Thursday, March 31, 2005
Errors Galore
WTF. This is gay. I had a great post, funny picture, and tons of stuff tonight, but is being really really gay tonight. So, no post :(
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Lots O' Stuff
Whoah...lots to update on.
Well Tuesday was quite a treat. The Co-ops were able to get Lieutenant Colonel Mike Fincke of the astronaut corps. to come and talk to us. Well actually, we went to him, but nevermind that. He gave a great presentation with a 20 minute video of his adventure in space on Expedition 9. This guy was awesome. He was energetic, had great sense of humor, and was very excited/optimistic about the future of NASA and the Exploration program. He told us about the science onboard the station, launching from Russia, landing in Russia, and the ride on the Russian Soyuz TMA-4 vehicle. It was the best lecture to date, better than Sy's. It was captivating from start to finish. I wanna hear another astronaut talk, haha. They're entertaining.
I have JUST booked my tickets to, not this weekend. They are for the weekend of April 15th. Why am I going to Jackson only two weeks after my first visit?? Well I'm headed to Jackson on a Thursday night; I'll stay the night there with the rents. Friday morning, I(and possibly my mom) are gonna drive to Chattanooga. That friday night is the big Chemistry Department banquet where Mal is gonna get her award and possibly scholarship. Well, I'd be rather lousy if I didn't go to that, wouldn't I? Yeh, I thought so too. So that'll be great; I'll fly back Monday night, so Mal and I will have tons of time to do stuff. I'm SO excited about this. I really can't wait to go.
I found out Trevor is going to be coming home this weekend as well. DEFINITELY good news. I haven't had my Trevor fix in like 2.5 months, and that's just not healthy. I'm sure we have lots to talk about, so I'm sure we'll meet up sometime this weekend. I think the Acy's and Hornes may do dinner and movie Saturday night.
Jason's grandfather died a few days ago, so he left a few hours ago to fly home. He'll be there until Sunday. That means I gotta hold down the fort while he is gone. I should be alright. I took the garbage out a few minutes ago, and there was this light foggy moisture in the air. There was almost no wind, and you couldn't hear anything from the traffic. It was quite peaceful, despite holding a stinking bag of trash.
Yesterday I bought my plane tickets to Dallas for the Sox - Rangers series. That got me even more excited. When I fly in Sunday night, I'll be touching down just in time for the opening day game between the Sox and Yanks, and I think Colin and I are gonna meet up at a bar or something and watch the game there. Of course, he'll order some schnazzy import brewskie, and I'll get water. WHY CAN'T I BE 21 YET?!?
Macresia, my group lead, is going on a cruise next week. She's been telling me all about the stuff they do on cruise ships, and she's told of all the exotic islands they stop by during the trip. I think I'll try to do a cruise next year after I turn 21...they leave from Galveston, which is right down the road, so I won't have to fly out from anywhere. It's good living near the ocean :)
Aite, that's it. I'm gonna do another load of laundry. Night!

Space Shuttle Orbiter Discover (OV-103) as its being rolled out from the Orbital Processing Facility to the Vehicle Assembly Building, where it will be attached to the newly designed External tank, the twin rocket boosters, and any payloads that need to be inserted at that time into the payload bay. LESS THAN TWO MONTHS TO LAUNCH!!!

This pic was taken in Colorado last summer. Are Richard and I A) scared to death by the grizzly bear standing behind the camera B) so tired from work that we can't move or C) watching Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Finals?
Well Tuesday was quite a treat. The Co-ops were able to get Lieutenant Colonel Mike Fincke of the astronaut corps. to come and talk to us. Well actually, we went to him, but nevermind that. He gave a great presentation with a 20 minute video of his adventure in space on Expedition 9. This guy was awesome. He was energetic, had great sense of humor, and was very excited/optimistic about the future of NASA and the Exploration program. He told us about the science onboard the station, launching from Russia, landing in Russia, and the ride on the Russian Soyuz TMA-4 vehicle. It was the best lecture to date, better than Sy's. It was captivating from start to finish. I wanna hear another astronaut talk, haha. They're entertaining.
I have JUST booked my tickets to, not this weekend. They are for the weekend of April 15th. Why am I going to Jackson only two weeks after my first visit?? Well I'm headed to Jackson on a Thursday night; I'll stay the night there with the rents. Friday morning, I(and possibly my mom) are gonna drive to Chattanooga. That friday night is the big Chemistry Department banquet where Mal is gonna get her award and possibly scholarship. Well, I'd be rather lousy if I didn't go to that, wouldn't I? Yeh, I thought so too. So that'll be great; I'll fly back Monday night, so Mal and I will have tons of time to do stuff. I'm SO excited about this. I really can't wait to go.
I found out Trevor is going to be coming home this weekend as well. DEFINITELY good news. I haven't had my Trevor fix in like 2.5 months, and that's just not healthy. I'm sure we have lots to talk about, so I'm sure we'll meet up sometime this weekend. I think the Acy's and Hornes may do dinner and movie Saturday night.
Jason's grandfather died a few days ago, so he left a few hours ago to fly home. He'll be there until Sunday. That means I gotta hold down the fort while he is gone. I should be alright. I took the garbage out a few minutes ago, and there was this light foggy moisture in the air. There was almost no wind, and you couldn't hear anything from the traffic. It was quite peaceful, despite holding a stinking bag of trash.
Yesterday I bought my plane tickets to Dallas for the Sox - Rangers series. That got me even more excited. When I fly in Sunday night, I'll be touching down just in time for the opening day game between the Sox and Yanks, and I think Colin and I are gonna meet up at a bar or something and watch the game there. Of course, he'll order some schnazzy import brewskie, and I'll get water. WHY CAN'T I BE 21 YET?!?
Macresia, my group lead, is going on a cruise next week. She's been telling me all about the stuff they do on cruise ships, and she's told of all the exotic islands they stop by during the trip. I think I'll try to do a cruise next year after I turn 21...they leave from Galveston, which is right down the road, so I won't have to fly out from anywhere. It's good living near the ocean :)
Aite, that's it. I'm gonna do another load of laundry. Night!

Space Shuttle Orbiter Discover (OV-103) as its being rolled out from the Orbital Processing Facility to the Vehicle Assembly Building, where it will be attached to the newly designed External tank, the twin rocket boosters, and any payloads that need to be inserted at that time into the payload bay. LESS THAN TWO MONTHS TO LAUNCH!!!

This pic was taken in Colorado last summer. Are Richard and I A) scared to death by the grizzly bear standing behind the camera B) so tired from work that we can't move or C) watching Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Finals?
Monday, March 28, 2005
TOP 10 time
Okay, well I felt like doing a list here it goes. Eventually I'll get to my favorite movies, the movies I want to see, my favorite cities, etc...
In honor of the my return home this weekend, I thought I'd do a top 10 list for my home:
Top 10 Reasons Living at The Gray Center is Grayt:
10. Awesome places for throwing the frisbee around
9. It's Far, far from the city of Jackson and annoying traffic
8. You can walk out and get the Sunday paper in your boxers, or nothing at all
7. The dogs have TONS of places to run around and explore
6. Your own swimming pool is only a short walk away
5. It's Far, far from the city of Jackson and annoying traffic
4. Five-star food(seriously) is only a 30 second drive away at the Dining Hall
3. Disc Golf is only a 1 minute drive away(18 holes too!)
2. Despite being isolated, you still have ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN Classic and coming soon: high speed internet
1. It's Far, far away from Jackson and annoying traffic
Well there you have it.
Quick tidbits: Caro and Rich are planning their trip to England. Tomorrow I get to attend a lecture from an astronaut. I pick up my dry-cleaning tomorrow. Sox vs Yanks on FOX this Sunday. Headlines on Jay Leno tonight. I register for summer classes in a few days. Weather here is great right now. Today Space Shuttle Discovery was moved from the Oribtal Processing Facility to the Vehicle Assembly Building. A week from today it rolls out to launch pad 39B. Freakin Sweet!

I love this pic. That's me, John, Carolyn, and Will after Caro's wedding. I guarantee you'll never see us this dressed up in one place again. Except maybe at Will's wedding...oops, did I say that out loud?
I'm out. Latre.
In honor of the my return home this weekend, I thought I'd do a top 10 list for my home:
Top 10 Reasons Living at The Gray Center is Grayt:
10. Awesome places for throwing the frisbee around
9. It's Far, far from the city of Jackson and annoying traffic
8. You can walk out and get the Sunday paper in your boxers, or nothing at all
7. The dogs have TONS of places to run around and explore
6. Your own swimming pool is only a short walk away
5. It's Far, far from the city of Jackson and annoying traffic
4. Five-star food(seriously) is only a 30 second drive away at the Dining Hall
3. Disc Golf is only a 1 minute drive away(18 holes too!)
2. Despite being isolated, you still have ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN Classic and coming soon: high speed internet
1. It's Far, far away from Jackson and annoying traffic
Well there you have it.
Quick tidbits: Caro and Rich are planning their trip to England. Tomorrow I get to attend a lecture from an astronaut. I pick up my dry-cleaning tomorrow. Sox vs Yanks on FOX this Sunday. Headlines on Jay Leno tonight. I register for summer classes in a few days. Weather here is great right now. Today Space Shuttle Discovery was moved from the Oribtal Processing Facility to the Vehicle Assembly Building. A week from today it rolls out to launch pad 39B. Freakin Sweet!

I love this pic. That's me, John, Carolyn, and Will after Caro's wedding. I guarantee you'll never see us this dressed up in one place again. Except maybe at Will's wedding...oops, did I say that out loud?
I'm out. Latre.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Bum City
With the way this weekend kicked off, you would think I'd be jumping out of airplanes by today, wouldn't you? Strangely enough, I haven't done much of anything since Friday, haha. All I have done with my time is play Prime 2, and that's about it. Yeh, I know; I should be getting in shape for summer. I am just NOW getting over my cold, so that was holding me back. Also, I'm going home this weekend, so I figure I should start workin out AFTER I gain all that weight this weekend from my mom's cookin'. Is it procrastination? Probably, but I'll have no choice but to start getting in shape after this week cuz it's only a few months until summer...I can't be looking bad for that, now can I? :)
Saturday, March 26, 2005
When it Rains...
I was hardly prepared for what all happened yesterday...
First, I had my presentation to the group of my new MCC tool I was working on. I got a great response from the group, as well as some good suggestions. I can start certifying the tool next week...after that, it'll be used on console :)
Then we had the Increment 10 picture. Increment is like a "mission", kinda. Basically, whenever there is a change of crew onboard the ISS, there is a new increment. We are currently in Increment 10, meaning the 10th crew is up there since we started human presence on the station. Anyway, I haven't really done much to contribute to Increment 10 yet, so I felt I shouldn't be in the picture. The group said I should anyways; they said most of them were in Increment pictures before they ever did anything. I thought, "why not?". So we took the picture in the ISS Flight Control Room. SO MANY people in there, my dear lord. You have to think, it is every flight controller, flight director, and MER(mission evaluation room) person that contributed to Increment 10. I'd say there were around 100 people in there. The picture is a big deal, cuz they send it up to the crew, and they show it everywhere on-site. I'll make sure to post it whenever it's finished.
So after the pic, I went to Trey's office to ask about something. I hadn't seen him in awhile; he's had the flu or something. It was pretty bad, but he's good now. So we talked for awhile; I told him what I was working on, and we talked about all kinds of stuff. I was about to go back to my office when he asked me what I was doing that night. I said nothing, anticipating what he had in mind. The guy that sits beside Trey at all the Aeros hockey games couldn't make last night's game, so he gave Trey his two tickets. Remember, these are seats in the Club Level. You have access to the Deli, the bar, and a few nice grilles. I gladly accepted the tickets from Trey, and I figured I'd bring Jason along.
Shortly after that, I got to see some MOON ROCKS returned from the Apollo missions. This was kinda cool. We got to see all the labs and work areas where they analyze these and other astromaterials from space.
Unfortunately, we had to drive to the game...which meant driving through semi rush hour and going into downtown Houston. I made some poor choices as to which road to take, so we got stuck for awhile. Fortunately, we got to the arena JUST after the game started; we didn't miss much. Cuz we were "season ticket holders" for the night, we got to park in the nice parking garage. The walk to the arena was right across this bridge between the buildings, and we were there in no time.
We found our seats, saw Trey and his wife sitting right beside them, and we sat down beside them. The game was great. During the second period, we were fortunate enough to witness the MOST EXCITING PLAY IN ALL OF SPORTS...that's right, ladies and gentlemen, we got to see a HOCKEY PENALTY SHOT. It was freakin awesome! Until last night, I had never seen one live, so this was a definite treat.

The Most Exciting Play in all of sports.

This was a fun sight. During an intermission, they put a helment at center ice, turned up. During the game, you are able to go buy these orange rubber pucks, 3 at a time; each group of 3 has a number on them. When the helmet is put out there, the ENTIRE crowd throws the rubber pucks to try and make it in the helmet for a big prize! It was a funny site. This picture shows the aftermath. No one won though :(

Napolean Dynamite on the big screen. It doesn't get much better than that.
Well we were up 3-2 with about 30 seconds to go in the game, and the Grand Rapids Griffins somehow managed to squeak in a goal, so we were tied. We went to decision. Now normally this would mean the end of a game in the NHL world; not the case in the AHL. They go to a shoot out soccer style!! I SO think they should do this in the NHL regular season(whenever that may be). I think it would be a great way to attract new fans. As you know, each team has 5 players selected, and they go for a goal one at a time, alternating shots. We went back and forth: we would block one, they would block one; we'd score, and they'd score. It came down to the last series. They scored. That meant we HAD to score or we lost. Our player(I don't know them all...yet) shot down the ice and put this wonderful move on the goalie. WE SCORED. That meant we go into a single series; whoever messes up, loses. So they go first, and they score. Again, the pressure is all on us. Unfortunately, their keeper blocked our shot, so it was kind of a lackluster ending. Oh well, it was MUCH fun.
And if ALL that wasn't enough, I got even more great news yesterday. Mal told me that she was selected as THE OUTSTANDING STUDENT in Organic Chemistry. Out of 130 people, Mal was the one that got it. She's gonna be honored at this banquet later in the year. Needless to say, I was very proud, and I stuck my chest out a little more yesterday. I had to brag to several people; I just couldn't hold it, haha.
Wasn't that exciting? I tell ya, I was exhausted when I came back to the apartment. Sleeping was not a problem last night.
First, I had my presentation to the group of my new MCC tool I was working on. I got a great response from the group, as well as some good suggestions. I can start certifying the tool next week...after that, it'll be used on console :)
Then we had the Increment 10 picture. Increment is like a "mission", kinda. Basically, whenever there is a change of crew onboard the ISS, there is a new increment. We are currently in Increment 10, meaning the 10th crew is up there since we started human presence on the station. Anyway, I haven't really done much to contribute to Increment 10 yet, so I felt I shouldn't be in the picture. The group said I should anyways; they said most of them were in Increment pictures before they ever did anything. I thought, "why not?". So we took the picture in the ISS Flight Control Room. SO MANY people in there, my dear lord. You have to think, it is every flight controller, flight director, and MER(mission evaluation room) person that contributed to Increment 10. I'd say there were around 100 people in there. The picture is a big deal, cuz they send it up to the crew, and they show it everywhere on-site. I'll make sure to post it whenever it's finished.
So after the pic, I went to Trey's office to ask about something. I hadn't seen him in awhile; he's had the flu or something. It was pretty bad, but he's good now. So we talked for awhile; I told him what I was working on, and we talked about all kinds of stuff. I was about to go back to my office when he asked me what I was doing that night. I said nothing, anticipating what he had in mind. The guy that sits beside Trey at all the Aeros hockey games couldn't make last night's game, so he gave Trey his two tickets. Remember, these are seats in the Club Level. You have access to the Deli, the bar, and a few nice grilles. I gladly accepted the tickets from Trey, and I figured I'd bring Jason along.
Shortly after that, I got to see some MOON ROCKS returned from the Apollo missions. This was kinda cool. We got to see all the labs and work areas where they analyze these and other astromaterials from space.
Unfortunately, we had to drive to the game...which meant driving through semi rush hour and going into downtown Houston. I made some poor choices as to which road to take, so we got stuck for awhile. Fortunately, we got to the arena JUST after the game started; we didn't miss much. Cuz we were "season ticket holders" for the night, we got to park in the nice parking garage. The walk to the arena was right across this bridge between the buildings, and we were there in no time.
We found our seats, saw Trey and his wife sitting right beside them, and we sat down beside them. The game was great. During the second period, we were fortunate enough to witness the MOST EXCITING PLAY IN ALL OF SPORTS...that's right, ladies and gentlemen, we got to see a HOCKEY PENALTY SHOT. It was freakin awesome! Until last night, I had never seen one live, so this was a definite treat.

The Most Exciting Play in all of sports.

This was a fun sight. During an intermission, they put a helment at center ice, turned up. During the game, you are able to go buy these orange rubber pucks, 3 at a time; each group of 3 has a number on them. When the helmet is put out there, the ENTIRE crowd throws the rubber pucks to try and make it in the helmet for a big prize! It was a funny site. This picture shows the aftermath. No one won though :(

Napolean Dynamite on the big screen. It doesn't get much better than that.
Well we were up 3-2 with about 30 seconds to go in the game, and the Grand Rapids Griffins somehow managed to squeak in a goal, so we were tied. We went to decision. Now normally this would mean the end of a game in the NHL world; not the case in the AHL. They go to a shoot out soccer style!! I SO think they should do this in the NHL regular season(whenever that may be). I think it would be a great way to attract new fans. As you know, each team has 5 players selected, and they go for a goal one at a time, alternating shots. We went back and forth: we would block one, they would block one; we'd score, and they'd score. It came down to the last series. They scored. That meant we HAD to score or we lost. Our player(I don't know them all...yet) shot down the ice and put this wonderful move on the goalie. WE SCORED. That meant we go into a single series; whoever messes up, loses. So they go first, and they score. Again, the pressure is all on us. Unfortunately, their keeper blocked our shot, so it was kind of a lackluster ending. Oh well, it was MUCH fun.
And if ALL that wasn't enough, I got even more great news yesterday. Mal told me that she was selected as THE OUTSTANDING STUDENT in Organic Chemistry. Out of 130 people, Mal was the one that got it. She's gonna be honored at this banquet later in the year. Needless to say, I was very proud, and I stuck my chest out a little more yesterday. I had to brag to several people; I just couldn't hold it, haha.
Wasn't that exciting? I tell ya, I was exhausted when I came back to the apartment. Sleeping was not a problem last night.
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Nothing much happened today. I have to present what I have done so far to my group tomorrow. It's not that formal; I'm really just gonna show them the main project I have been workin on for about a month.
It's supposed to get up to 80 here tomorrow :)
I'm going to see some REAL Moon Rocks during work tomorrow as well! Expect pictures.
My Red Sox posse and I have decided to fly to Dallas instead. The fares are cheap, it saves us the uneventful drive, and it gives us flexibility. We're gonna have two "bases", haha. Some of us will stay in downtown Dallas, the rest of us will stay in Arlington; we'll also rent a car. That way we can park the car at the Arlington "base," and we can walk to the game. If we wanna spend the night on the town after the game(s), we can ride back and stay at the Dallas base. See? It make sense.
Well that's about it. Tomorrow = Friday = lots of sleep :)
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
More baseball....and volleyball?!?
Well I went to the game yesterday. It was fun. The team lost, but Eric and Frank did a good job of coaching. I forgot how serious kids take games at that age, haha.
I was able to attend this lecture today in Historic Mission Control from Sy Liebergot. You prolly don't know him, but he's rather important. He was an EECOM flight controller during most of the Apollo missions to the moon, including Apollo 13. He was THE guy in the middle of the accident; he was portrayed by Ron Howard's bald brother in the film(watch the movie, and you'll see him). Sy was the one that told Jim Luvvel and the crew to stir the oxygen tanks...which led to the short, which led to the explosion. Sy was also THE guy that said the crew better move to the LEM(lunar exploration module) in order to stay alive. So yeh, this guy was pretty important. He had all kinds of pictures in his presentation. One in particular was very eerie: he had a panoramic shot from the back of Mission Control about 3 minutes prior to the accident. You can see Jack Swigert on one of the big projector screens as the crew is doing a live feed to the ground. VERY cool photo. Sy basically took us through the timeline of the accident, from liftoff to splashdown. It was the best lecture to-date in my opinion.
I think I'm gonna try to start playing some outdoor volleyball as soon as I kick this cold. I saw some courts at the sports complex last night, and they were nice. I'm sure all kinds of people play on the weekends, so I may try to walk-on. I figure that I can fully exploit my height in this sport.
Well with that I'm out. Good night!
I was able to attend this lecture today in Historic Mission Control from Sy Liebergot. You prolly don't know him, but he's rather important. He was an EECOM flight controller during most of the Apollo missions to the moon, including Apollo 13. He was THE guy in the middle of the accident; he was portrayed by Ron Howard's bald brother in the film(watch the movie, and you'll see him). Sy was the one that told Jim Luvvel and the crew to stir the oxygen tanks...which led to the short, which led to the explosion. Sy was also THE guy that said the crew better move to the LEM(lunar exploration module) in order to stay alive. So yeh, this guy was pretty important. He had all kinds of pictures in his presentation. One in particular was very eerie: he had a panoramic shot from the back of Mission Control about 3 minutes prior to the accident. You can see Jack Swigert on one of the big projector screens as the crew is doing a live feed to the ground. VERY cool photo. Sy basically took us through the timeline of the accident, from liftoff to splashdown. It was the best lecture to-date in my opinion.
I think I'm gonna try to start playing some outdoor volleyball as soon as I kick this cold. I saw some courts at the sports complex last night, and they were nice. I'm sure all kinds of people play on the weekends, so I may try to walk-on. I figure that I can fully exploit my height in this sport.
Well with that I'm out. Good night!
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Coach Horne?
Hey err'body. Early, isn't it?
I prolly wont feel like blogging tonight, cuz I'm already tired, and I'm about to go to a baseball game. No, not the Astros. I'm talking Little League(ages 10-12) baseball. No, I'm not a psycho petiphile. Two good buddies o' mine from work coach this local little league team. We talk about baseball all the time, talk about the team, strategies, plays, their best players, etc. Needless to say, I know alot about this team without even seeing them play. I told Eric and Frank(the two coaches) that I'd love to come watch their first game. They have no prior coaching experience; hell, they're only 27 and 25, respectively. From what I hear, however, they seem to be doing well. All the talking I've done with them has made me think about coaching; not professional, of course, just local stuff. I think it would be a freakin awesome time, and I'd love to teach the game to kids(about the age they coach, 10-12. Maybe a year or two older). Be it baseball, soccer, or hockey, I think I'd like the challenge. I've had sooooooooooo many good coaches(soccer and baseball) throughout my life that I know what it takes and how to go about it. My dad coached me when I was little, so what's stopping me? I dunno...just something I've thought about while staring at the stars.
A flight director checked out my Caution and Warning script for MCC the other day. He liked it :)
We tested the tool out in MCC today. It worked almost flawlessly. Just a few things need to be tweaked. I'm very excited, cuz Zorba says that for the next ISS stage, we're gonna have to use the tool. Hell Yes!! I just gotta finish it up, document it, certify it, and I'm on my way to contributing to the Human Space Flight Program :)
Well I'm gonna take a nap before the game. Latre.
I prolly wont feel like blogging tonight, cuz I'm already tired, and I'm about to go to a baseball game. No, not the Astros. I'm talking Little League(ages 10-12) baseball. No, I'm not a psycho petiphile. Two good buddies o' mine from work coach this local little league team. We talk about baseball all the time, talk about the team, strategies, plays, their best players, etc. Needless to say, I know alot about this team without even seeing them play. I told Eric and Frank(the two coaches) that I'd love to come watch their first game. They have no prior coaching experience; hell, they're only 27 and 25, respectively. From what I hear, however, they seem to be doing well. All the talking I've done with them has made me think about coaching; not professional, of course, just local stuff. I think it would be a freakin awesome time, and I'd love to teach the game to kids(about the age they coach, 10-12. Maybe a year or two older). Be it baseball, soccer, or hockey, I think I'd like the challenge. I've had sooooooooooo many good coaches(soccer and baseball) throughout my life that I know what it takes and how to go about it. My dad coached me when I was little, so what's stopping me? I dunno...just something I've thought about while staring at the stars.
A flight director checked out my Caution and Warning script for MCC the other day. He liked it :)
We tested the tool out in MCC today. It worked almost flawlessly. Just a few things need to be tweaked. I'm very excited, cuz Zorba says that for the next ISS stage, we're gonna have to use the tool. Hell Yes!! I just gotta finish it up, document it, certify it, and I'm on my way to contributing to the Human Space Flight Program :)
Well I'm gonna take a nap before the game. Latre.
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Duke Dunks My Dawgs
Well there goes our season. My Dawgs showed alot of heart today against Duke, but man, you gotta have your FUNDAMENTALS. We were horrific from the free-throw line, and we had way too many turnovers. Sure, we had some bad bounces, but so did Duke. We also got some really shitty calls, but again, so did Duke. We just shot ourselves in the foot. It sucks, cuz were a much better conditioned team, and had much more patience, as evidence by the number of fouls. My brackets are pretty much worthless now, but oh well. Always next year.
I bought my new cd player yesterday. No, this wasn't an impulse buy; I have been in dire need of one for a long time. I wanted a sleek design, .mp3 decoding, .wmv decoding, and a sweet price. I was in luck: Ciruit City had a Panasonic cd player that fit such a description. They even installed for free :). Here's a pic of it:
Here's the link to all the details of the player, even though the picture link is messed up.
I did a whole lot of chiling this weekend. Sleep + basketball + sleep + movies + video games + sleep = good weekend. I think it helped my cold too; I'm starting to feel much better. I think one more night of Thera-ful and Dimeatapp(sp?) should finish me up.
Well I'm gonna cut this short again; I gotta head to the store and pick up some groceries. I no longer dread this trip anymore, cuz I can actually listen to music I like. That prolly doesn't excite you as much as it does me, but oh well. I haven't had a legit cd player in 2 years. I'm gonna pick up some more blank cds, too, at Wal-Mart. I have only one right now, and I know I'm gonna need more.
Not much happening this week, except my semi-presentation this Friday to my group.
I'm sure I'll get ragged tomorrow about State's loss. Baseball season, hurry up!!!
I'm out...night.
I bought my new cd player yesterday. No, this wasn't an impulse buy; I have been in dire need of one for a long time. I wanted a sleek design, .mp3 decoding, .wmv decoding, and a sweet price. I was in luck: Ciruit City had a Panasonic cd player that fit such a description. They even installed for free :). Here's a pic of it:
Here's the link to all the details of the player, even though the picture link is messed up.
I did a whole lot of chiling this weekend. Sleep + basketball + sleep + movies + video games + sleep = good weekend. I think it helped my cold too; I'm starting to feel much better. I think one more night of Thera-ful and Dimeatapp(sp?) should finish me up.
Well I'm gonna cut this short again; I gotta head to the store and pick up some groceries. I no longer dread this trip anymore, cuz I can actually listen to music I like. That prolly doesn't excite you as much as it does me, but oh well. I haven't had a legit cd player in 2 years. I'm gonna pick up some more blank cds, too, at Wal-Mart. I have only one right now, and I know I'm gonna need more.
Not much happening this week, except my semi-presentation this Friday to my group.
I'm sure I'll get ragged tomorrow about State's loss. Baseball season, hurry up!!!
I'm out...night.
Friday, March 18, 2005
Short one today
hello hello...
well I wanted to just crash when I got home today. I could feel the softness of my bed, the warmth of my blankets, and the comforting breeze of my bedside fan.....then Jason walked in. His first words: "Dude, your back left tire is pretty low"....DAMNIT. There goes my relaxing Friday. So I redress, go get some free air in my tire, and go to the tire place. Haha, there was this BIG ass nail in my tire, so that was kinda amusing. They patched it, and I was on my way. So I did get some rest in today.
Damnit to hell, Vermnot. A 13-4 upset? Jeez. My bracket hurts even more now, but I'm still alright. I had Syracuse losing to Michigan St. in the second round, so I'm stilll alive with 200 points. That's good enough for the top 9%. We'll see what happens. My Dawgs play tonight, so they can help me out a little. Don't think they'll be on tv though :( We're gonna get the Kansas-Bucknell game instead...yeah.
Well I'm wired for the night. Basketball then Metroid Prime 2 until the wee hours of the night. Jasonn is doing Relay for Life at midnight, so it'll be a creepy atmosphere playing the
I'm out.
***cd player tomorrow!!!***
well I wanted to just crash when I got home today. I could feel the softness of my bed, the warmth of my blankets, and the comforting breeze of my bedside fan.....then Jason walked in. His first words: "Dude, your back left tire is pretty low"....DAMNIT. There goes my relaxing Friday. So I redress, go get some free air in my tire, and go to the tire place. Haha, there was this BIG ass nail in my tire, so that was kinda amusing. They patched it, and I was on my way. So I did get some rest in today.
Damnit to hell, Vermnot. A 13-4 upset? Jeez. My bracket hurts even more now, but I'm still alright. I had Syracuse losing to Michigan St. in the second round, so I'm stilll alive with 200 points. That's good enough for the top 9%. We'll see what happens. My Dawgs play tonight, so they can help me out a little. Don't think they'll be on tv though :( We're gonna get the Kansas-Bucknell game instead...yeah.
Well I'm wired for the night. Basketball then Metroid Prime 2 until the wee hours of the night. Jasonn is doing Relay for Life at midnight, so it'll be a creepy atmosphere playing the
I'm out.
***cd player tomorrow!!!***
Thursday, March 17, 2005
"Houston, we have" no, that's too cheasy
hey all...short post today.
I just returned from watching Apollo 13 in the Historic Mission Control Room at JSC(kinda ironic, isn't it?). I took a few pics at some oppurtune times, so you can check them out below. The movie was great, and we had three special guests. Each of them had a part in the Apollo 13 mission: One was a Lunar Module flight controller, one was a propulsion/trajectory flight controller, and the other was an engineer that worked with some of the hardware involved in the mission. All 3 men were a joy to listen to.

Here's my viewpoint of the movie tonight. RIGHT in the middle. (sorry about the lighting. It's bad in there)

Interesting, as this picture was prolly seen LIVE from this same room during a launch day.

With my uncanny camera ability, I was able to take this pic. What is so cool about it? I was watching this movie from that exact spot right between those two green consoles in the background.
I worked later than usual today cuz I figured that going back home then back on-site for the movie would be a hassle. So I get to get off work early tomorrow :) and sleep sleep sleep...I can't wait.
I'm almost done with my Caution and Warning script that I am building. I haven't finished, mainly due to the added features Zorba wants in it. I'll be the first to tell you that this things is TIGHT. I'm gonna take screenshots once it is finished. HOPEFULLY we'll test it out in MCC tomorrow....I just got to figure out this one thing I'm stuck on.
My NCAA brackets aren't doing too well. Bama disappointed, Pacific were not nice, and UAB is looking to hurt my bracket even more as we speak.
The SOX tickets came in today :) I'm gonna pay for them tomorrow and pick them up from Colin's girlfriend. OMG, you wont believe the seats we got. If I have time to update again tonight, I'll post pics of our vantagepoint in the seats. One word: awesome.
Well I'm out. Pizza time then physics.
I just returned from watching Apollo 13 in the Historic Mission Control Room at JSC(kinda ironic, isn't it?). I took a few pics at some oppurtune times, so you can check them out below. The movie was great, and we had three special guests. Each of them had a part in the Apollo 13 mission: One was a Lunar Module flight controller, one was a propulsion/trajectory flight controller, and the other was an engineer that worked with some of the hardware involved in the mission. All 3 men were a joy to listen to.

Here's my viewpoint of the movie tonight. RIGHT in the middle. (sorry about the lighting. It's bad in there)

Interesting, as this picture was prolly seen LIVE from this same room during a launch day.

With my uncanny camera ability, I was able to take this pic. What is so cool about it? I was watching this movie from that exact spot right between those two green consoles in the background.
I worked later than usual today cuz I figured that going back home then back on-site for the movie would be a hassle. So I get to get off work early tomorrow :) and sleep sleep sleep...I can't wait.
I'm almost done with my Caution and Warning script that I am building. I haven't finished, mainly due to the added features Zorba wants in it. I'll be the first to tell you that this things is TIGHT. I'm gonna take screenshots once it is finished. HOPEFULLY we'll test it out in MCC tomorrow....I just got to figure out this one thing I'm stuck on.
My NCAA brackets aren't doing too well. Bama disappointed, Pacific were not nice, and UAB is looking to hurt my bracket even more as we speak.
The SOX tickets came in today :) I'm gonna pay for them tomorrow and pick them up from Colin's girlfriend. OMG, you wont believe the seats we got. If I have time to update again tonight, I'll post pics of our vantagepoint in the seats. One word: awesome.
Well I'm out. Pizza time then physics.
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
well I am back after a day off...and what a day it was.
The co-ops were fortunate enough to get to attend a lecture given by Christ Kraft, NASA Johnson's(although not always called that) first flight director. He was there all during the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo missions, as well as during part of the lifetime of the shuttle. I had a wonderful time listening to him: he was very casual, spoke like a 30 year old(even though he is 81!), walked around, talked to individuals, and was very outspoken. He challenged us with many questions about where NASA is headed, and what we think about it. I could go on for hours about all the stuff we talked about, but know that I have begun to think about things here at NASA much differently since the lecture. Very entertaining time.
Speaking of flight directors, tomorrow night the co-ops are organizing for us to watch Apollo 13 in the Historic Mission Control Room(you know, where all the old school stuff happened). I'm very pumped about that. I think that'll be loads of fun. I went to wal mart today and got me one of those fold up tailgating chairs, which are very cheap now. So I am set for tomorrow. Rumor is that we are supposed to have "special guests" appear at the showing....very mysterious.
I also learned today that the Six Flags NASA day is NOT just for NASA folks...that sucks. Yeh, it won't be deep into the season by next month, but I still bet there will be TONS of people there, in addition to the NASA folk, so I dunno. I'm leaning towards not going.
Well it seems I was smacked with the cold bug yesterday. I'm stopped up(nasal, not the other kind), groggy, and have chills/fevers. So I'm here, sitting at my computer, all bundled up, and drinking some good ole' hot Thera-Flu. Hopefully I'll be able to kick this thing before the weekend.
Colin came back yesterday. If you don't know, Colin is an ODIN that is a HUGE Red Sox fan. He went to Aruba for a week. First off, that makes me wonder: Colin just went to Aruba for a week. My office partner, Pamela, just got back from a few weeks in Hawaii. I thought federal jobs didn't pay too well....hmmmm....Anyway, back to Colin and the Sox. He told me about one month ago that he was planning on going to see the 3 games-in-3-days series against the Rangers at the end of April. He knew of my love for the Sox, so he mentioned it to me; and if you know me at all, I said yes in a heartbeat. He got the tickets on Tuesday :). So I'm all set. Colin, his girlfriend, his friend, his friend's girlfriend, this girl they call "Moose" from the ADCO group, and I are going to the games. I get to see THREE Red Sox games in THREE days. I'm willing to be that Will Horne has never done that. Mwa hahaha. Seriously, though. I am SO excited about going. Our seats are like 25 feet from the Sox dugout, so we're gonna be around lots o' Sox fans. We are gonna get there early for batting practice on Saturday's game, so maybe I'll get to hang with Damon, Ortiz, Millar, and my boy Varitek. Maybe score their autographs :)
Well when I arrived at my apartment after work today, I smelled the worst odor when I walked in. I have yet to narrow it down, but thankfully I closed my door this morning before I left, so there is no odor in here. I'll see what Jason thinks when he gets back. I took out the trash, and it still kinda stinks. We better find the source soon, or I'm never coming out of the room.
I'm off to a 4 hour marathon of Prime 2. Latre.
The co-ops were fortunate enough to get to attend a lecture given by Christ Kraft, NASA Johnson's(although not always called that) first flight director. He was there all during the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo missions, as well as during part of the lifetime of the shuttle. I had a wonderful time listening to him: he was very casual, spoke like a 30 year old(even though he is 81!), walked around, talked to individuals, and was very outspoken. He challenged us with many questions about where NASA is headed, and what we think about it. I could go on for hours about all the stuff we talked about, but know that I have begun to think about things here at NASA much differently since the lecture. Very entertaining time.
Speaking of flight directors, tomorrow night the co-ops are organizing for us to watch Apollo 13 in the Historic Mission Control Room(you know, where all the old school stuff happened). I'm very pumped about that. I think that'll be loads of fun. I went to wal mart today and got me one of those fold up tailgating chairs, which are very cheap now. So I am set for tomorrow. Rumor is that we are supposed to have "special guests" appear at the showing....very mysterious.
I also learned today that the Six Flags NASA day is NOT just for NASA folks...that sucks. Yeh, it won't be deep into the season by next month, but I still bet there will be TONS of people there, in addition to the NASA folk, so I dunno. I'm leaning towards not going.
Well it seems I was smacked with the cold bug yesterday. I'm stopped up(nasal, not the other kind), groggy, and have chills/fevers. So I'm here, sitting at my computer, all bundled up, and drinking some good ole' hot Thera-Flu. Hopefully I'll be able to kick this thing before the weekend.
Colin came back yesterday. If you don't know, Colin is an ODIN that is a HUGE Red Sox fan. He went to Aruba for a week. First off, that makes me wonder: Colin just went to Aruba for a week. My office partner, Pamela, just got back from a few weeks in Hawaii. I thought federal jobs didn't pay too well....hmmmm....Anyway, back to Colin and the Sox. He told me about one month ago that he was planning on going to see the 3 games-in-3-days series against the Rangers at the end of April. He knew of my love for the Sox, so he mentioned it to me; and if you know me at all, I said yes in a heartbeat. He got the tickets on Tuesday :). So I'm all set. Colin, his girlfriend, his friend, his friend's girlfriend, this girl they call "Moose" from the ADCO group, and I are going to the games. I get to see THREE Red Sox games in THREE days. I'm willing to be that Will Horne has never done that. Mwa hahaha. Seriously, though. I am SO excited about going. Our seats are like 25 feet from the Sox dugout, so we're gonna be around lots o' Sox fans. We are gonna get there early for batting practice on Saturday's game, so maybe I'll get to hang with Damon, Ortiz, Millar, and my boy Varitek. Maybe score their autographs :)
Well when I arrived at my apartment after work today, I smelled the worst odor when I walked in. I have yet to narrow it down, but thankfully I closed my door this morning before I left, so there is no odor in here. I'll see what Jason thinks when he gets back. I took out the trash, and it still kinda stinks. We better find the source soon, or I'm never coming out of the room.
I'm off to a 4 hour marathon of Prime 2. Latre.
Monday, March 14, 2005
Things Are Gonna Be Different
Today was quite eventful...
First off, Regg and Aaron left to return to their native lands of Grenada and Birmingham, respectively. I hate that they had to leave so soon, but I am very thankful that I can finally get some rest. I am bummin' this entire week...I've been going full throttle for the past two weeks, so I'm ready to just chill.
Chris, the manager at the Hilton here didn't answer my call, so I assume he was just busy. The thing is, this day was PERFECT for the picture. We're talkin NO clouds, 70 degrees, light wind...oh man, it was perfect. I really want that picture's like a quest for me now.
I got to help Zorba(one of my mentors) with an ORT(orbital readiness test) today in Mission Control. I'm technically not supposed be doing those, since I'm not command certified, but I just kinda helped him go down the checklist of things to do. It was cool though; I learned more about the interfaces between the PCS(personal computer system) and the ground computers. Anyhow, as Zorba and I are leaving Mission Control, we pass by none other than John Young. Who is John Young, you ask? He was the commander of the Apollo 16 mission, and he is one of the only handful of people to ever walk on the moon. Needless to say, that was very cool...that I was THIS close to a guy that jumped on the moon.
Ah, and I started Metroid Prime 2's awesome. That's all I can say. I skipped school to go to Clarksville to get Metroid Prime my senior year of high school, so you know what kind of place this series holds in my heart. It's flawless so far....I'm doing my blog early so I can play it :)
Okay, here's the big news: after years of pain and agony from listening to the radio, I have decided to buy a cd player for my car. ***ROUNDS OF APPLAUSE*** Ladies and gentlemen, calm down. I know it's hard to believe, but yes, it's true. I'm going this Saturday to Best Buy to pick out my cd player and get them to install it. NO MORE radio for me EVER! Mwa haha. Woo hoo, I'm excited.
Finally, Macresia(my group lead) came by my office today and told me that I need to present to the group next Friday all the stuff I've been workin on the past few months. Not a big deal, really. I don't mind getting in front of people and talking; in fact, I thrive in it. I mean, com'on, I did magic shows all around town during my 5th, 6th, and 7th grades of school. I love gettin up front and having everyone look at ME, haha. No, I'm not that conceited, but I do like to perform.
Well I'm gonna tackle some more Space Pirates in Prime 2. Everyone have a good night!
First off, Regg and Aaron left to return to their native lands of Grenada and Birmingham, respectively. I hate that they had to leave so soon, but I am very thankful that I can finally get some rest. I am bummin' this entire week...I've been going full throttle for the past two weeks, so I'm ready to just chill.
Chris, the manager at the Hilton here didn't answer my call, so I assume he was just busy. The thing is, this day was PERFECT for the picture. We're talkin NO clouds, 70 degrees, light wind...oh man, it was perfect. I really want that picture's like a quest for me now.
Here's just how beautiful it was here today. This is what I see right as I walk out of our apartment. This view is even looking TOWARDS the oil refineries and smoggy downtown! I have to document these days before we can't see 20 feet above our heads.
I got to help Zorba(one of my mentors) with an ORT(orbital readiness test) today in Mission Control. I'm technically not supposed be doing those, since I'm not command certified, but I just kinda helped him go down the checklist of things to do. It was cool though; I learned more about the interfaces between the PCS(personal computer system) and the ground computers. Anyhow, as Zorba and I are leaving Mission Control, we pass by none other than John Young. Who is John Young, you ask? He was the commander of the Apollo 16 mission, and he is one of the only handful of people to ever walk on the moon. Needless to say, that was very cool...that I was THIS close to a guy that jumped on the moon.
Ah, and I started Metroid Prime 2's awesome. That's all I can say. I skipped school to go to Clarksville to get Metroid Prime my senior year of high school, so you know what kind of place this series holds in my heart. It's flawless so far....I'm doing my blog early so I can play it :)
Okay, here's the big news: after years of pain and agony from listening to the radio, I have decided to buy a cd player for my car. ***ROUNDS OF APPLAUSE*** Ladies and gentlemen, calm down. I know it's hard to believe, but yes, it's true. I'm going this Saturday to Best Buy to pick out my cd player and get them to install it. NO MORE radio for me EVER! Mwa haha. Woo hoo, I'm excited.
Finally, Macresia(my group lead) came by my office today and told me that I need to present to the group next Friday all the stuff I've been workin on the past few months. Not a big deal, really. I don't mind getting in front of people and talking; in fact, I thrive in it. I mean, com'on, I did magic shows all around town during my 5th, 6th, and 7th grades of school. I love gettin up front and having everyone look at ME, haha. No, I'm not that conceited, but I do like to perform.
Well I'm gonna tackle some more Space Pirates in Prime 2. Everyone have a good night!
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Well Regg, Aaron, and I didn't do much today. We woke up late...again. We went to eat at this rather large Mexican restaurant, and it was ok. The food was decent, but the service was deplorable. Our waiter must have been new, no doubt about it.
We played video games for most of the day(shocker there), and we did some videogame shopping. Reggie got some old school NES games, Aaron got some more games for his Gameboy Advance, and I bought Metroid Prime 2. I just started it, and it's very engrossing. I'm definitely looking forward to playing more of it.
Everything was goin alright today until Reggie stopped up my toilet. No biggie though; I needed a plunger anyway. Crisis avoided.
Right now we are watching Escape From New York, the Kurt Russell flick from the 80's. The main reason Aaron bought the thing was because one of our favorite video game franchises, Metal Gear Solid, was based on Kurt Russell's character in the movie, Snake Pliskin. The movie is very 80's, and we're having a blast making fun of it all the way through.
Well that's my update. I have to go to work tomorrow while my boyz sleep in :( , so that kinda sux. BUT, I gotta earn the dough, so I shouldn't complain. I get to test out my Caution and Warning script in Mission Control tomorrow, so I'm excited.
We played video games for most of the day(shocker there), and we did some videogame shopping. Reggie got some old school NES games, Aaron got some more games for his Gameboy Advance, and I bought Metroid Prime 2. I just started it, and it's very engrossing. I'm definitely looking forward to playing more of it.
Everything was goin alright today until Reggie stopped up my toilet. No biggie though; I needed a plunger anyway. Crisis avoided.
Right now we are watching Escape From New York, the Kurt Russell flick from the 80's. The main reason Aaron bought the thing was because one of our favorite video game franchises, Metal Gear Solid, was based on Kurt Russell's character in the movie, Snake Pliskin. The movie is very 80's, and we're having a blast making fun of it all the way through.
Well that's my update. I have to go to work tomorrow while my boyz sleep in :( , so that kinda sux. BUT, I gotta earn the dough, so I shouldn't complain. I get to test out my Caution and Warning script in Mission Control tomorrow, so I'm excited.
The Boyz(some of them) Are Back in Town
I got a call Thursday night from my friend Aaron at State; he told me that he and Reggie were gonna head up here Friday night. I knew that they were planning on coming, but this was the FIRST time I had heard concrete details. So that was kinda sudden; nevertheless, I was excited that something spontaneous was going down. I like it when stuff just happens on the fly.
So Regg and Aaron got here late last night, around midnight. We were all up till 4:00 am playing games and just chillin. Before they got here, Jason had invited some co-workers of ours over for dinner and a movie. Jason was cooking his famous spaghetti, and there was no I'd miss that. The two guys that came over, Berkeley and Bart, were They were quick, and I liked their sense of humor. I have NEVER met them before, so I'm excited that some fellow co-ops are kinda cool. Better yet, they live here at Seatree, so I'm sure we'll hang out in the future. In fact, Bart goes to THE University. If you have to ask what THE University is, you obviously don't know much about where I am from. There is only one place that my family and I refer to as THE University. Just think about it. Anyway, that scored major points with me that Bart goes there; he's in aerospace too, so that's cool. Berkeley is a Computer Science major at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. Maybe he can be my contact WHEN I fly to FL to see a shuttle launch this fall. Cape Canaveral is not far from Orlando at's good to know people :)
Back to my boyz from state. We all slept in, and we went to eat at IHOP this mornin. I had my usual Rooty Tooty Fresh 'n Fruity. Man, that never gets old eating that....and saying that to the waitress too, haha. We chilled for the rest of the day, and Reggie tried his hardest to beat this level in Devil May Cry 3. He got his ass handed to him several times, but that boy never gives up. He finally beat the level after 4 hours of trying. Tonight we went to see Hostage with Bruce Willis. Not a bad movie. It's very intense, and very graphic. NOT a date movie, haha.
Know what song I'm listening to right now? It's "We Like to Party" by The Vengaboys. Just download it and you will instantly recognize it. It's kinda a dance song. You have most likely heard it on the Six Flags commercials. THAT'S why I am listening to it. NASA just announced this Six Flags Day for ONLY NASA/JSC employees. YUP :) That means only JSC people are gonna be there...NO ONE else. That means SHORT lines to the coasters. I'm gonna sign up next week, and the actual day of the event is next month. They are gonna have food there, astronaut signings, and all kinds of cool stuff. Again, the great part is there will be NO other people outside of NASA. roller coasting lifestyle will once again return. I'm gonna try to get the guys together to go to Six Flags Atlanta this summer. This fall? I'm gonna try to go to Six Flags Over Texas in Dallas. Yeh, that's right. Roller coasting is back. I'm gonna try to see if Trevor can accompany on any of these occassions. He's my partner in crime when it comes to roller coasters.
Well I promised Mal that I would get her a good pic of the NASA skyline here at JSC. The only way I figured I could do that would be to go to the Hilton across the street, talk to their people, and go up to a room with a balcony and take a picture. Well, I went by today, and the front desk ladies couldn't help me. They called their manager. Yikes. Never fear, though, my people skillz took over and I schmoozed the guy into taking me upstairs to the rooms. He wasn't sure if any would be available that had balconies, but we checked. No luck :( . He did give me his card and number, however. Chris(his name) told me to give him a call around lunch time on Monday. He said there will definitely be a balcony available then. So I'll take off work for a few minutes on Monday to run across the street and take the pic. I talked with Chris while we were walking through the hotel, and we discussed everything from NASA to football to Houston's weather. This guy was very nice and seemed willing to do anything so I could get this picture. Again, this is good to network and get to know people. He may be able to help me out in the future, who knows. Always good to make friends :)
What does tomorrow hold? I dunno what we're gonna do. I have no earthly idea. Prolly play video games, who knows. I just beat Resident Evil 4 for the second time, and I got all the trophies, so I think I've pretty much conquered that game(except for Mercenary mode, which I'll still work on). So this means that I must make my next video game purchase: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Sweet. I have been wanting this game for a long time. Everyone says this game is fantastic, so I'm eager to get my hands on it.
I got a call Thursday night from my friend Aaron at State; he told me that he and Reggie were gonna head up here Friday night. I knew that they were planning on coming, but this was the FIRST time I had heard concrete details. So that was kinda sudden; nevertheless, I was excited that something spontaneous was going down. I like it when stuff just happens on the fly.
So Regg and Aaron got here late last night, around midnight. We were all up till 4:00 am playing games and just chillin. Before they got here, Jason had invited some co-workers of ours over for dinner and a movie. Jason was cooking his famous spaghetti, and there was no I'd miss that. The two guys that came over, Berkeley and Bart, were They were quick, and I liked their sense of humor. I have NEVER met them before, so I'm excited that some fellow co-ops are kinda cool. Better yet, they live here at Seatree, so I'm sure we'll hang out in the future. In fact, Bart goes to THE University. If you have to ask what THE University is, you obviously don't know much about where I am from. There is only one place that my family and I refer to as THE University. Just think about it. Anyway, that scored major points with me that Bart goes there; he's in aerospace too, so that's cool. Berkeley is a Computer Science major at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. Maybe he can be my contact WHEN I fly to FL to see a shuttle launch this fall. Cape Canaveral is not far from Orlando at's good to know people :)
Back to my boyz from state. We all slept in, and we went to eat at IHOP this mornin. I had my usual Rooty Tooty Fresh 'n Fruity. Man, that never gets old eating that....and saying that to the waitress too, haha. We chilled for the rest of the day, and Reggie tried his hardest to beat this level in Devil May Cry 3. He got his ass handed to him several times, but that boy never gives up. He finally beat the level after 4 hours of trying. Tonight we went to see Hostage with Bruce Willis. Not a bad movie. It's very intense, and very graphic. NOT a date movie, haha.
We saw this sign today, and I thought I'd share it with you. I'm sure you'll figure it out. It's kinda funny. Oh yeh, I just learned how to put this picture WITHIN my post. I learned EVERYTHING about it from Mallory. I'd be SO lost on so many technical things if she wasn't around. She's so smart sometimes, it's ridiculous.
Know what song I'm listening to right now? It's "We Like to Party" by The Vengaboys. Just download it and you will instantly recognize it. It's kinda a dance song. You have most likely heard it on the Six Flags commercials. THAT'S why I am listening to it. NASA just announced this Six Flags Day for ONLY NASA/JSC employees. YUP :) That means only JSC people are gonna be there...NO ONE else. That means SHORT lines to the coasters. I'm gonna sign up next week, and the actual day of the event is next month. They are gonna have food there, astronaut signings, and all kinds of cool stuff. Again, the great part is there will be NO other people outside of NASA. roller coasting lifestyle will once again return. I'm gonna try to get the guys together to go to Six Flags Atlanta this summer. This fall? I'm gonna try to go to Six Flags Over Texas in Dallas. Yeh, that's right. Roller coasting is back. I'm gonna try to see if Trevor can accompany on any of these occassions. He's my partner in crime when it comes to roller coasters.
Well I promised Mal that I would get her a good pic of the NASA skyline here at JSC. The only way I figured I could do that would be to go to the Hilton across the street, talk to their people, and go up to a room with a balcony and take a picture. Well, I went by today, and the front desk ladies couldn't help me. They called their manager. Yikes. Never fear, though, my people skillz took over and I schmoozed the guy into taking me upstairs to the rooms. He wasn't sure if any would be available that had balconies, but we checked. No luck :( . He did give me his card and number, however. Chris(his name) told me to give him a call around lunch time on Monday. He said there will definitely be a balcony available then. So I'll take off work for a few minutes on Monday to run across the street and take the pic. I talked with Chris while we were walking through the hotel, and we discussed everything from NASA to football to Houston's weather. This guy was very nice and seemed willing to do anything so I could get this picture. Again, this is good to network and get to know people. He may be able to help me out in the future, who knows. Always good to make friends :)
What does tomorrow hold? I dunno what we're gonna do. I have no earthly idea. Prolly play video games, who knows. I just beat Resident Evil 4 for the second time, and I got all the trophies, so I think I've pretty much conquered that game(except for Mercenary mode, which I'll still work on). So this means that I must make my next video game purchase: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. Sweet. I have been wanting this game for a long time. Everyone says this game is fantastic, so I'm eager to get my hands on it.
Friday, March 11, 2005
Thursday, March 10, 2005
I am recovering from the weekend, so bare with me
Hi. Remember me?
Well I told you all that this might happen. Sure enough, the day Mal arrived, I was in no way worried about my blog. Sorry :(. But I am back now. I thought I'd spend tonight recapping this fantastic weekend.
FRIDAY. Friday was great. I worked extra hours earlier in the week, so I was able to take off around 1 pm. I had never gone to George Bush Intercontinental before, so I wanted to make sure I beat rush hour traffic and learned my way there. I got to the airport in about an hour or so. By the time I walked in, it was about 2:30. Mal's plane was supposed to arrive around 7:30, so I just chilled in the car, slept, read some of my EGM's until she arrived. I was SO excited about seeing her. Seeing her as she walked out of the terminal was a great feeling. Unfortunately, I had little knowledge of what was ahead for both of us.
We went down to get her baggage, and it just seemed like we saw the same luggage over and over and over. We were getting kinda worried. We must have been there for at least 15 minutes. I was just about to go up to the desk to report a missing suitcase when all of a sudden, Mal saw hers pop through on the conveyor belt. Whew. Crisis 1 was averted.
We then headed back to the part of Houston where I live, Seabrook. I knew how to get back, but Mal and I just kept talking(mainly my talking) and catching up, having a great time. Before I knew it, well....we...uhm...were kinda lost. I had no idea where on the beltway we were. So we got off at an exit, called Jason for some map support, and got nowhere fast. Mal then suggested we just drive to a gas station and get a map of Houston. Brilliant. We did that, found out where we were, and headed back home. We got back just in time to eat some Mexican food. We thought the place was closed when we got there, so we kinda hesitated at the door. We walked back to the jeep, and the manager came out and told us they were still open. She kinda followed us all the way to the was kinda creepy. Anyway, we ate, and it was good. Mal even discovered her new favorite mexican food: fajitas. That was quite a historic moment. After dinner, we headed back home, and crashed within minutes.
SATURDAY. Well I promised Mal I'd fix her breakfast Saturday, and I dont go back on a promise. We got up around mid morning, and I got to work. I fixed eggs, toast, and bacon. I even included OJ and Milk. I'll show the pic of the breakfast later. I was quite impressed. Jason joined us, and we ate everything. Mal and I then headed to the mall; we weren't really intent on buying anything, but we figured we should check it out. I ended up buyin some new swimming turnks(very cool...they're red...I'll post a pic later), some shirts, and a niiiice jacket from Old Navy. I'll take a pic of that as well. It's a great all weather jacket, and it's NOT black, haha. Mal and I got back, grabbed some Subway, and headed for Galveston.
Galveston was cool. The hotel was sa-wanky! It was tight. They even had valet parking. Right as we arrived, they treated us like royalty. We headed in, checked in our room, and had all our luggage brought up to the room. The room we got was on the VIP Penthouse level of the hotel. And the room was Deluxe size, with a great ocean view. I'll show those pics as well. It was all very posh.
Mal and I got settled in, and we got dressed for our night on the town. I thought the restaruant I had picked was rather nice, but we found out I kinda misjudged it. It was really kinda casual, but there were some there that were wearing sportcoats, nice shirts, etc. Mal and I were slightly overdressed, but we looked DAMN good, if I dont say so myself. Especially Mal. She wore this new dress I had never seen before. Wow. It looked amazing on her. I ordered the grilled salmon with a coconut-almond shell, covered with some curry sauce. Mal ordered this half chicken, and it was literally a HALF chicken. The thing was HUGE. We ate until we were stuffed, and then we ate dessert, haha.
We got back to the hotel and ordered Finding Neverland. Neither of us had seen it. Not a bad movie. Kinda sad, though. Not really a feel-good movie for a vacation.
SUNDAY. Lemme point out that the weather theme for this trip was "cloudy and rainy." Every freakin day it was like that. Maybe not heavy rain, but a little light drizzle here and there. VERY frustrating, especially being on a beach resort. We made the most of it, however. The VIP floor levels serve breakfast in the floor lobby, so we dined on those treats Sunday morning. We then figured we try and see if anything was possible outside, despite the weather. We went to check out Moody Gardens, this trifecta of pyramids in Galveston. The only main draw is that one of them is an aquarium, but Mal lives near one of the best, and we both didn't really feel like going. We then tried to see if Putt Putt golf was open. Nnnerp. No luck there. We drove over to the historic downtown area where we ate dinner Saturday night, parked the car, and walked around. We went into a few stores here and there, but we didn't really see much. We drove back near the beach area and dined at this Greek restaurant. Stupidly, I ordered spaghetti when I knew good and well that we would be eating at an Italian restaurant that evening. Oh well. It was good. We came back to the hotel and took a nap. When we woke up, we still had alot of time to kill before the evening dinner. We decided to be goofy, and we walked out onto one of the rock piers on the beach. It was kinda nasty weather, so the waves were really kickin. We got some funny shots. I'll post them later too, don't worry.
That night we ate at Mario's Restaurant, a quaint little Italian eatery. I had pizza(shocker) and Mal tried the spaghetti. We were quite satisfied(especially with the bread).
We returned to our hotel and found our room completely cleaned and serviced. The maids had even laid out our robes for us. They must have been phsycic, for Mal and I were planning on checking out the heated pool. It was kinda neat, and would've been even nicer had everyone else not shown up right after us, haha. We tried the hot tub, as well as the slide and heated pool. It was pretty fun. Definitely a break from the ordinary.
MONDAY. Monday we checked out of the hotel. We had to drive by NASA first to pick up Mal's visitor badge for Tuesday; after that, we headed towards the Alamo in San Antonio. Over half of the drive was freakin thunder, lightning, and rain. It was SOOO annoying. Thankfully, an hour or so before San Antonio, the weather turned really nice. We got to SA, and we immediately headed for Trinity University, where our good friend from high school, Rachel, is attending. It was very cool to see her. I couldn't remember the last time we had talked. We picked Rach up from her dorm, and we went to lunch. We ate at this SUPER cheap Mexican restaurant, yet the food was incredible. I had a fluffy taco, and it was devine. Mallory once again confirmed that fajitas were her new thang.
Then came the Alamo.....uhm, not as exciting as I thought it would be. Oh well. We did the River Walk afterwards, which was kinda fun. All 3 of us spent that time just catching up, sharing stories, and just talking.
Rachel then gave us an abbreivated tour of TU. Very nice campus, I must say. After the tour, we had to leave. We headed back to Houston.
Much to my surprise, Mal's Valentine's Day gift had arrived. That's right: VALENTINE'S DAY. Yeh, it's a long story, but the guy basically wrote down the wrong address. So he had to resend it once it was returned to him. What was the gift you ask? It was Monopoly, Wizard of Oz style. We waited to play it on tuesday night, though.
TUESDAY. I had to work some on Tuesday, but I returned to the apartment to pick her up and bring her to NASA. Trey, my boss, gave us a fantastic tour of Mission Control, the Space Station Training Facility, and the pressure chambers. I showed Mal around Building 4N, where I work. I also introduced her to some of my co-workers. The whole day at NASA was great fun. We got some good pics....again, I'll show them soon.
We chilled for a little bit after that. We took a short nap, and we were again in the mood for putt putt golf. We went to the place, and it was packed with every kid and his daddy. So we nixed that plan. We returned to my apartment, and kinda chilled until...........
We went out to eat Ethiopian in downtown Houston. I wanted to surprise Mal with a limousine ride, but she had deciphered all the clues and knew that it was coming :(. Oh well, I tried playing it off, and it was great fun still. We had the COOLEST driver, Gerard. He's a 57 year old black man that SO reminded me of Ray Charles. Haha, he was great. We went to eat Ethiopian, yet when we got to the restaurant....NO ONE WAS THERE. I mean, it was open, but we were the ONLY customers. Granted it was a tuesday night, but com'on. It was empty. Nobody there. The service was STILL bad, despite the lack of traffic there. Nevertheless, the food was decent enough. We then got Gerard to take us to the new Hilton hotel in DOWNTOWN Houston. They have a cafe there. We ordered Pecan Pie for dessert, and had a very relaxing evening. Gerard took us home, and we got to play some WoO monopoly. It was freakin sweet. Jason joined us in a game. Near the later hours ,we kinda wanted to head to bed. Mal wanted someone to just go bankrupt so we could call it a night. It looked as if Jason was going to be the victor, but I decided to go "all-in", if you will, and buy every house I could get. Jason landed on a few of my properties, and it was all-she-wrote after that.
Whew. That's our weekend in a nutshell. I guess I can fill in the important details later. But there you have it. We had a great time, and it sucked seeing head into the terminal at the airport on Wednesday. Hopefully it won't be too much longer until I see her again.
I'm out, and I'll post pics later on.
Well I told you all that this might happen. Sure enough, the day Mal arrived, I was in no way worried about my blog. Sorry :(. But I am back now. I thought I'd spend tonight recapping this fantastic weekend.
FRIDAY. Friday was great. I worked extra hours earlier in the week, so I was able to take off around 1 pm. I had never gone to George Bush Intercontinental before, so I wanted to make sure I beat rush hour traffic and learned my way there. I got to the airport in about an hour or so. By the time I walked in, it was about 2:30. Mal's plane was supposed to arrive around 7:30, so I just chilled in the car, slept, read some of my EGM's until she arrived. I was SO excited about seeing her. Seeing her as she walked out of the terminal was a great feeling. Unfortunately, I had little knowledge of what was ahead for both of us.
We went down to get her baggage, and it just seemed like we saw the same luggage over and over and over. We were getting kinda worried. We must have been there for at least 15 minutes. I was just about to go up to the desk to report a missing suitcase when all of a sudden, Mal saw hers pop through on the conveyor belt. Whew. Crisis 1 was averted.
We then headed back to the part of Houston where I live, Seabrook. I knew how to get back, but Mal and I just kept talking(mainly my talking) and catching up, having a great time. Before I knew it, well....we...uhm...were kinda lost. I had no idea where on the beltway we were. So we got off at an exit, called Jason for some map support, and got nowhere fast. Mal then suggested we just drive to a gas station and get a map of Houston. Brilliant. We did that, found out where we were, and headed back home. We got back just in time to eat some Mexican food. We thought the place was closed when we got there, so we kinda hesitated at the door. We walked back to the jeep, and the manager came out and told us they were still open. She kinda followed us all the way to the was kinda creepy. Anyway, we ate, and it was good. Mal even discovered her new favorite mexican food: fajitas. That was quite a historic moment. After dinner, we headed back home, and crashed within minutes.
SATURDAY. Well I promised Mal I'd fix her breakfast Saturday, and I dont go back on a promise. We got up around mid morning, and I got to work. I fixed eggs, toast, and bacon. I even included OJ and Milk. I'll show the pic of the breakfast later. I was quite impressed. Jason joined us, and we ate everything. Mal and I then headed to the mall; we weren't really intent on buying anything, but we figured we should check it out. I ended up buyin some new swimming turnks(very cool...they're red...I'll post a pic later), some shirts, and a niiiice jacket from Old Navy. I'll take a pic of that as well. It's a great all weather jacket, and it's NOT black, haha. Mal and I got back, grabbed some Subway, and headed for Galveston.
Galveston was cool. The hotel was sa-wanky! It was tight. They even had valet parking. Right as we arrived, they treated us like royalty. We headed in, checked in our room, and had all our luggage brought up to the room. The room we got was on the VIP Penthouse level of the hotel. And the room was Deluxe size, with a great ocean view. I'll show those pics as well. It was all very posh.
Mal and I got settled in, and we got dressed for our night on the town. I thought the restaruant I had picked was rather nice, but we found out I kinda misjudged it. It was really kinda casual, but there were some there that were wearing sportcoats, nice shirts, etc. Mal and I were slightly overdressed, but we looked DAMN good, if I dont say so myself. Especially Mal. She wore this new dress I had never seen before. Wow. It looked amazing on her. I ordered the grilled salmon with a coconut-almond shell, covered with some curry sauce. Mal ordered this half chicken, and it was literally a HALF chicken. The thing was HUGE. We ate until we were stuffed, and then we ate dessert, haha.
We got back to the hotel and ordered Finding Neverland. Neither of us had seen it. Not a bad movie. Kinda sad, though. Not really a feel-good movie for a vacation.
This is my attempt at creating a picture inside my post. Cooooool.
SUNDAY. Lemme point out that the weather theme for this trip was "cloudy and rainy." Every freakin day it was like that. Maybe not heavy rain, but a little light drizzle here and there. VERY frustrating, especially being on a beach resort. We made the most of it, however. The VIP floor levels serve breakfast in the floor lobby, so we dined on those treats Sunday morning. We then figured we try and see if anything was possible outside, despite the weather. We went to check out Moody Gardens, this trifecta of pyramids in Galveston. The only main draw is that one of them is an aquarium, but Mal lives near one of the best, and we both didn't really feel like going. We then tried to see if Putt Putt golf was open. Nnnerp. No luck there. We drove over to the historic downtown area where we ate dinner Saturday night, parked the car, and walked around. We went into a few stores here and there, but we didn't really see much. We drove back near the beach area and dined at this Greek restaurant. Stupidly, I ordered spaghetti when I knew good and well that we would be eating at an Italian restaurant that evening. Oh well. It was good. We came back to the hotel and took a nap. When we woke up, we still had alot of time to kill before the evening dinner. We decided to be goofy, and we walked out onto one of the rock piers on the beach. It was kinda nasty weather, so the waves were really kickin. We got some funny shots. I'll post them later too, don't worry.
That night we ate at Mario's Restaurant, a quaint little Italian eatery. I had pizza(shocker) and Mal tried the spaghetti. We were quite satisfied(especially with the bread).
We returned to our hotel and found our room completely cleaned and serviced. The maids had even laid out our robes for us. They must have been phsycic, for Mal and I were planning on checking out the heated pool. It was kinda neat, and would've been even nicer had everyone else not shown up right after us, haha. We tried the hot tub, as well as the slide and heated pool. It was pretty fun. Definitely a break from the ordinary.
MONDAY. Monday we checked out of the hotel. We had to drive by NASA first to pick up Mal's visitor badge for Tuesday; after that, we headed towards the Alamo in San Antonio. Over half of the drive was freakin thunder, lightning, and rain. It was SOOO annoying. Thankfully, an hour or so before San Antonio, the weather turned really nice. We got to SA, and we immediately headed for Trinity University, where our good friend from high school, Rachel, is attending. It was very cool to see her. I couldn't remember the last time we had talked. We picked Rach up from her dorm, and we went to lunch. We ate at this SUPER cheap Mexican restaurant, yet the food was incredible. I had a fluffy taco, and it was devine. Mallory once again confirmed that fajitas were her new thang.
Then came the Alamo.....uhm, not as exciting as I thought it would be. Oh well. We did the River Walk afterwards, which was kinda fun. All 3 of us spent that time just catching up, sharing stories, and just talking.
Rachel then gave us an abbreivated tour of TU. Very nice campus, I must say. After the tour, we had to leave. We headed back to Houston.
Much to my surprise, Mal's Valentine's Day gift had arrived. That's right: VALENTINE'S DAY. Yeh, it's a long story, but the guy basically wrote down the wrong address. So he had to resend it once it was returned to him. What was the gift you ask? It was Monopoly, Wizard of Oz style. We waited to play it on tuesday night, though.
TUESDAY. I had to work some on Tuesday, but I returned to the apartment to pick her up and bring her to NASA. Trey, my boss, gave us a fantastic tour of Mission Control, the Space Station Training Facility, and the pressure chambers. I showed Mal around Building 4N, where I work. I also introduced her to some of my co-workers. The whole day at NASA was great fun. We got some good pics....again, I'll show them soon.
We chilled for a little bit after that. We took a short nap, and we were again in the mood for putt putt golf. We went to the place, and it was packed with every kid and his daddy. So we nixed that plan. We returned to my apartment, and kinda chilled until...........
We went out to eat Ethiopian in downtown Houston. I wanted to surprise Mal with a limousine ride, but she had deciphered all the clues and knew that it was coming :(. Oh well, I tried playing it off, and it was great fun still. We had the COOLEST driver, Gerard. He's a 57 year old black man that SO reminded me of Ray Charles. Haha, he was great. We went to eat Ethiopian, yet when we got to the restaurant....NO ONE WAS THERE. I mean, it was open, but we were the ONLY customers. Granted it was a tuesday night, but com'on. It was empty. Nobody there. The service was STILL bad, despite the lack of traffic there. Nevertheless, the food was decent enough. We then got Gerard to take us to the new Hilton hotel in DOWNTOWN Houston. They have a cafe there. We ordered Pecan Pie for dessert, and had a very relaxing evening. Gerard took us home, and we got to play some WoO monopoly. It was freakin sweet. Jason joined us in a game. Near the later hours ,we kinda wanted to head to bed. Mal wanted someone to just go bankrupt so we could call it a night. It looked as if Jason was going to be the victor, but I decided to go "all-in", if you will, and buy every house I could get. Jason landed on a few of my properties, and it was all-she-wrote after that.
Whew. That's our weekend in a nutshell. I guess I can fill in the important details later. But there you have it. We had a great time, and it sucked seeing head into the terminal at the airport on Wednesday. Hopefully it won't be too much longer until I see her again.
I'm out, and I'll post pics later on.
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Dang.....that's quite a big update you have.
holy crap. I haven't posted in a looong time. Damn, I'm getting bad at this.
well I'll fill ya in on some things that have developed....
I played Ultimate with the Co-Ops this past Sunday. WOW. That was fun as hell. I forgot how great it was to throw the frisbee around. The last time I played any kind of competitive frisbee was back in Paris LAST Christmas. Yeh, that's pretty pathetic. Anyhoo, I felt pretty good about my performance. I can tell that in the future Jason and I will become the Joe Montana-Jerry Rice tandem of Ultimate. He and I connected on a few passes, and we were dead on. I could read his face, and he could read mine. He was able to get a few to me that were was brilliant. There is a bad side to this though....well if anyone knows me, my soccer-keeper instincts are seen in whatever sport I play. This day was no different. I slid around, dove after a few passes, and even tried to hurt people(only this one guy). That wasn't the bad part...what resulted was. I tweaked my back in the same place that kept me out of half of my freshman and senior years of soccer. Yeh, I guess I aggravated that same spot. Needless to say, my back was not feeling good at all afterwards. It hurt to run at even a sligh pace, just like in high school when I injured it. To make matters worse, I seemed to have pulled BOTH of my calf muscles. So you can just imagine how much it hurt trying to take all my gear off AND take a shower after that. Yeh, not cool.
This obviously made me nervous about this weekend, as Mal is arriving Friday night. I SO didn't wanna be a cripple while she was here; that would be no fun for me OR her. I have therefore been resting all the time since Sunday. I go to work, come home, and just lay down on the bed. I'm also doing some stretching exercises with my calves. I'm feeling better already, so I should be good to go by this weekend. I just don't like that this injury keeps coming back every 2 or 3 years. There is no way in hell I'm gonna be INACTIVE for the rest of my life! I need to get something done about it...maybe something this summer.
Oh yeh, back to this past sunday at Ultimate. Well there was this guy here(NOT a co-op, mind you), and I could tell from the moment he arrived that he thought he was the shit. This guy was a complete dweeb, lemme tell you. If you wanna know what he looks like, just go to IMDB and type in "Fred Meyers (III)". He looked EXACTLY like this guy. And I seriously think he thought he was the best Ultimate player this world has ever seen. Thankfully, he didn't play in my first two games. We then combined the teams for a big game. Well we are on opposite teams, and we are about to throw off to their team. We were all standing around, waiting to start. I could tell the other guys on their team were pointing to me, telling him to cover me. Aite, bring it, I thought. Well, it was as if he had a comment for EVERYTHING during the game, even when the play was on the entire opposite side of the field. We fought for a few in the air a couple of times, and he'd still talk smack. We matched up pretty well; I'd say we split the number we fought for, and I blew by him like the wind a few times. To let you know how much he wanted to follow me on the field, I ran in circles THREE times in a row, just small little circles. He followed me EXACTLY. We went up for one, and I was fighting for it, and he said this(after he won the challenge): "whoah, there's no blocking out the other player, but I'll take it anyway!*laughs*"...If anyone of you know my history, that didn't sit well with me, but I kept my mouth shut the entire game. I promised myself that I was gonna slide tackle him while going for low throw. You know, not really rough him soccer style, but give him a good scare and a shove. Unfortunately, that situation never came about. He even tried telling everyone what they were doing right or wrong according to the rules. Normally that's OK with me; it's good to learn the game(hell, I'm not an Ultimate aficianado), but he did in such a way so you would KNOW how much he knew about the game. He wasn't trying to teach; he was trying to show how much he knew. He loved the sound of his own voice, you could tell. You could also tell that this was the very first team-oriented sport he had ever played; you'd do that in any organized team sport at this age, and you get told to shut the F*#& up quick.
Anyway, that's my rant for the day. You all know that I hate annoying, arrogant opponents.
Jason has just informed me(he came in from playing today) that Ryan(the guy) isn't that bad a person. He said Ryan was quite nice. Well I'm sure that's true, but on the field, he is not my friend. First impression are important...his, not so good with me.
As you might expect, I have decided NOT to compete in the ASCAN game. I just can't risk it. This injury has kept me in check several times already in my life, and I ESPECIALLY don't need that while Mal is here. I did pay for my portion of the food that will be there, so I'm definitely going to watch and eat. I'm sure I'll get another chance to play. I just have to get my back straight.
L-3 days until Mal gets here!!! This week has been/will be so crazy. I'm getting things in my room organized, I have to wash and iron all my nice shirts, polish my dress shoes, clean the bathroom, clean the kitchen, clean my room, makeup my bed, sweep, wash the car, clean the inside of the car, dust the inside, freshen it up, and general cleanup/dusting of the apartment. Whew. Yeh, I know. I'm gonna be busy. I would have washed my car today, but tomorrow is supposed to rain like crazy, so I'm holding that off. I'll do it Thursday. Tomorrow I'll do most of the laundry(shirts, sheets, blankets, pillow cases, towels, etc.), get the food items(I'm cooking breakfast for her Saturday morning), and anything else I can do.
Hopefully I'll post before Mal gets here, but I can't promise anything. Chances are I will post LATE thursday night, when I can't sleep, haha. Friday is gonna be cool. I'm working late Monday thru Wednesday, so I can leave work early on Friday. I'm leaving at 13:00, so I'm gonna go ahead and drive to the airport. I'll see what kind of culture is on that side of Houston, and try to find something to do. I may just bring some of my EGMs and get some reading done. I'll do that or sleep in my car, listening to music. That'd be nice. Who knows. We'll just have to see.
Oh yeh, I said I'd talk about the Oscars......Uhm, they were short. I was very impressed. Oh, and Sean Penn, com'on. He took that joke by Chris Rock waaaaay too seriously. I'm sure Jude Law was saying, "com'on Sean, it was a JOKE. Chill down, cowboy." People need to just calm down sometimes. Otherwise, it was a great show. Robin Williams was hilarious(shocker)!
I'm out. Gotta rest my back :)
well I'll fill ya in on some things that have developed....
I played Ultimate with the Co-Ops this past Sunday. WOW. That was fun as hell. I forgot how great it was to throw the frisbee around. The last time I played any kind of competitive frisbee was back in Paris LAST Christmas. Yeh, that's pretty pathetic. Anyhoo, I felt pretty good about my performance. I can tell that in the future Jason and I will become the Joe Montana-Jerry Rice tandem of Ultimate. He and I connected on a few passes, and we were dead on. I could read his face, and he could read mine. He was able to get a few to me that were was brilliant. There is a bad side to this though....well if anyone knows me, my soccer-keeper instincts are seen in whatever sport I play. This day was no different. I slid around, dove after a few passes, and even tried to hurt people(only this one guy). That wasn't the bad part...what resulted was. I tweaked my back in the same place that kept me out of half of my freshman and senior years of soccer. Yeh, I guess I aggravated that same spot. Needless to say, my back was not feeling good at all afterwards. It hurt to run at even a sligh pace, just like in high school when I injured it. To make matters worse, I seemed to have pulled BOTH of my calf muscles. So you can just imagine how much it hurt trying to take all my gear off AND take a shower after that. Yeh, not cool.
This obviously made me nervous about this weekend, as Mal is arriving Friday night. I SO didn't wanna be a cripple while she was here; that would be no fun for me OR her. I have therefore been resting all the time since Sunday. I go to work, come home, and just lay down on the bed. I'm also doing some stretching exercises with my calves. I'm feeling better already, so I should be good to go by this weekend. I just don't like that this injury keeps coming back every 2 or 3 years. There is no way in hell I'm gonna be INACTIVE for the rest of my life! I need to get something done about it...maybe something this summer.
Oh yeh, back to this past sunday at Ultimate. Well there was this guy here(NOT a co-op, mind you), and I could tell from the moment he arrived that he thought he was the shit. This guy was a complete dweeb, lemme tell you. If you wanna know what he looks like, just go to IMDB and type in "Fred Meyers (III)". He looked EXACTLY like this guy. And I seriously think he thought he was the best Ultimate player this world has ever seen. Thankfully, he didn't play in my first two games. We then combined the teams for a big game. Well we are on opposite teams, and we are about to throw off to their team. We were all standing around, waiting to start. I could tell the other guys on their team were pointing to me, telling him to cover me. Aite, bring it, I thought. Well, it was as if he had a comment for EVERYTHING during the game, even when the play was on the entire opposite side of the field. We fought for a few in the air a couple of times, and he'd still talk smack. We matched up pretty well; I'd say we split the number we fought for, and I blew by him like the wind a few times. To let you know how much he wanted to follow me on the field, I ran in circles THREE times in a row, just small little circles. He followed me EXACTLY. We went up for one, and I was fighting for it, and he said this(after he won the challenge): "whoah, there's no blocking out the other player, but I'll take it anyway!*laughs*"...If anyone of you know my history, that didn't sit well with me, but I kept my mouth shut the entire game. I promised myself that I was gonna slide tackle him while going for low throw. You know, not really rough him soccer style, but give him a good scare and a shove. Unfortunately, that situation never came about. He even tried telling everyone what they were doing right or wrong according to the rules. Normally that's OK with me; it's good to learn the game(hell, I'm not an Ultimate aficianado), but he did in such a way so you would KNOW how much he knew about the game. He wasn't trying to teach; he was trying to show how much he knew. He loved the sound of his own voice, you could tell. You could also tell that this was the very first team-oriented sport he had ever played; you'd do that in any organized team sport at this age, and you get told to shut the F*#& up quick.
Anyway, that's my rant for the day. You all know that I hate annoying, arrogant opponents.
Jason has just informed me(he came in from playing today) that Ryan(the guy) isn't that bad a person. He said Ryan was quite nice. Well I'm sure that's true, but on the field, he is not my friend. First impression are important...his, not so good with me.
As you might expect, I have decided NOT to compete in the ASCAN game. I just can't risk it. This injury has kept me in check several times already in my life, and I ESPECIALLY don't need that while Mal is here. I did pay for my portion of the food that will be there, so I'm definitely going to watch and eat. I'm sure I'll get another chance to play. I just have to get my back straight.
L-3 days until Mal gets here!!! This week has been/will be so crazy. I'm getting things in my room organized, I have to wash and iron all my nice shirts, polish my dress shoes, clean the bathroom, clean the kitchen, clean my room, makeup my bed, sweep, wash the car, clean the inside of the car, dust the inside, freshen it up, and general cleanup/dusting of the apartment. Whew. Yeh, I know. I'm gonna be busy. I would have washed my car today, but tomorrow is supposed to rain like crazy, so I'm holding that off. I'll do it Thursday. Tomorrow I'll do most of the laundry(shirts, sheets, blankets, pillow cases, towels, etc.), get the food items(I'm cooking breakfast for her Saturday morning), and anything else I can do.
Hopefully I'll post before Mal gets here, but I can't promise anything. Chances are I will post LATE thursday night, when I can't sleep, haha. Friday is gonna be cool. I'm working late Monday thru Wednesday, so I can leave work early on Friday. I'm leaving at 13:00, so I'm gonna go ahead and drive to the airport. I'll see what kind of culture is on that side of Houston, and try to find something to do. I may just bring some of my EGMs and get some reading done. I'll do that or sleep in my car, listening to music. That'd be nice. Who knows. We'll just have to see.
Oh yeh, I said I'd talk about the Oscars......Uhm, they were short. I was very impressed. Oh, and Sean Penn, com'on. He took that joke by Chris Rock waaaaay too seriously. I'm sure Jude Law was saying, "com'on Sean, it was a JOKE. Chill down, cowboy." People need to just calm down sometimes. Otherwise, it was a great show. Robin Williams was hilarious(shocker)!
I'm out. Gotta rest my back :)
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