So 2 weekends ago was my 21st birthday, but you already knew that. Friday afternoon Trevor and I began our voyage to D.C. When we arrived, it took us a minute to realize we were in the ghetto-wing of Reagan airport. After a few phone calls back and forth between me and Carolyn, we were finally picked up and on our way back to Fairfax. Friday night we just drank some wine and sat around the apartment, talking and whatnot. Carolyn used my 21st birthday weekend as a perfect time to educate me on the ins and outs of various wines.
Saturday started off early. Richard made is world famous chocoloate-chip pancackes while Carolyn made us some fabulous mimosas. Then we all donned England-themed soccer attire(yours truly reclaiming my beloved Newcastle jersey) and watched, as you might guess, England play soccer in the World Cup. Richard was happy, as England walked away with a 1-0 lead over Paraguay. EN-G-LAND!
The next event of the day was a baseball matchup of the Philles and Nationals at RFK stadium. After navigating through the crazy traffic and the orange cones of fury, we arrived at the game. I really didn't have any affinity towards either team, but it just great to see a new stadium, see two teams I have never seen play before, and just hang out with my family and friends. I mean, it's baseball, so what's NOT to like?
After the game we cleaned up at the apartment and headed out to celebrate the greatest day of the entire year. We began with dinner at this awesome tapas restaurant called Zengo. It was quite possibly(and Trevor concurs) the best dinner I have had.....ever. Seriously, I have had time to reflect on it, and it was the tastiest, most filling, most diverse meal that has ever met my mouth. We also had a great bottle of wine to go with our supper, and it was yet another oppurtunity for Carolyn to share her wealth of wine knowledge with me. Sufficiently full, we made our way to our next destination: the Childe Harold Restaurant and Bar.
With a very Daves-like atmosphere, the Childe was just gettin busy when we arrived. By a stroke of luck, they started checking I.D.'s at the door about 10 minutes after we arrived. Score! We(Richard, Caro, Trevor, and I) arrived around 10:30pm, but our group started showing up around 11:00, and a steady stream of our friends were arriving after that for about an hour. I started the night off with 2 pints of Samuel Adams' White Ale and a pint of Bass Pale Ale. Next, Tyler(Katie O's fiance) bought me a rum and coke, which consisted mainly of rum and just a pinch of coke. (NOTE: Tyler wanted to get a much more awesome mixed drink, but the bartender was such an ass and told Tyler that it was stupid drink. Tyler could have kicked the bartender's ass, but he opted to just get me something else instead of bloodshed, haha.) Then Trevor bought me a whiskey sour, which was also tasty.
As the clock hit midnight, I was officially 21, and things officially got crazy. For my first drink as a 21 year old, Richard bought Trevor and me shots of Sambuca, which basically tasted like black liquorice. Yum yum. Following suit, Tina got me a glass(I'd say about 2 and half shots worth) of Grand Marnier. Now, I didn't know that you are supposed to just sip on Grand Marn; I figured you just shot it. Ryan advised me to just sip on it like I should have, but her warnings fell on deaf ears, haha. Tina pressured me into downing it, saying, "Com'on, Henry, be a man." Well, I couldn't very well turn down that kind of a challenge on my 21st birthday, could I? So I took the Grand Marnier and shot ALL of it. Later I would realize that to be a bad, bad choice. Shortly thereafter, Leann bought me a shot of Jagermeister at the bar; she of course couldn't let me drink alone. Supposedly after that, we all had tequila shots, but I honestly can't remember that. And I think there were more drinks, but again, not much recollection of them, haha. The rest of the night was rather eventful, but I'll spare most of you the gory details. If you REALLY want them, just lemme know, and I'll give you the full story.
My birthday actually ended up being our detox day. Richard fixed an amazing breakfast of eggs, bacon, toast, fruit, and juice. After food, we headed to the Udvar-Hazy hangar of the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum, which is located near Dulles airport. Man, it was AWESOME. They had the test Space Shuttle Enterprise, an SR-71, the Enola Gay, a Concorde, as well an amazing array of space artifacts, satellites, and equipment from the past and present. I'm so glad we got a chance to visit this portion of the museum. Definitely a memorable experience.
Sunday night we dined out and ate dessert at the Cheesecake Factory. For a place called a "factory," this place was VERY posh. We all got different types of cheesecake, and I had a cappucino. DIVINE!
So that was my 21st birthday extravaganza in D.C. Trevor and I left Monday morning, but we both agreed that we will be returning to D.C.(or wherever Caroly and Richard are located) to party it up with my sister and Richard again. They were absolutely awesome on my birthday, and I hope I can return the favor to them in the future.
Just as a show of how much fun was had, here's the picture that really sums up our weekend. It was taken near the tail-end of our night at the Childe Harold. Unfortunately, several of our friends had left, but we still managed to get a great picture.
The last supper(or drink)...
And just for a comparison:

My birthday week, including this past weekend, was awesome. Mallory will probably blog this weekend pretty soon, and since she has all the pictures, you might wanna stay tuned to her site. She got some great shots. I'll go into detail about presents I got, things I did, and places I visited next post.
You are probably wondering why I haven't included many pictures lately. Well, the plain truth is my current camera is now considerably out-of-date. It has served me VERY well over the past 4 years, but now I'm looking to upgrade. I know exactly what I want, and I'm going to get it. Probably within a few days. I'll let you all know when I procure it, and I'll take some pictures to prove it, haha.
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