Thursday, November 17, 2005


Well it's safe to say I am ready for tomorrow's premiere of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Yes, I am going to see that movie. Why? Mainly because(until recently) I had no earthly idea what the friggin movies were about. I decided that since I had not seen any of the previous 3 films, I would watch them this week and cap it off with the new movie on Friday. I borrowed the dvds from a co-worker of mine, and I watched the 3 movies yesterday and today. Turns out that all the co-ops are going to the movie tomorrow, so that should be fun.

The movies are alright. DEFINITELY some Lord of the Rings influence...invisible cloaks, menacing trees(althought that was originally a Wizard of Oz idea), flying "wraiths", etcetera etcetera. I wish the movies were more of a Saga than just a series of short stories. Nothing really carries over from movie to movie. I wish there were cliff hangers after each one; you know, something that makes you say, "I HAVE to see the next movie." Nevertheless, they are entertaining. The 3rd movie was especially well presented, and it used the theme of time exceptionally well.

Bought the tickets today. Yup, that's right. Josh Collums, Matt, Trevor, and I are going to see the Colorado Avalanche play the Nashville Predators on December 20th. I can't wait!

It's getting colder down here in H-town. THANK GOD. It's about damn time. Viva la cold front!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know if you read the books it flows a little better oh wait nope flows A LOT better! Those movies only show so much.