Sunday, January 16, 2005

An In-Depth Look

Well ok, you can read that stuff to the right over there and learn about my interests, favorite movies, and the sort, but that's about all you can learn. Since I'm still just starting this weblog, I have to give all the necessary background info. So now, I'm gonna give you a closer look at my family...

First things first, I guess. My family. Oh boy, there is SO much to tell. I should prolly start with the people that began my family, my parents. My dad, William E. Horne Jr.(we usually just say his name as "Bill Horne". His last name is pretty much part of his first name, especially to my fam.) He is the Director of the Duncan Gray Center in Canton, MS. Awesome place: camp, conference center, lakes, and most importantly, a great chef and a great disc golf course.

Mom(aka Trudy Horne, Trud-to-tha-D, and T-dawg)---she has her own business, and she runs it out of our home. She IS Collars Etc., Pattern Company. She makes all kinds of things, and if I tried to describe the awesomeness of any of them, I'd do her work a sever injustice. Just know that they're rockin'.

Will---my oldest brother. Mississippi State graduate in architecture. Lives in Boston w/ his girlfriend, Andrea.

Carolyn---my oldest sister. Mississippi State grad. in graphic design. Lives in Fairfax, VA with her husband:

Richard---my oldest brother-in-law. Not sure exactly where he went to school, but he's done ALOT and he knows his stuff. He and Caro married Jan 3, 2004.

John---little older than I am, little younger than Carolyn is. Will graduate Mississippi State in May 2005 with a degree in Computer Engineering. After that he will work for the Department of Defense.

Well there ya go. That's my family.

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