Sunday, December 04, 2005

The Great Gig In The Sky

Yesterday Colin, Eric, and I kicked the soccer ball around at this field right around da corner from Eric's house. I had almost forgotten how fun it was to play the game of futbol; I now look forward to playing intramurals with the boyz back at State this spring. What I do not miss, however, is the soreness that is prevalent after playing soccer for the first time in months. This is a sign I need to be more active...

Which I plan on doing for my final two weeks here. I beat Shadow of the Colossus today, so now I do not have an excuse for being lazy. Starting tomorrow, my ass is getting in gear. (speaking of SotC, it's a FANTASTIC game. I'd play if if you haven't already).

Last night we(Eric, Jennifer, Rachel, Colin, Jude, and I) went to Don Picos Mexican restaurant, which is about 300 yards from Colin's place. It was 99 cent margarita night, but I had a KILLER headache from soccer earlier that afternoon(no idea why), so I did not partake. I did, however, order the chicken enchilada, and it was divine. Afterwards, we walked back to Colin's...

Eric and Colin told me recently that the album Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd synchronizes with the movie Wizard of Oz. I didn't believe them, so they proved it to me last night. The only trick is to start the cd on the conclusion of the 3rd roar by the MGM Lion at the introduction; after that, just sit back and watch. The number of events that match, as well as the words in the songs that describe the current scene is amazing. The best sync has to be when Dorothy opens the door to the "colored" world for the first time; at the precise moment she does, the song "Money" begins to play, with sounds of coins falling being heard. VERY COOL. We tried setting the cd to repeat to see if anything else syncs up, but no luck with that.

I present my exit pitch for this co-op tour to my upper upper upper management on Thursday. I haven't even created one slide for it, so I best get my act together tomorrow. I also have 3 other tasks that need to be done at work by this Friday, need get my exit paperwork done, and maybe get's some console time in. Two weeks more, and I am free for a month :)


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