Monday, October 09, 2006

Sox are everywhere

today was very Red Sox oriented.

to start, I wore my Papelbon jersey-shirt today for the mere fact of pronouncing to all the Yankee fans on campus that I'm saying "HAHAHAHAHA" to them. There's this one particular NY fan in all of my engineering classes who is always sporting something Yankee related. He either has his battered NY hat, his Yankeet watch, or some shirt that says "Jeter XXL"(don't really get that one) or has a player-jersey on hit(usually Posada). Anyhow, this guy just looks the part of a typical Yankee fan, and while I have never conversed with him, I'm rather certain he's annoying. The great thing about all of this is that I usually sit RIGHT in front of this guy in my classes(by no choice of mine; I usually get there before he does), so wearing my Sox shirt today was the perfect ploy. I hope he got a good, loooooong look at it.

on my way out of the library today I saw this chick with a #58 Papelbon jersey-shirt on. She has the alternate home jersey, so it's red with blue lettering, while mine is blue with red lettering. It's kinda sad that I'm not the only one with that jersey on campus anymore :(, haha.

and finally, after my Structures test this evening, I was leaving the room when Dr. Lacy(who is quite possibly the nicest man in this universe) pulled me aside to question me about if I had ever seen the Sportscenter commercial with the Red Sox fan in the bathroom. I told him I had, and that I wore my shirt today just for *that* guy up there(I pointed the Yankee out). As if Dr. Lacy couldn't get any cooler, now I learn that this guy watches ESPN. I wonder if he likes baseball...hmmm.

well, back to Thermodynamics and Monday Night Football...

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