Thursday, June 30, 2005


Yup, it's late. It's almost 2:30 am Thursday, June 30. I am still up, and I am not tired at all.

I think my body has started making the transition from "work/study" mode to "night owl" mode, which is how my body likes to operate during summer(when there are no classes) and during Christmas break. I've been ready to be in this mode for awhile. There is nothing quite like staying up until 2, 3, or even 4 in the morning(when some really good, old movies come on the tube), sleeping until noon, then going outside and enjoying the day at its best time. It's really great. Starting Friday, I plan on being in this mode until I start work in the fall(which I really don't even want to think about right now. It's summer time for Pete's sake!). Obviously, I'll have to adjust my schedule the next few days, as the final rounds of Wimbledon are in the morning; I will interrupt my mode agenda for those few days. Speaking of The Championships, my girl(Sharapova) is playing tomorrow morn around 9am CST. Definitely tune in; she's taking on Venus Williams, who as of late has a renewed sense of confidence. Sharapova defeated Venus's mammoth of a sister in last year's final, so maybe she's out for revenge, haha.

You're probably thinking, "But Henry, exams are tomorrow! You should be getting some sleep."....well, the first part of that is true; my one final exam is tomorrow. The test isn't until 1:00, and that's good for two reasons: sleep and Wimbledon(see above).

I also have to pack tomorrow :(. Everything I hauled up here for summer school must now go right back into my jeep. I will have some extra luggage/personell this time, though. Trevor has invited Amber to come spend the July 4th weekend with him; however, there is a catch. Trevor is at camp right now, and he will not be returning until Sunday. What on earth will he do!? Of course, he summons his best friend to the scene, and I am charged with the task. Miss Parrot will ride down with me Friday, and she'll stay at the Horne Ranch over night. Trevor will then pick her up on his way back from camp Saturday afternoon. I really don't think Amber is prepared for this; very few ever are or ever will be. The Horne experience is not something to be taken lightly, haha. I'm kidding of course. I think she'll have a good time. My parents met her at Gareth's wedding, so they already know something about her. I warned her, though. If the weather is shotty, chances are good that I will be sitting in my room playing the deluge of games that just arrived from my ebay orders. Hopefully the weather will be nice, and I'll have time for some disc golf.

I am seriously craving some of my mom's cooking. True, I have been sticking to certain foods for workout purposes, but as long as my meals are built around those foods, I am good to go. With that said, I am ready to eat!

This weekend is also going to be exciting for one very simple reason: War of the Worlds. I am seriouly pumped for this movie, and I have tried my hardest not to watch the tv spots or trailers that tend to show too much as the movie approaches(can you say Fantastic Four?). I eagerly await Saturday night...

And we all knew this time would come. Yes, it's true. I have begun to pre-shop for my next television purchase. No more cathod-ray tubes anymore. No sir'ee. We're talking flat panel, LCD, HD-ready, PIP, ultra high resolution televisions. I'm in the big leagues now, so I need a tv that is up to the challenge. I also am lookin for a new sound system. Obviously, both of these will cost some serious cash, and since I already have a perfectly fine television, I will concentrate on the sound system. I probably wont have a new tv until summer '06, but it's never to early to start looking :)

I guess I'll read a little bit before I hit the sack. I figure I can review some of the stuff I have forgotten since my last "real" college class.


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