Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Dang.....that's quite a big update you have.

holy crap. I haven't posted in a looong time. Damn, I'm getting bad at this.

well I'll fill ya in on some things that have developed....

I played Ultimate with the Co-Ops this past Sunday. WOW. That was fun as hell. I forgot how great it was to throw the frisbee around. The last time I played any kind of competitive frisbee was back in Paris LAST Christmas. Yeh, that's pretty pathetic. Anyhoo, I felt pretty good about my performance. I can tell that in the future Jason and I will become the Joe Montana-Jerry Rice tandem of Ultimate. He and I connected on a few passes, and we were dead on. I could read his face, and he could read mine. He was able to get a few to me that were PERFECT...it was brilliant. There is a bad side to this though....well if anyone knows me, my soccer-keeper instincts are seen in whatever sport I play. This day was no different. I slid around, dove after a few passes, and even tried to hurt people(only this one guy). That wasn't the bad part...what resulted was. I tweaked my back in the same place that kept me out of half of my freshman and senior years of soccer. Yeh, I guess I aggravated that same spot. Needless to say, my back was not feeling good at all afterwards. It hurt to run at even a sligh pace, just like in high school when I injured it. To make matters worse, I seemed to have pulled BOTH of my calf muscles. So you can just imagine how much it hurt trying to take all my gear off AND take a shower after that. Yeh, not cool.

This obviously made me nervous about this weekend, as Mal is arriving Friday night. I SO didn't wanna be a cripple while she was here; that would be no fun for me OR her. I have therefore been resting all the time since Sunday. I go to work, come home, and just lay down on the bed. I'm also doing some stretching exercises with my calves. I'm feeling better already, so I should be good to go by this weekend. I just don't like that this injury keeps coming back every 2 or 3 years. There is no way in hell I'm gonna be INACTIVE for the rest of my life! I need to get something done about it...maybe something this summer.

Oh yeh, back to this past sunday at Ultimate. Well there was this guy here(NOT a co-op, mind you), and I could tell from the moment he arrived that he thought he was the shit. This guy was a complete dweeb, lemme tell you. If you wanna know what he looks like, just go to IMDB and type in "Fred Meyers (III)". He looked EXACTLY like this guy. And I seriously think he thought he was the best Ultimate player this world has ever seen. Thankfully, he didn't play in my first two games. We then combined the teams for a big game. Well we are on opposite teams, and we are about to throw off to their team. We were all standing around, waiting to start. I could tell the other guys on their team were pointing to me, telling him to cover me. Aite, bring it, I thought. Well, it was as if he had a comment for EVERYTHING during the game, even when the play was on the entire opposite side of the field. We fought for a few in the air a couple of times, and he'd still talk smack. We matched up pretty well; I'd say we split the number we fought for, and I blew by him like the wind a few times. To let you know how much he wanted to follow me on the field, I ran in circles THREE times in a row, just small little circles. He followed me EXACTLY. We went up for one, and I was fighting for it, and he said this(after he won the challenge): "whoah, there's no blocking out the other player, but I'll take it anyway!*laughs*"...If anyone of you know my history, that didn't sit well with me, but I kept my mouth shut the entire game. I promised myself that I was gonna slide tackle him while going for low throw. You know, not really rough him soccer style, but give him a good scare and a shove. Unfortunately, that situation never came about. He even tried telling everyone what they were doing right or wrong according to the rules. Normally that's OK with me; it's good to learn the game(hell, I'm not an Ultimate aficianado), but he did in such a way so you would KNOW how much he knew about the game. He wasn't trying to teach; he was trying to show how much he knew. He loved the sound of his own voice, you could tell. You could also tell that this was the very first team-oriented sport he had ever played; you'd do that in any organized team sport at this age, and you get told to shut the F*#& up quick.

Anyway, that's my rant for the day. You all know that I hate annoying, arrogant opponents.

Jason has just informed me(he came in from playing today) that Ryan(the guy) isn't that bad a person. He said Ryan was quite nice. Well I'm sure that's true, but on the field, he is not my friend. First impression are important...his, not so good with me.

As you might expect, I have decided NOT to compete in the ASCAN game. I just can't risk it. This injury has kept me in check several times already in my life, and I ESPECIALLY don't need that while Mal is here. I did pay for my portion of the food that will be there, so I'm definitely going to watch and eat. I'm sure I'll get another chance to play. I just have to get my back straight.

L-3 days until Mal gets here!!! This week has been/will be so crazy. I'm getting things in my room organized, I have to wash and iron all my nice shirts, polish my dress shoes, clean the bathroom, clean the kitchen, clean my room, makeup my bed, sweep, wash the car, clean the inside of the car, dust the inside, freshen it up, and general cleanup/dusting of the apartment. Whew. Yeh, I know. I'm gonna be busy. I would have washed my car today, but tomorrow is supposed to rain like crazy, so I'm holding that off. I'll do it Thursday. Tomorrow I'll do most of the laundry(shirts, sheets, blankets, pillow cases, towels, etc.), get the food items(I'm cooking breakfast for her Saturday morning), and anything else I can do.

Hopefully I'll post before Mal gets here, but I can't promise anything. Chances are I will post LATE thursday night, when I can't sleep, haha. Friday is gonna be cool. I'm working late Monday thru Wednesday, so I can leave work early on Friday. I'm leaving at 13:00, so I'm gonna go ahead and drive to the airport. I'll see what kind of culture is on that side of Houston, and try to find something to do. I may just bring some of my EGMs and get some reading done. I'll do that or sleep in my car, listening to music. That'd be nice. Who knows. We'll just have to see.

Oh yeh, I said I'd talk about the Oscars......Uhm, they were short. I was very impressed. Oh, and Sean Penn, com'on. He took that joke by Chris Rock waaaaay too seriously. I'm sure Jude Law was saying, "com'on Sean, it was a JOKE. Chill down, cowboy." People need to just calm down sometimes. Otherwise, it was a great show. Robin Williams was hilarious(shocker)!

I'm out. Gotta rest my back :)


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