Sunday, January 07, 2007

if you're a star wars fan...

well you're just gonna love this. It's the Star Wars version of Wikipedia, except since we're in the Star Wars universe here, it's actually called Wookieepedia. HAHA. I love it.

I'll admit that I'm interested in Star Wars(it WAS one of the 3 movie series I was raised on as a child, after all), but I'm nowhere near the infatuation levels of the Skywalker-crazed fanatics out there. It's more of a casual interest, if you will.

Anyways, if you have a few minutes, check out the site. I usually just go and hit the "random" button and pull up an article about something I had never heard of before. Fascinating stuff.

Oh, and my computer arrived today....and I luuuuv it so far. I'll include pics and descriptions later on. It's VERY slick.

well, I have an 8:00 am class tomorrow morning(and EVERY morning, for that matter. Hey, it's what happens when you get to the upper-level classes...there's only ONE of each!), so I guess it's bedtime for me. SUCKS.

the other two movie series I was raised on a child? Superman and Indiana Jones, of course!

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