Saturday, June 04, 2005

Welcome Back to Academia

WHEW! First week of school is gone, and I am exhausted...

I'm kidding, of course. This week of school flew by. I'm taking Art Appreciation and Public Speaking, trying to fulfill some of my electives while also taking a class I have to eventually take. Art App. is actually quite interesting. My teacher is a hoot; he looks like a cross between Peter from Office Space and a younger, skinnier Oliver Platt. Anyway, he's just cool as hell. He knows his shit, and he's funny to boot. I alreayd know this class will be a piece of cake. Public speaking is already fun. I have no problem whatsoever getting up in front of people and talking( I was a paid magician during middle and junior high, after all), so this is just a class I can use to talk about things I enjoy. For example, my teacher said she had a student do a speech before on how the U.S. faked the moon landing. She said he(the student) did a really good job, and that means that she prolly believes him. Obviously, this got me riled up, so I decided that later on in this class I'll do a speech that debunks the conspiracies and proves that we DID land on the moon. I swear, some people are so so so STUPID. You throw any one of those theories at me, and I can disprove it in a heartbeat. All it takes is a little common sense. I think that all those who don't believe we landed on the moon should be deported.....or shot or something, I dunno.

Sorry, I got into a rant.

My first speech was an "icebreaker" speech, where I brought an item and described how it related to me. I brought my newly acquired Ultimate disc, and I used that as my vehicle for describing how my life pretty much revolves around sports, baseball and hockey in particular. I knocked them dead, although that really wasn't too hard. Some people, though, WHOAH. They really do suck at public speaking. No one has any animation or boom to their voices. I kinda cringe whenever I have to endure some of the really bad speeches...

well I sincerely believe that my cellphone is the root of all my phone problems. Amber and Bell both have Cingular, and their phones work fine. My phone, even though it has full bars of service, cuts out all the time. I rarely have a full conversation on the phone because of this problem. I can't even recieve calls in my room or the apartment!!! So, I'm gonna try to go to the Cingular place here sometime soon and maybe get a new phone. I firmly believe that will solve my problems. I mean, this thing has been happening for almost 1.5 years...time for it to go away.

I think our summer trip has been decided. We nixed the Busch Gardens Williamsburg idea......kinda. I suggested Busch Gardens Tampa, instead. Why? Well, several reasons:
  • Tampa is about a 250 mile shorter drive(that's cutting off 3 hours of driving!).
  • The Tampa nightlife is probably much more exciting thatn Williamsburg's.
  • Busch Gardens Tampa has SIX thrill rides, as apposed to TWO at Wburg.
  • Finally(and probably most importantly), the Red Sox are coming to Tampa in July.
So it's really a no-brainer after all that. The Sox will be in town the 25-27th of July, so that is our target date. We're workin on the details. For some reason, I have a feeling that one of those days will be the date Discovery launches from Cape Canaveral....but that's just me.

Today was the first sunny day since I've been in Starkville, so after Public Speaking I threw on my soccer shorts and went out to the fields to kick the ball around and work on my touch for a few hours. That was actually kinda nice. No one is here to begin with, and Bell left for the weekend to go home; that leaves very few people to hang out with. It was good to just go by myself to the fields, kick the ball around, get some sun, and just relax by myself...very soothing, if you ask me.

Sox are starting to play in championship form again. We got a nice streak going, with a walkoff homer last night and a strong win tonight agains the Angels. Orioles lost today too, so now we're only 2 games behind them. GO SOX.

well it's late. I'm not tired, but it's late. Maybe I'll read some new recipes in my smoothie book.

everyone have a good weekend. (Sox are on FOX television tomorrow at 1:15 Easter. Tune in!!)

-The H

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