Well Tuesday was quite a treat. The Co-ops were able to get Lieutenant Colonel Mike Fincke of the astronaut corps. to come and talk to us. Well actually, we went to him, but nevermind that. He gave a great presentation with a 20 minute video of his adventure in space on Expedition 9. This guy was awesome. He was energetic, had great sense of humor, and was very excited/optimistic about the future of NASA and the Exploration program. He told us about the science onboard the station, launching from Russia, landing in Russia, and the ride on the Russian Soyuz TMA-4 vehicle. It was the best lecture to date, better than Sy's. It was captivating from start to finish. I wanna hear another astronaut talk, haha. They're entertaining.
I have JUST booked my tickets to Jackson....no, not this weekend. They are for the weekend of April 15th. Why am I going to Jackson only two weeks after my first visit?? Well I'm headed to Jackson on a Thursday night; I'll stay the night there with the rents. Friday morning, I(and possibly my mom) are gonna drive to Chattanooga. That friday night is the big Chemistry Department banquet where Mal is gonna get her award and possibly scholarship. Well, I'd be rather lousy if I didn't go to that, wouldn't I? Yeh, I thought so too. So that'll be great; I'll fly back Monday night, so Mal and I will have tons of time to do stuff. I'm SO excited about this. I really can't wait to go.
I found out Trevor is going to be coming home this weekend as well. DEFINITELY good news. I haven't had my Trevor fix in like 2.5 months, and that's just not healthy. I'm sure we have lots to talk about, so I'm sure we'll meet up sometime this weekend. I think the Acy's and Hornes may do dinner and movie Saturday night.
Jason's grandfather died a few days ago, so he left a few hours ago to fly home. He'll be there until Sunday. That means I gotta hold down the fort while he is gone. I should be alright. I took the garbage out a few minutes ago, and there was this light foggy moisture in the air. There was almost no wind, and you couldn't hear anything from the traffic. It was quite peaceful, despite holding a stinking bag of trash.
Yesterday I bought my plane tickets to Dallas for the Sox - Rangers series. That got me even more excited. When I fly in Sunday night, I'll be touching down just in time for the opening day game between the Sox and Yanks, and I think Colin and I are gonna meet up at a bar or something and watch the game there. Of course, he'll order some schnazzy import brewskie, and I'll get water. WHY CAN'T I BE 21 YET?!?
Macresia, my group lead, is going on a cruise next week. She's been telling me all about the stuff they do on cruise ships, and she's told of all the exotic islands they stop by during the trip. I think I'll try to do a cruise next year after I turn 21...they leave from Galveston, which is right down the road, so I won't have to fly out from anywhere. It's good living near the ocean :)
Aite, that's it. I'm gonna do another load of laundry. Night!

Space Shuttle Orbiter Discover (OV-103) as its being rolled out from the Orbital Processing Facility to the Vehicle Assembly Building, where it will be attached to the newly designed External tank, the twin rocket boosters, and any payloads that need to be inserted at that time into the payload bay. LESS THAN TWO MONTHS TO LAUNCH!!!

This pic was taken in Colorado last summer. Are Richard and I A) scared to death by the grizzly bear standing behind the camera B) so tired from work that we can't move or C) watching Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Finals?
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