Sunday, May 15, 2005

Nashville...Chicago....AND Williamsburg

Well I have to head to, but I'm not bothered. I only have THREE DAYS LEFT of work!! Woo hooo! I'm so ready to get back to MS/TN and relax. Seriously, you have no idea how much I'm ready to get back home. Just a few more days. I can make it...

Well last night was Henry County High School's Prom. I hope Lauren had a good time. She called me Friday night with alllll this high school drama that going on right before the prom. Haha, boy, do I know how THAT feels or what! I calmed her down and assured her everything would be OK, and since I didn't get a call last night, I assume it went smoothly...

Our numbers are growing for the Episode III trip to Nashville. Josh, Matt, and I are going to be at the helm...Jacob Wilson, Jacob Crouch, Richie K., Adam Jones, Adam Bell, and several others are going to give us an answer soon. This may turn out to be MUCH bigger than I planned! Oh well, the more the merrier, especially with that group of guys. We're definitely gonna need some walkie-talkies....hmm...

The other day, Dan mentioned to me that he and Adam Brown were going to Chicago to see the U.S. soccer team play England. The game is on the 28th, so I technically could make that. I'm very interested in going. The Cubs do have a few home games that weekend as well....Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not...

Well, I'm headed to the J. Latre!

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