special "rapid fire" mode, where it will snap full resolution pics just as fast as I can press the trigger. HOLY SHIT, that's cool. The boys over at CNET clocked 143 shots in 110 seconds onto the memory card. Aw, hell yeh. I'm gonna have fuuuuun with my new toy :)
No, I'm not talking about those 2 solid rocket boosters, orbiter, and external tank sitting on Pad 39B at Cape Canaveral. I'm talking about a totally different Rocket. The 43 year old, 6' 4" Rocket. The one that can bring the heat in the mid-to-upper 90's. I am, of course, talking about Roger Clemens.
Roger is set to return to the Astros on June 22 here in Houston against the Twins in an interleague matchup. When this date was announced about 2 weeks ago, I suggested to everyone here that we get group tickets, as this game was sure to sell out. We bought 20 group seats a few weeks ago, and sure enough, I went to the Astros website today, attempted to order tickets to the game, and what seats were available? Just Standing Room Only, folks. That's all. That would indicate a sellout. Hell freakin' yeh. On top of that, ESPN(again, as I predicted they would) has picked up this game, airing at 7:00pm CT Thursday evening. So I'm going to be there, along with a horde of other baseball-lovin' fans, watching history. What's more, I'm gonna have my new super shiny digital camera with me to capture the moment. My new camera, which I am buying tomorrow, is totally badass. For example, it has this special "rapid fire" mode, where it will snap full resolution pics just as fast as I can press the trigger. HOLY SHIT, that's cool. The boys over at CNET clocked 143 shots in 110 seconds onto the memory card. Aw, hell yeh. I'm gonna have fuuuuun with my new toy :)
Monday, June 19, 2006
Okay, I guess it's time I get you all caught up on my last few weekends.
So 2 weekends ago was my 21st birthday, but you already knew that. Friday afternoon Trevor and I began our voyage to D.C. When we arrived, it took us a minute to realize we were in the ghetto-wing of Reagan airport. After a few phone calls back and forth between me and Carolyn, we were finally picked up and on our way back to Fairfax. Friday night we just drank some wine and sat around the apartment, talking and whatnot. Carolyn used my 21st birthday weekend as a perfect time to educate me on the ins and outs of various wines.
Saturday started off early. Richard made is world famous chocoloate-chip pancackes while Carolyn made us some fabulous mimosas. Then we all donned England-themed soccer attire(yours truly reclaiming my beloved Newcastle jersey) and watched, as you might guess, England play soccer in the World Cup. Richard was happy, as England walked away with a 1-0 lead over Paraguay. EN-G-LAND!
The next event of the day was a baseball matchup of the Philles and Nationals at RFK stadium. After navigating through the crazy traffic and the orange cones of fury, we arrived at the game. I really didn't have any affinity towards either team, but it just great to see a new stadium, see two teams I have never seen play before, and just hang out with my family and friends. I mean, it's baseball, so what's NOT to like?
After the game we cleaned up at the apartment and headed out to celebrate the greatest day of the entire year. We began with dinner at this awesome tapas restaurant called Zengo. It was quite possibly(and Trevor concurs) the best dinner I have had.....ever. Seriously, I have had time to reflect on it, and it was the tastiest, most filling, most diverse meal that has ever met my mouth. We also had a great bottle of wine to go with our supper, and it was yet another oppurtunity for Carolyn to share her wealth of wine knowledge with me. Sufficiently full, we made our way to our next destination: the Childe Harold Restaurant and Bar.
With a very Daves-like atmosphere, the Childe was just gettin busy when we arrived. By a stroke of luck, they started checking I.D.'s at the door about 10 minutes after we arrived. Score! We(Richard, Caro, Trevor, and I) arrived around 10:30pm, but our group started showing up around 11:00, and a steady stream of our friends were arriving after that for about an hour. I started the night off with 2 pints of Samuel Adams' White Ale and a pint of Bass Pale Ale. Next, Tyler(Katie O's fiance) bought me a rum and coke, which consisted mainly of rum and just a pinch of coke. (NOTE: Tyler wanted to get a much more awesome mixed drink, but the bartender was such an ass and told Tyler that it was stupid drink. Tyler could have kicked the bartender's ass, but he opted to just get me something else instead of bloodshed, haha.) Then Trevor bought me a whiskey sour, which was also tasty.
As the clock hit midnight, I was officially 21, and things officially got crazy. For my first drink as a 21 year old, Richard bought Trevor and me shots of Sambuca, which basically tasted like black liquorice. Yum yum. Following suit, Tina got me a glass(I'd say about 2 and half shots worth) of Grand Marnier. Now, I didn't know that you are supposed to just sip on Grand Marn; I figured you just shot it. Ryan advised me to just sip on it like I should have, but her warnings fell on deaf ears, haha. Tina pressured me into downing it, saying, "Com'on, Henry, be a man." Well, I couldn't very well turn down that kind of a challenge on my 21st birthday, could I? So I took the Grand Marnier and shot ALL of it. Later I would realize that to be a bad, bad choice. Shortly thereafter, Leann bought me a shot of Jagermeister at the bar; she of course couldn't let me drink alone. Supposedly after that, we all had tequila shots, but I honestly can't remember that. And I think there were more drinks, but again, not much recollection of them, haha. The rest of the night was rather eventful, but I'll spare most of you the gory details. If you REALLY want them, just lemme know, and I'll give you the full story.
My birthday actually ended up being our detox day. Richard fixed an amazing breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, fruit, and juice. After food, we headed to the Udvar-Hazy hangar of the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum, which is located near Dulles airport. Man, it was AWESOME. They had the test Space Shuttle Enterprise, an SR-71, the Enola Gay, a Concorde, as well an amazing array of space artifacts, satellites, and equipment from the past and present. I'm so glad we got a chance to visit this portion of the museum. Definitely a memorable experience.
Sunday night we dined out and ate dessert at the Cheesecake Factory. For a place called a "factory," this place was VERY posh. We all got different types of cheesecake, and I had a cappucino. DIVINE!
So that was my 21st birthday extravaganza in D.C. Trevor and I left Monday morning, but we both agreed that we will be returning to D.C.(or wherever Caroly and Richard are located) to party it up with my sister and Richard again. They were absolutely awesome on my birthday, and I hope I can return the favor to them in the future.
Just as a show of how much fun was had, here's the picture that really sums up our weekend. It was taken near the tail-end of our night at the Childe Harold. Unfortunately, several of our friends had left, but we still managed to get a great picture.

You are probably wondering why I haven't included many pictures lately. Well, the plain truth is my current camera is now considerably out-of-date. It has served me VERY well over the past 4 years, but now I'm looking to upgrade. I know exactly what I want, and I'm going to get it. Probably within a few days. I'll let you all know when I procure it, and I'll take some pictures to prove it, haha.
So 2 weekends ago was my 21st birthday, but you already knew that. Friday afternoon Trevor and I began our voyage to D.C. When we arrived, it took us a minute to realize we were in the ghetto-wing of Reagan airport. After a few phone calls back and forth between me and Carolyn, we were finally picked up and on our way back to Fairfax. Friday night we just drank some wine and sat around the apartment, talking and whatnot. Carolyn used my 21st birthday weekend as a perfect time to educate me on the ins and outs of various wines.
Saturday started off early. Richard made is world famous chocoloate-chip pancackes while Carolyn made us some fabulous mimosas. Then we all donned England-themed soccer attire(yours truly reclaiming my beloved Newcastle jersey) and watched, as you might guess, England play soccer in the World Cup. Richard was happy, as England walked away with a 1-0 lead over Paraguay. EN-G-LAND!
The next event of the day was a baseball matchup of the Philles and Nationals at RFK stadium. After navigating through the crazy traffic and the orange cones of fury, we arrived at the game. I really didn't have any affinity towards either team, but it just great to see a new stadium, see two teams I have never seen play before, and just hang out with my family and friends. I mean, it's baseball, so what's NOT to like?
After the game we cleaned up at the apartment and headed out to celebrate the greatest day of the entire year. We began with dinner at this awesome tapas restaurant called Zengo. It was quite possibly(and Trevor concurs) the best dinner I have had.....ever. Seriously, I have had time to reflect on it, and it was the tastiest, most filling, most diverse meal that has ever met my mouth. We also had a great bottle of wine to go with our supper, and it was yet another oppurtunity for Carolyn to share her wealth of wine knowledge with me. Sufficiently full, we made our way to our next destination: the Childe Harold Restaurant and Bar.
With a very Daves-like atmosphere, the Childe was just gettin busy when we arrived. By a stroke of luck, they started checking I.D.'s at the door about 10 minutes after we arrived. Score! We(Richard, Caro, Trevor, and I) arrived around 10:30pm, but our group started showing up around 11:00, and a steady stream of our friends were arriving after that for about an hour. I started the night off with 2 pints of Samuel Adams' White Ale and a pint of Bass Pale Ale. Next, Tyler(Katie O's fiance) bought me a rum and coke, which consisted mainly of rum and just a pinch of coke. (NOTE: Tyler wanted to get a much more awesome mixed drink, but the bartender was such an ass and told Tyler that it was stupid drink. Tyler could have kicked the bartender's ass, but he opted to just get me something else instead of bloodshed, haha.) Then Trevor bought me a whiskey sour, which was also tasty.
As the clock hit midnight, I was officially 21, and things officially got crazy. For my first drink as a 21 year old, Richard bought Trevor and me shots of Sambuca, which basically tasted like black liquorice. Yum yum. Following suit, Tina got me a glass(I'd say about 2 and half shots worth) of Grand Marnier. Now, I didn't know that you are supposed to just sip on Grand Marn; I figured you just shot it. Ryan advised me to just sip on it like I should have, but her warnings fell on deaf ears, haha. Tina pressured me into downing it, saying, "Com'on, Henry, be a man." Well, I couldn't very well turn down that kind of a challenge on my 21st birthday, could I? So I took the Grand Marnier and shot ALL of it. Later I would realize that to be a bad, bad choice. Shortly thereafter, Leann bought me a shot of Jagermeister at the bar; she of course couldn't let me drink alone. Supposedly after that, we all had tequila shots, but I honestly can't remember that. And I think there were more drinks, but again, not much recollection of them, haha. The rest of the night was rather eventful, but I'll spare most of you the gory details. If you REALLY want them, just lemme know, and I'll give you the full story.
My birthday actually ended up being our detox day. Richard fixed an amazing breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, fruit, and juice. After food, we headed to the Udvar-Hazy hangar of the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum, which is located near Dulles airport. Man, it was AWESOME. They had the test Space Shuttle Enterprise, an SR-71, the Enola Gay, a Concorde, as well an amazing array of space artifacts, satellites, and equipment from the past and present. I'm so glad we got a chance to visit this portion of the museum. Definitely a memorable experience.
Sunday night we dined out and ate dessert at the Cheesecake Factory. For a place called a "factory," this place was VERY posh. We all got different types of cheesecake, and I had a cappucino. DIVINE!
So that was my 21st birthday extravaganza in D.C. Trevor and I left Monday morning, but we both agreed that we will be returning to D.C.(or wherever Caroly and Richard are located) to party it up with my sister and Richard again. They were absolutely awesome on my birthday, and I hope I can return the favor to them in the future.
Just as a show of how much fun was had, here's the picture that really sums up our weekend. It was taken near the tail-end of our night at the Childe Harold. Unfortunately, several of our friends had left, but we still managed to get a great picture.
The last supper(or drink)...
And just for a comparison:

My birthday week, including this past weekend, was awesome. Mallory will probably blog this weekend pretty soon, and since she has all the pictures, you might wanna stay tuned to her site. She got some great shots. I'll go into detail about presents I got, things I did, and places I visited next post.
You are probably wondering why I haven't included many pictures lately. Well, the plain truth is my current camera is now considerably out-of-date. It has served me VERY well over the past 4 years, but now I'm looking to upgrade. I know exactly what I want, and I'm going to get it. Probably within a few days. I'll let you all know when I procure it, and I'll take some pictures to prove it, haha.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
No Time
Well, this week has just been crazy. I got back from D.C. Monday afternoon, dropped Trevor off at the airport on Tuesday, and I have been/will work 10 hour days until Friday so I can take off early on Friday, which is when I fly to Atlanta to meet Mal for the Red Sox vs. Braves series. There's so much to talk about, I know, but I just don't have the time to post right now. I'm washing clothes, running to WalMart, and trying to get things in order for my trip this weekend. I'm gonna have to wait until Tuesday to post, but I promise I will detail everything from my 21st birthday and the Sox series. Just don't have time right now.
Speaking of Sox, our freakin' middle relief is F'in PISS POOR! And it's showing at this very minute. Grrr. We best pick up some talent come July 31(trade deadline), or things could get very bad very quickly.
Speaking of Sox, our freakin' middle relief is F'in PISS POOR! And it's showing at this very minute. Grrr. We best pick up some talent come July 31(trade deadline), or things could get very bad very quickly.
Friday, June 09, 2006
Farewell 20...Helloooooo 21
Well, by the time you read this, Trevor and I will be either en route to the airport, at the airport, on an airplane, or in D.C. I am absolutely stoked about this weekend. All I can say is I hope that Trevor and I survive, haha. Just think, the next time I post, I will be doing so as a 21-year old. Let the good times roll!!!
Henry the 20th
Henry the 20th
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
"It is going to be HISTORIC..."
...so go the words of my brother-in-law(or just my "bro," as I call him. He's part of the fam now; no need for that "in-law" stuff) in regards to this coming weekend. In an email sent to Trevor and me just the other day, Richard spoke on behalf of the Sewells and answered a couple of questions I had about wardrobe for this weekend. He also mentioned the phrase that is the title of this particular blog post. Put simply, I cannot wait for this weekend. I really can't. Trevor and I sincerely believe that Carolyn and Richard are more excited about this weekend than we are...and we are REALLY excited(up there with Cedar Point excitment levels). And trust me...that ain't a bad thing.
Adding to this excitment, my other brother Will came through today; I received my first birthday present of the year from him. The man who lives in the Heart of Red Sox Nation can feel its pulse, as well as mine. He got me a blue(with red lettering) Red Sox tee with quite possibly my new favorite player's(next to Varitek, of course) name on the back: Jonathan "beat 'em with high heat" Papelbon. Yup, that's right. "Papelbon" and his number 58 are on the back of the shirt. I absolutley LOVE it. Despite the Sox/Yankees game being cancelled today, I wore the shirt to BJ's tonight as Eric, Trevor, and I had a farewell dinner for Eric. He is heading to KSC tomorrow to do some testing on the P3/P4 truss MDM going up on the next assembly flight(in August). Now I have TWO bitchin Red Sox tees and a jersey. That means I am good-to-go for the Red Sox series in Atlanta.
Obviously, we have internet now in the apartment. We also have furniture, which was GREATLY appreciated after a week and a half sleeping on the floor. It's good to live civilized now, haha.
Tomorrow we(save Eric) are going to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the Sox game. Schiller needs to deliver for us so we can stay in the chase. GO SOX.
Adding to this excitment, my other brother Will came through today; I received my first birthday present of the year from him. The man who lives in the Heart of Red Sox Nation can feel its pulse, as well as mine. He got me a blue(with red lettering) Red Sox tee with quite possibly my new favorite player's(next to Varitek, of course) name on the back: Jonathan "beat 'em with high heat" Papelbon. Yup, that's right. "Papelbon" and his number 58 are on the back of the shirt. I absolutley LOVE it. Despite the Sox/Yankees game being cancelled today, I wore the shirt to BJ's tonight as Eric, Trevor, and I had a farewell dinner for Eric. He is heading to KSC tomorrow to do some testing on the P3/P4 truss MDM going up on the next assembly flight(in August). Now I have TWO bitchin Red Sox tees and a jersey. That means I am good-to-go for the Red Sox series in Atlanta.
Obviously, we have internet now in the apartment. We also have furniture, which was GREATLY appreciated after a week and a half sleeping on the floor. It's good to live civilized now, haha.
Tomorrow we(save Eric) are going to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch the Sox game. Schiller needs to deliver for us so we can stay in the chase. GO SOX.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Temporarily Out of Service
We aren't getting internet in the new apartment until Tuesday. I'm posting right now from Eric's house, as we are watching the Mavs game while hoggin' down on some Little Ceasars pizzas.
Just wanted to keep you all up-to-date and let you know I hadn't dropped off the face of the earth.
Tons to talk about when I come back!
Just wanted to keep you all up-to-date and let you know I hadn't dropped off the face of the earth.
Tons to talk about when I come back!
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