I got quite possibly the COOLEST gifts this Christmas. First off, John got me a set of surround sound headphones. Even used as stereo headphones, they are SUPERB. I can't wait to test them out on a source that has multi-out. These headphones have center, front left/right, surround, and subwoofer components. Yeh, I know. It's bitchin.
Next, my godparents got me a very neat little desk calendar. Every day has a different technique or exercise that is supposed to improve my memory. Definitely looking forward to remembering more stuff.
My parents got me this EXCELLENT fold-up chair. Why do I need that kind of chair? Well, if you ever came out to the rink before our hockey games, then you would see my attempting to get my skates on while sitting on an ultra-ghetto lawn chair. Well, that chair has seen MANY better days, and it is on the verge of complete collapse. With my new, stylish chair I can get dressed at the rink with ease and comfort. And it's fold-up, so it takes up zilch room in my jeep. My rents are also going to help with the purchase of a sound system I am eyeing for our apartment.
But I think I was completely spoiled by Mallory this Christmas. She got me some AMAZING presents. I shall explain.....
Mal got the Norman Rockwell poster(which she gave me for my last birthday) framed. Now it can go up in my new apartment! I love it!
Mal got this awesome aerial shot of Fenway(during the '99 All-Star Game) framed. Again, this baby is going up in the apartment where everyone can see it!!
To keep up with the myriad of events in my life, Mal got me this Red Sox wall calendar. Once more, this is going right up on the wall in the apartment(duh, it's a wall calendar).
For all my carbonated beverages before June 11, and for all my adult beverages post-June 11, Mal got me this Red Sox mug. It has these special crystals in the mug, so if you put into the freezer for an hour, it creates a cold, frosty outer layer. Now I can put beverages into this mug without worry of them ever getting watered down, and they will stay cold!!
I also got this great Red Sox tee. This gives me something to wear around campus, at a game, or just casually as I'm watching a game on tv. It has "Ortiz" and "34" on the back as well!!!
And this is probably my favorite present from Mal. It's a collection-frame of pics of us from over the past few years. Counterclockwise from top-left picture: my first visit to Mal in Chattanooga, right before Prom, World Series 2005 Game 3, Halloween 2005, Turner Field at a Braves/Pirates game in 2005, D.C. trip in December 2004, and a water slide in Tampa at Busch Gardens in 2005. The central pic is(of course) Fenway Park circa August 2004. You can safely bet that this frame will be prominently displayed on my wall in my apartment.

aren't those great!? I can't wait to move in.
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