Monday, January 17, 2005

another work week

well I was productive today at work. I finished the ISS familiarization manual, which is just an overview of all the systems that are working in unison on the station. That took me A WEEK, so that gives you an idea of how big it that meant I could start reading the CDH manual...basically, this is the manual I read to get ready for my ODIN manual. Yeh, I'm excited. I actually get this stuff...dunno if it's just easy to read or what...but I have already learned TONS about networking, laptops, and servers. Unbelievable...

I dont really know why, but I have had the BIGGEST urge to see this movie. I cant understand it. But I feel it. I really really really wanna see....................Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves. Yeh, you read that right. I am SO buying that come this weekend, using my first paycheck. It cant be more than 10 bucks at best buy. I had to download the robin hood theme today. I had to hear it. I'm pumped about watching that.

this weekend starts mine and jason's pursuit of culinary excellence. From now on, every week, we shall eat at a NEW restaurant and test our palettes. We might become food snobs, who knows...

TOMORROW NIGHT, ESPN....Mississippi State vs Alabama...uhm yeh, I'm gonna be watching that. GO DAWGS!!!

And this weekend starts my workout regimen. Yes that's correct. I'm in perfect weather almost constantly, so I'm going to take advantage of it. I wanna look good this summer season, and I want a decent tan as well. We got ourselves a pool here at the apartments, so why not exploit it? So all that(not the pool part, too cold) starts this weekend. Should be exciting.

well i'm off to bed. Tomorrow...well I dont quite know what I'm gonna do tomorrow at work. HOW EXCITING!

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