Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Onkyo = Sound

No, seriously. Trevor looked it up. ONKYO means "sound" in Japanese. It alllll makes sense now.

Short post today...

The sound system is here. We picked it up on Saturday. It is not FULLY installed yet, so just wait a little longer for pics. Once everything is in its final place, I'll post the pictures. We have tested the bad boy, and it is INCREDIBLE. I wish I could somehow post the sound on here.

My room is almost finished as well. When I hang up my last poster or picture, I'll snap a few shots of my little corner of the world for ya.

The SIHL draft was today. My team is STACKED, but don't take my word for it; check it out HERE. If you still don't know why we're stacked, then just ask me; I'll explain. For yet another season I'm on the Predators, sportin' the number 33, baby :) The first game of the season is on Sunday.

No word yet on Super Bowl plans. SURELY there will be someone hosting a party.

Also, on Saturday Young Agent Jones(or HERE) is playing at Dave's Tavern. Can't wait. I love YAJ(they played at my sis' wedding, for all of you not in the know), and they are playing at one of my favorite places in Starkvegas to hang out. Should be an awesome evening.

welp, I should get to bed.


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