First, I had my presentation to the group of my new MCC tool I was working on. I got a great response from the group, as well as some good suggestions. I can start certifying the tool next week...after that, it'll be used on console :)
Then we had the Increment 10 picture. Increment is like a "mission", kinda. Basically, whenever there is a change of crew onboard the ISS, there is a new increment. We are currently in Increment 10, meaning the 10th crew is up there since we started human presence on the station. Anyway, I haven't really done much to contribute to Increment 10 yet, so I felt I shouldn't be in the picture. The group said I should anyways; they said most of them were in Increment pictures before they ever did anything. I thought, "why not?". So we took the picture in the ISS Flight Control Room. SO MANY people in there, my dear lord. You have to think, it is every flight controller, flight director, and MER(mission evaluation room) person that contributed to Increment 10. I'd say there were around 100 people in there. The picture is a big deal, cuz they send it up to the crew, and they show it everywhere on-site. I'll make sure to post it whenever it's finished.
So after the pic, I went to Trey's office to ask about something. I hadn't seen him in awhile; he's had the flu or something. It was pretty bad, but he's good now. So we talked for awhile; I told him what I was working on, and we talked about all kinds of stuff. I was about to go back to my office when he asked me what I was doing that night. I said nothing, anticipating what he had in mind. The guy that sits beside Trey at all the Aeros hockey games couldn't make last night's game, so he gave Trey his two tickets. Remember, these are seats in the Club Level. You have access to the Deli, the bar, and a few nice grilles. I gladly accepted the tickets from Trey, and I figured I'd bring Jason along.
Shortly after that, I got to see some MOON ROCKS returned from the Apollo missions. This was kinda cool. We got to see all the labs and work areas where they analyze these and other astromaterials from space.
Unfortunately, we had to drive to the game...which meant driving through semi rush hour and going into downtown Houston. I made some poor choices as to which road to take, so we got stuck for awhile. Fortunately, we got to the arena JUST after the game started; we didn't miss much. Cuz we were "season ticket holders" for the night, we got to park in the nice parking garage. The walk to the arena was right across this bridge between the buildings, and we were there in no time.
We found our seats, saw Trey and his wife sitting right beside them, and we sat down beside them. The game was great. During the second period, we were fortunate enough to witness the MOST EXCITING PLAY IN ALL OF SPORTS...that's right, ladies and gentlemen, we got to see a HOCKEY PENALTY SHOT. It was freakin awesome! Until last night, I had never seen one live, so this was a definite treat.

The Most Exciting Play in all of sports.

This was a fun sight. During an intermission, they put a helment at center ice, turned up. During the game, you are able to go buy these orange rubber pucks, 3 at a time; each group of 3 has a number on them. When the helmet is put out there, the ENTIRE crowd throws the rubber pucks to try and make it in the helmet for a big prize! It was a funny site. This picture shows the aftermath. No one won though :(

Napolean Dynamite on the big screen. It doesn't get much better than that.
Well we were up 3-2 with about 30 seconds to go in the game, and the Grand Rapids Griffins somehow managed to squeak in a goal, so we were tied. We went to decision. Now normally this would mean the end of a game in the NHL world; not the case in the AHL. They go to a shoot out soccer style!! I SO think they should do this in the NHL regular season(whenever that may be). I think it would be a great way to attract new fans. As you know, each team has 5 players selected, and they go for a goal one at a time, alternating shots. We went back and forth: we would block one, they would block one; we'd score, and they'd score. It came down to the last series. They scored. That meant we HAD to score or we lost. Our player(I don't know them all...yet) shot down the ice and put this wonderful move on the goalie. WE SCORED. That meant we go into a single series; whoever messes up, loses. So they go first, and they score. Again, the pressure is all on us. Unfortunately, their keeper blocked our shot, so it was kind of a lackluster ending. Oh well, it was MUCH fun.
And if ALL that wasn't enough, I got even more great news yesterday. Mal told me that she was selected as THE OUTSTANDING STUDENT in Organic Chemistry. Out of 130 people, Mal was the one that got it. She's gonna be honored at this banquet later in the year. Needless to say, I was very proud, and I stuck my chest out a little more yesterday. I had to brag to several people; I just couldn't hold it, haha.
Wasn't that exciting? I tell ya, I was exhausted when I came back to the apartment. Sleeping was not a problem last night.
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