Tuesday, June 21, 2005

"We named the dog Indiana..."


Ok, so the AFI was honoring George Lucas last night at a banquet in L.A. He was given the Lifetime Achievement Award. I know, that's not exciting, but read on...

So of course, they show featurettes on each of his films, and eventually they got to the Indiana Jones trilogy. Harrison Ford is there at the banquet, and he comes to the podium to talk about the movies and kinda roast George a little bit. Then, at the very end of his talk......

"[talking to George Lucas and Steven Speilberg, producer and director, respectively, of the Indiana Jones Trilogy] George, Steven. If you guys can dream it, then I'm more than ready to do an Indiana Jones 4."[cut to George and Steven, smiling ear to ear. THEY KNOW something!]

So there it is!!! Indiana Jones, ladies and gentlemen, is ON HIS WAY BACK! Now I know you might think this guy is old(and he kinda is), but at this banquet he looked rather young. He looked pretty much like he did in The Last Crusade, except with gray hair(but that can be fixed!).

Just thought I'd let everyone know this great news...later.

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